Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – News and Happenings at Trinity - December 26, 2010
As Christmas is past, we now look toward a new year. It can be compared to a new page in our lives, fresh, clean, and untarnished. What will you do with it? Will you make it count for something good in your life, in the lives of your other family members and in the lives of those who need you concern and care? Will you continue to keep the four Christmas Gifts that cannot be broken that God has given you—Joy, Peace, Love and Hope?
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to Jan Aslin and Fran Hendley for the wonderful Children’s Christmas Program last Monday evening. They, along with many helpers, put together another opportunity for the children to learn first hand about the birth of Jesus Christ. Trinity has such a wealth of talent from the youngest to the older ones in our children’s and youth departments.
Thank you, also, to those who decorated the tables in the dining room and provided refreshments following the program. Again, Trinity’s talent was displayed at the informal program of Christmas songs.
There will be no JOY service on Wednesday night of this week. Join us again on January 5,
SPECIAL TREAT FOR TRINITY: Next Sunday, January 2, Tricia Reagan Clark will be singing for us at the 9:30 service. Tricia’s father, Bro. Dallas Reagan, was the pastor of Bloomfield’s Assembly of God Church for many years. He and Mrs. Reagan along with their four children, Treva, Eddie, Doyle and Tricia, were all very active in the life of the school and the community. Tricia, along with Joanne Westbrook, will be singing on the final night of the annual Christmas Tournament. They were classmates and graduated from BHS. Tricia is presently working as plant manager for Kraft at Bentonville, Arkansas. Hope we can give her a big Trinity welcome.
Food ministry continues to be items to make soup.
CORRECTION: I made a BIG mistake in last week’s newsletter. When writing the thank you note from Julie Dodd about the Annual Clause for a Cause - the amount raised for the Juvenile Diabetes and the American Cancer Society should have read $3,000, not $300. My apologies for the error.
Family of Robert Green - Tressa Lane’s cousin’s husband who died.
Harold Foster - Vicky Glass’ stepfather who has been ill with pneumonia.
David Keating - Pat Snider’s sister’s brother in law who has stage 4 cancer and has been hospitalized.
Virginia Hanner and family - Shirley Hanner’s brother is not doing well and has been told that it is just a matter of time.
Wilda Mae Arms - Stephanie Monroe’s grandmother was hospitalized for fainting and minor injuries.
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom who has been hospitalized for several days with severe back pain.
Becky Dennington - cancer and receiving treatments.
Ernie Long - Shannon Heilman’s brother who had knee surgery
Shylah Melvin - Carrie Green’s niece who had a car accident; is having much pain and cannot go back to work.
Stefanie Gray - has lymphoma. She is Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Peggy McEnerney – has cancer and had surgery last week.
Marvin Ruddell - Brother of Brenda Wells who has cancer is going through chemo.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe; he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White Charlie Glass Mucuacua UMC
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk - News and activities at Trinity – December 12, 2010
We welcome Shirley Hanner and Charles Jackson as new members to Trinity! We pray they will find ways to serve God through Trinity and that their hearts will be warmed with our friendship.
Wednesday, December 15 - JOY service @ 6:00 p.m. - A service of praise and prayers.
Trinity Singers rehearsal @ 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 18 - Loin pick up between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. If you want it left in the frig until Sunday,
please contact Jill via email or 568-3934.
Sunday, December 19 - Full breakfast – 9:00 a.m.
Practice for Children’s Christmas Program at 2:00 p.m.
Holiday potluck dinner @ 5:00 p.m. The meat will be provided. Everyone invited.
Monday, December 20 - Children’s Christmas program, “The Biggest Christmas Present Ever” - 6:30
You are invited to bring “goodies or snacks” to share during the fellowship time
after the program. We will be having special music during our fellowship time by
Trinity’s musicians.
Wednesday, December 22 - Blue Christmas worship service @ 7:00 p.m. A quiet service for those who do
not feel like celebrating the season.
Friday, December 24 - Christmas Eve worship service @ 7:00 p.m. A service of mystery, wonder and awe
as we wait for the birth of the Christ Child.
PLEASE NOTE: Lina Gibbs is doing a schedule for Sunday Club for 2011. She asks if anyone not on the prior year's schedule might like to be added or if anyone already on needs to be removed. Also, in an effort to get the nursery back up and running, volunteers are needed for that. If you are interested in that, both the 9:30 and 11:00 services, please let Lina know which time. Lina says, “Thanks to all for the hard work and effort you put in to make a difference in the lives of our children! Please email me, lgblue34@yahoo.com this weekend if possible as I will try to do those schedules soon. Thanks and have a wonderful week.”
Thanks to those who decorated the Christmas tree and a special thanks to the youth for a new tree—taller and slimmer.
Christmas Cards for the shut ins/military numbered a total of 370 cards. The UMW wishes to thank all who participated, and we hope it makes Christmas a little brighter for those who are shut in or are away from home.
UMW MEMBERS AND GUESTS enjoyed their annual Christmas lunch at the Hickory Log on Wednesday. They were especially pleased that Colleen Phillips, a resident of Cypress Point, was able to attend. Christmas memories and lots of laughs were shared.
TUMC GIRLS’ CHRISTMAS PARTY a huge success. Over 40 members and guests met on Monday evening for their annual Christmas Party. The meal was beautifully catered by Janet Palmer and Judy Ackman. The meal and desserts were delicious. The entertainment was a rendition of the “Twelve Days of Christmas,” one that had never been seen before. There were Lords a-leaping, Swans s-swimming, and Geese a-laying, not to mention the verses being somewhat jumbled. Now that was entertainment. The gift exchange turned into a friendly game of stealing certain gifts – two elephant-related gifts being the most popular. The party was another wonderful evening of fellowship shared with good friends enjoying good food and fun. Janet Palmer deserves extra thanks for offering to leave the beautiful window decorations and the Christmas tree in the fellowship Hall for the duration of the holidays. Thanks to everyone who attended and made the evening a success.
Food ministry this month includes items to make soup.
Stefanie Gray has lymphoma - She is Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Peggy McEnerney – had surgery for breast cancer
Marvin Ruddell - Brother of Brenda Wells who has cancer is going through chemo.
Yvonne Morris - Nora Statler works with her and her mom has 6 months to live.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe; he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter - has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin
Hazel Patrick
Greg Hall
Blake Harris
Dan Duncan
Sarah White
Charlie Glass
Mucuacua UMC
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – News and Announcements for the week – December 5, 2010
With Thanksgiving weekend behind us, it is now time to turn our thoughts to the Advent and Christmas Season. Just 20 day from today is Christmas. There are many preparations to be made for this, but let us remember to prepare our hearts first and foremost.
(1) Jan Aslin is working on a children’s program for Monday evening, December 20, with practice on Sunday the 19th. She needs to know whether or not your children would like to participate. The program will much in the same form as last year where the children dress and act the parts, but have no speaking lines. (A narrator will tell the story.) PLEASE CONTACT JAN BY E-MAIL OR PHONE (568-2256) AND LET HER KNOW ABOUT YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN’S PARTICIPATION. All are welcome to be in the program, but she cannot proceed with knowing how many children she will have to fill the roles.
(2 Cissy Williams sends this message: “So sorry we had to cancel our Sunday to sing last week. Dale is doing much better and continues to improve. I would very much like to try to get Trinity Singers together to sing Christmas carols during both worship services on Dec. 19.
If you love music, love Christmas carols, please come and join us for practice on Wednesday night, Dec. 15 at 7:00 following the JOY service. The music will be easy and fun. Join us!”
We welcome Shirley Hanner and Charles Jackson as new members to Trinity today! We trust that both these persons and Trinity will grow in faith and service through their membership.
On Tuesday, December 7, TUMC Girls will have their Christmas party in the church dining room at 6:00 PM. Please bring a $5-10 Christmas ornament or other Christmas item to share.
Wednesday, December 8, the United Methodist Women will enjoy a Christmas lunch at Hickory Log at 11:00 a.m. Bring a friend and enjoy.
Wednesday – December 8, 6 p.m. - JOY service - a service of praise and prayers. We’ll be singing lots of Christmas carols.
Wednesday - December 8, 6:30 pm - Meet at church to finish decorating for Christmas.
December 18 – Pick up loins that were ordered from the youth.
December 19 – Full breakfast 9:00 a.m.
December 19 - Pick up wrapped gifts (done by youth) from 2-4 p.m.
December 22 – Blue Christmas Worship service – a service especially designed for those who have lost loved
ones this year.
December 24 – Christmas Eve Worship service – 7 p.m.
Today is the last day for Christmas Dinner items for the food pantry at the Assembly of God.
(New concerns in bold.)
Marvin Ruddell - Brother of Brenda Wells who has cancer is going through chemo.
Yvonne Morris - Nora Statler works with her and her mom has 6 months to live.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe and he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White Charlie Glass
With Thanksgiving weekend behind us, it is now time to turn our thoughts to the Advent and Christmas Season. Just 20 day from today is Christmas. There are many preparations to be made for this, but let us remember to prepare our hearts first and foremost.
(1) Jan Aslin is working on a children’s program for Monday evening, December 20, with practice on Sunday the 19th. She needs to know whether or not your children would like to participate. The program will much in the same form as last year where the children dress and act the parts, but have no speaking lines. (A narrator will tell the story.) PLEASE CONTACT JAN BY E-MAIL OR PHONE (568-2256) AND LET HER KNOW ABOUT YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN’S PARTICIPATION. All are welcome to be in the program, but she cannot proceed with knowing how many children she will have to fill the roles.
(2 Cissy Williams sends this message: “So sorry we had to cancel our Sunday to sing last week. Dale is doing much better and continues to improve. I would very much like to try to get Trinity Singers together to sing Christmas carols during both worship services on Dec. 19.
If you love music, love Christmas carols, please come and join us for practice on Wednesday night, Dec. 15 at 7:00 following the JOY service. The music will be easy and fun. Join us!”
We welcome Shirley Hanner and Charles Jackson as new members to Trinity today! We trust that both these persons and Trinity will grow in faith and service through their membership.
On Tuesday, December 7, TUMC Girls will have their Christmas party in the church dining room at 6:00 PM. Please bring a $5-10 Christmas ornament or other Christmas item to share.
Wednesday, December 8, the United Methodist Women will enjoy a Christmas lunch at Hickory Log at 11:00 a.m. Bring a friend and enjoy.
Wednesday – December 8, 6 p.m. - JOY service - a service of praise and prayers. We’ll be singing lots of Christmas carols.
Wednesday - December 8, 6:30 pm - Meet at church to finish decorating for Christmas.
December 18 – Pick up loins that were ordered from the youth.
December 19 – Full breakfast 9:00 a.m.
December 19 - Pick up wrapped gifts (done by youth) from 2-4 p.m.
December 22 – Blue Christmas Worship service – a service especially designed for those who have lost loved
ones this year.
December 24 – Christmas Eve Worship service – 7 p.m.
Today is the last day for Christmas Dinner items for the food pantry at the Assembly of God.
(New concerns in bold.)
Marvin Ruddell - Brother of Brenda Wells who has cancer is going through chemo.
Yvonne Morris - Nora Statler works with her and her mom has 6 months to live.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe and he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White Charlie Glass
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – All the news and happenings at Trinity – November 28, 2010
Pastor Susan opens the Advent Season today with the first of this season’s series, “The Christmas Gifts that Won’t Break.” It’s a beautiful, magical and deeply spiritual time of the year. You are invited to enter into the spirit of the season through singing, reading the Scriptures, prayer, and meditation.
Wednesday – JOY – 6 p.m.- a service of prayers and praise.
Dec. 6 – TUMC GIRLS Christmas party at Shenanigans in Essex. Meet at Trinity at 5:45 p.m. Invite your friends and join us. Please bring a $5-$10 Christmas ornament or other Christmas item for the gift exchange. RSVP to Cathy Chasten by December 3 at clchasteen@sbcglobal.net or 568-2239.
Food ministry for the month is anything for a Christmas dinner.
RADA KNIFE ORDERS will be taken until the Monday after Thanksgiving (tomorrow). If you wish to order knives, food items, candles, or other great Christmas gifts, please call Rosemary at 568-3425 or send an e-mail. If you need to see a catalog, please let her know. A special thank you to Sonja Hobbs and Jan Aslin for their assistance in getting orders for us.
IT’S PORK LOIN TIME AGAIN: If you are planning to serve pork loin sometime during the Christmas holiday, the TUMC youth group will be taking orders soon. The loins will be ready to pick up on Saturday, December 18th. The youth will not be soliciting you; you will need to ask them or e-mail Jill Gibbs at jillgibbs34@gmail.com They will have receipts and a sign up sheet if you want one (or more). This is a great opportunity to get you your holiday meat, and the Gibbs’ loins are the best!! The youth appreciate your continued support.
The Christmas List for Trinity’s shut ins and military can be found on the table in the foyer. If you wish, you are invited to take a copy of the list and prepare Christmas cards for any or all names on the list. Return these to the church by December 5. UMW members will sort and distribute the cards in plenty of time for recipients to enjoy them throughout the Christmas season.
UMW will meet on December 8 for their annual Christmas gathering at the Hickory Log restaurant in Dexter. Bring friends or family with you to enjoy this final gathering for 2010. Dutch treat and no reservations required – just be there by 11 a.m.
HO-HO-HO--Need help with your Christmas wrapping? Bring your presents with you to church on Sunday, December 19, and Santa’s little elves will help you with this. You will need to bring the gift and a box. The wrapping paper, tape, bows and name tags will be provided. If you will be out on this Sunday but still need help with your wrapping, contact Jill Gibbs; she will get a time worked out with you. Please pick up your gifts between 2 - 4 p.m.
CHILDREN’S PROGRAM – Again this year the children of Trinity will present their program on Monday night, December 20. Keep that date open, please, and keep December 19 (Sunday afternoon) open for a one-time practice for the program.
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGERS NEEDED! Bell Ringers are needed during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. In this area, Daeoc organizes this ministry. If you will help “ring that bell” this year, please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.
Free your heart from hatred
Free your mind from worries
Live simply
Give more
Expect less
(From Marcia’s prayer on Friday)
Lord, the harvest time is past for another year, and
We thank you for the abundance from your hand.
We look forward to the Season of Glad Tidings. Amen
Family of Fonnie McClane – Cousin of Vicky Breese
James Dodd – injured calf muscle
Larry Jones – Lung cancer; Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye
Don Scott - cancer
Larry Pinney – Marcia Metcalf’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick
Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White
Charles Glass Mucuacua UMC
Pastor Susan opens the Advent Season today with the first of this season’s series, “The Christmas Gifts that Won’t Break.” It’s a beautiful, magical and deeply spiritual time of the year. You are invited to enter into the spirit of the season through singing, reading the Scriptures, prayer, and meditation.
Wednesday – JOY – 6 p.m.- a service of prayers and praise.
Dec. 6 – TUMC GIRLS Christmas party at Shenanigans in Essex. Meet at Trinity at 5:45 p.m. Invite your friends and join us. Please bring a $5-$10 Christmas ornament or other Christmas item for the gift exchange. RSVP to Cathy Chasten by December 3 at clchasteen@sbcglobal.net or 568-2239.
Food ministry for the month is anything for a Christmas dinner.
RADA KNIFE ORDERS will be taken until the Monday after Thanksgiving (tomorrow). If you wish to order knives, food items, candles, or other great Christmas gifts, please call Rosemary at 568-3425 or send an e-mail. If you need to see a catalog, please let her know. A special thank you to Sonja Hobbs and Jan Aslin for their assistance in getting orders for us.
IT’S PORK LOIN TIME AGAIN: If you are planning to serve pork loin sometime during the Christmas holiday, the TUMC youth group will be taking orders soon. The loins will be ready to pick up on Saturday, December 18th. The youth will not be soliciting you; you will need to ask them or e-mail Jill Gibbs at jillgibbs34@gmail.com They will have receipts and a sign up sheet if you want one (or more). This is a great opportunity to get you your holiday meat, and the Gibbs’ loins are the best!! The youth appreciate your continued support.
The Christmas List for Trinity’s shut ins and military can be found on the table in the foyer. If you wish, you are invited to take a copy of the list and prepare Christmas cards for any or all names on the list. Return these to the church by December 5. UMW members will sort and distribute the cards in plenty of time for recipients to enjoy them throughout the Christmas season.
UMW will meet on December 8 for their annual Christmas gathering at the Hickory Log restaurant in Dexter. Bring friends or family with you to enjoy this final gathering for 2010. Dutch treat and no reservations required – just be there by 11 a.m.
HO-HO-HO--Need help with your Christmas wrapping? Bring your presents with you to church on Sunday, December 19, and Santa’s little elves will help you with this. You will need to bring the gift and a box. The wrapping paper, tape, bows and name tags will be provided. If you will be out on this Sunday but still need help with your wrapping, contact Jill Gibbs; she will get a time worked out with you. Please pick up your gifts between 2 - 4 p.m.
CHILDREN’S PROGRAM – Again this year the children of Trinity will present their program on Monday night, December 20. Keep that date open, please, and keep December 19 (Sunday afternoon) open for a one-time practice for the program.
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGERS NEEDED! Bell Ringers are needed during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. In this area, Daeoc organizes this ministry. If you will help “ring that bell” this year, please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.
Free your heart from hatred
Free your mind from worries
Live simply
Give more
Expect less
(From Marcia’s prayer on Friday)
Lord, the harvest time is past for another year, and
We thank you for the abundance from your hand.
We look forward to the Season of Glad Tidings. Amen
Family of Fonnie McClane – Cousin of Vicky Breese
James Dodd – injured calf muscle
Larry Jones – Lung cancer; Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye
Don Scott - cancer
Larry Pinney – Marcia Metcalf’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick
Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White
Charles Glass Mucuacua UMC
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk - All the news and upcoming events - November 14, 2010
TODAY: SUNDAY, November 14, the Church Council will meet immediately after the 11 a.m. worship service. This is open to all who are interested in the business of Trinity.
Our annual Charge Conference is at 7 p.m., tomorrow evening, November 15, at Trinity. This will be a joint meeting with Bell City, Advance, and Sadlers Chapel participating. Our District Superintendent will conduct the conference. Annual reports from the churches are presented along with conversation about the best practices of each church for reaching out to others. The meeting is open to everyone.
Wednesday – JOY - Trinity’s prayer and praise service @ 6:00 p.m. A great time to sing, share prayer concerns, and hear another of Pastor Susan’s inspiring devotions. Thanks to Marcia Metcalf for filling in for Pastor Susan last week; great job!
COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE – Next Sunday, 6 p.m., with St. Joe General Baptist as host. Hopefully, the new pastor at First Baptist will speak (not confirmed, yet). If he does not, Bro. Bob Holland will.
Next Sunday, November 21, will be our All Saints Recognition – A Time of Remembering those loved ones who have died in the last year. This will be observed at all three services.
TRINITY SINGERS will practice Tuesday night, November 23, at 6:00 PM. Anyone and everyone who wants to sing is invited to participate. Cissy Williams directs and says they will be singing Sunday, Nov. 28 at the 9:30 and 11 AM services.
CALLING ALL SHOEBOXES! Just one more week until we dedicate shoeboxes for kids all over the world. We need your filled shoeboxes with $7.00 for shipping by next Sunday, November 21. The list of suggested gifts, age brackets and labels for the boxes are on the table in the foyer.
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGERS NEEDED! Can you “ring that bell” during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. Daeoc organizes this important ministry in this area. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. If you will help “ring that bell” this year, please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.
Note from Julie Ross Dodd:
Join me on Friday, November 19th from 6-8 at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Bloomfield, MO for pictures with Santa.....and much, much more!! Thank You for helping to promote a great cause for 2 awesome charities! The Stoddard County Relay for Life and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. BELIEVE IN A CURE!!!!!
RADA KNIFE ORDERS will be taken until the Monday after Thanksgiving. If you wish to order knives, food items, candles, or other gifts, please call Rosemary at 568-3425 or send an e-mail. If you need to see a catalog, please let her know.
The UMW members sponsored the party for those who have birthdays in November at the Golden Living Nursing Facility on Friday. Songs, a short devotion, and refreshments of cake and punch were enjoyed. The women also assembled their Thanksgiving Basket to be given as a love gift. A special thanks to Barb Rice for helping us with the singing and the devotional.
SCHOOL EVENT: The “Yee Haw Show” will be held at the BHS gymnasium on Thursday, November 18, at 6:30 p.m. Among other features will be Duo Maggie Thorn and Joe Northern singing “Louisiana Woman and Mississippi Man.” Proceeds will be used for the school’s choir needs.
Food ministry items this month: anything for a Christmas dinner.
Larry Jones – battling lung cancer; pray for genetic marker to be found in order for successful treatment.
Larry’s daughter, Lora Galati, is a very close friend to Stephanie Monroe.
Kristine Jackson who is recovering from surgery on Nov. 8.
Tina Lawhorn - MRI for mass on neck
Suzanne Burch
Cecil Vincent, Jr.
Don Scott - cancer
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Earl Hancock Arlene Hopkin’s son-in-law with severe kidney and heart problems.
Deanna Kelly - Guillain-Barr Syndrome and is paralyzed.
Sarah White Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Greg Hall Charlie Glass Mucuacua UMC
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk - All the news and upcoming events - November 7, 2010
THANKS TO ALL who helped in any way with the spaghetti supper on Friday night. As usual, the food was delicious, the service outstanding, and the fellowship with community was wonderful.
DO YOU NEED A CHALLENGE? FIND YOURSELF WITH NOTHING USEFUL TO DO THIS WEEK? Check the calendar below for ways to serve your church, ways to reach out to others, ways to spread the word of God’s Love.
WEDNESDAY – JOY, Trinity’s prayer and praise service @ 6:00 p.m. A great time to sing, share prayer concerns, and hear another of Pastor Susan’s inspiring devotions.
THURSDAY, November 11, at 10 a.m. the Faculty, Staff, and Students of Bloomfield Schools invite you to their annual VETERAN’S DAY SALUTE to all Missouri Veterans. Honored guests will be all current or former members of the armed services and their families. Guests may enter the gym through the pass-gate doors on the south side of the gym. Special VIP seating will be on the gym floor; guests should arrive between 9:30 and 9:50. Please help make this a great day for servicemen and women and the Bloomfield School District.
FRIDAY, November 12 - The United Methodist Women will meet at Golden Living Care Center (2:30) to help celebrate November birthdays with five of the residents, Betty Aslin, Clarence Taylor, Dale Hudgens, Libby Merideth and Bobbie Jones. Please join us at 3:00 p.m. UM Women will also assemble their Thanksgiving Food Basket at this time.
WOMEN – Save Saturday, November 13, for the 1st Baptist’s annual Women’s Fall Brunch. 10 a.m. Always excellent food, good fellowship, lots of door prizes and an inspirational program.
SUNDAY, November 14, the Church Council will meet immediately after the 11 a.m. worship service. This is open to all who are interested in the business of Trinity.
Our annual Charge Conference is at 7 p.m., November 15, at Trinity. This will be a joint meeting with Bell City, Advance, and Sadler’s Chapel participating. The churches meet together in order to share their outreach ideas to better serve God in their respective communities. It gives all participants new ideas that could be implemented in their churches. Our District Superintendent will conduct the conference at which time annual reports from the churches are presented. The meeting is open to everyone.
Note from Julie Ross Dodd:
Join me on Friday, November 19th from 6-8 at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Bloomfield, MO for pictures with Santa.....and much, much more!! Thank You for helping to promote a great cause for 2 awesome charities! The Stoddard County Relay for Life and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. BELIEVE IN A CURE!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TO MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS WHO MADE THE HONOR ROLL THIS QUARTER. Sixth Grade: Alex Gibbs and Collin Wilson. Seventh Grade: Tyler Battles, Nate Cazee, and Andrew Northern. Eighth Grade: Whitney Cecil, Charlie Glass, Emily O’Neal, Rachel Pullum, and Sophie Thorn. (Information taken from the local newspaper.)
SAMARITAN SHOE BOX TIME AGAIN: This project is for children in disadvantaged countries. Just select a firm shoebox or a plastic shoe box and fill it with gifts for a boy or girl in age categories 2-4; 5-9; 10-14. If may include a picture of you or your family, write a short note, and always pray for the child who will receive your box. Add a check for $7 to Samaritan’s Purse. Secure with a heavy rubber band around the box and bring it to the church by Nov. 21. “Your gift of love may be the door God uses to open a child’s heart to Jesus Christ,” stated Franklin Graham, President of Samaritan’s Purse. Gift ideas and labels are on the table in the foyer or may be downloaded at www/samaritanspurse.org/
CALLING ALL BELL RINGERS! Our help is needed to “ring that bell” during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. Daeoc organizes this important ministry in this area. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. Will you help us “ring that bell” this year? Please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.
TUMC GIRLS met on Tuesday night for fun and business. Mary Thorn gave a very inspirational devotion. As it happened to be Mary’s birthday, Lara surprised her with a cake and Patty Hobbs and Sue Mayo, hostesses, provided additional refreshments. Final plans were put in place for the spaghetti supper. Hendleys graciously donated the beef again, which is very much appreciated. The upcoming TUMC Christmas party was discussed. The date, time and place will be announced soon.
Food Ministry – Items for a Christmas Basket.
Cecil Vincent, Jr. – treatments completed; surgery on Tuesday, Nov. 9.
Uldean Lambert - heart surgery on Oct. 31
Tina Lawhorn - mass on her neck; also back spasms
Duke Hudson – friend of Brooke Smith; wife died Wednesday of massive heart attack.
Don Scott - cancer
Larry Pinney Marcia’s uncle - cancer
Earl Hancock Arlene Hopkin’s son-in-law - severe kidney and heart problems.
Deanna Kelly - Guillain-Barr Syndrome and is paralyzed.
Levi and Isabella, Amy Heaton’s babies, born at 30 weeks, cousin of Julie Dodd
Dan Duncan Sarah White Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Blake Harris Greg Hall Charlie Glass Mucuacua UMC
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – Trinity’s Weekly Newsletter – October 31, 2010
GREAT TRUNK OR TREAT!! A wonderful night for a community of wonderful kids. Thanks to Lina, Jill, Willie/Cathy/Heather, Susan, Mary, Lara, JoAnne/Marla, Annette, Fran, Marcia, Jan, Vicki, Friend of Carrie's for providing trunks and to the Grillers, Willie, Stan, and Grant. Barb Rice was in charge of the sign-ups for the Basket give away.
Thanks to the Trinity Singers and Cissy Williams for the beautiful worship music today.
Tuesday, November 2 - TUMC Girls meeting @ 7:00 p.m. – also Election Day.
Wednesday, November 3 – JOY, Trinity’s prayer and praise service @ 6:00 p.m.
Friday, November 5 – ANNUAL SPAGHETTI SUPPER sponsored by the TUMC Girls. Many workers will be needed – kitchen duty, clean-up, carry-outs, homemade desserts, ticket sellers, and more. Please reserve this date and plan to help where you can. Tickets: Adults - $8; Children - $4; kids under 4 eat free. Serving from 5 to 7 p.m. Carry-outs available at 3:30.
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7. Be sure to “fall back” on Saturday night – get that extra hour of sleep.
On November 11, at 10 a.m. the Faculty, Staff, and Students of Bloomfield Schools invite you to their annual VETERAN’S DAY SALUTE to all Missouri Veterans. Honored guests will be all current or former members of the armed services and their families. Guests may enter the gym through the pass-gate doors on the south side of the gym. Special VIP seating will be on the gym floor; guests should arrive between 9:30 and 9:50. Please help make this a great day for servicemen and women and the Bloomfield School District.
COMING UP ON NOVEMBER 12: UMW will sponsor the monthly birthday party at the Golden Living Nursing Center at 3 p.m. There will be singing, sharing birthday cards, birthday cake and punch, and lots of friendly smiles and handshakes. This is a great opportunity to spread a little kindness to the residents there.
You are invited to join in this celebration.
WOMEN – Save Saturday, November 13, for the 1st Baptist’s annual Women’s Fall Brunch. 10 a.m. Always excellent food, good fellowship, lots of door prizes and an inspirational program.
Church Council meeting on Sunday, November 14, immediately after the 11 a.m. worship service. This is open to all who are interested in the business of Trinity.
Our annual Charge Conference is at 7 p.m., November 15, at Trinity. This will be a joint meeting with Bell City, Advance, and Sadlers Chapel participating. Our District Superintendent will conduct the conference. Annual reports from the churches are presented at this time, and the meeting is open to everyone.
Do you realize that Christmas is less than two months away? That means it’s SHOEBOX TIME again. We can begin packing those shoeboxes for kids all over the world as a part of Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child. We need your filled shoeboxes with $7.00 for shipping by Sunday, November 21. The list of gifts and labels for the boxes is on the table in the foyer. More info at www.samaritanspurse.org/
(Continued on back of page)
Calling all bell ringers! Our help is needed to “ring that bell” during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. Deaoc organizes this important ministry in this area. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. Will you help us “ring that bell” this year? Please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.
Food ministry item is canned meat.
Don Scott, cancer
Lina Gibbs’ aunt in Alabama
Family of Greg Pulley, Shirley (Elmore) and Avery Haney’s son
Larry Pinney, Marcia Metcalf’s uncle with cancer
Jason Williams, severe lacerations on his arm
Earl Hancock, Arlene Hopkin’s son-in-law with severe kidney and heart problems.
Deanna Kelly has Guillain-Barr Syndrome and is paralyzed.
Levi and Isabella, Amy Heaton’s babies, born at 30 weeks, cousin of Julie Dodd
Gaige Willems, friend of Gavin Chasteen Gorty Aslin, Cypress Point Hazel Patrick, recovering from knee surgery Blake Harris, lymphoma
Dan Duncan, suffering lymphoma Sarah White, cancer Jacob Nickell – Carrie Green’s brother Greg Hall, legal problems
Charlie Glass, in Farmington Mucuacua UMC – sister church in Mozambique
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – Trinity’s Weekly Newsletter – October 24, 2010
What’s Coming Up at Trinity?? It’s all listed below:
TRINITY SINGERS will sing on Sunday, October 31, at the 9:30 and 11:00 services. Practice will be this Wednesday night, October 27, 7:00 PM. Cissy encourages anyone who likes to sing to come and take advantage of this opportunity. The music for that Sunday will be upbeat and fun.
JOY, Trinity’s prayer and praise service, will be Wednesday evening @ 6:00 p.m.
TRUNK OR TREAT is October 30 and it’s not that far away so please bring your candy to share with the kids of Bloomfield. Last year we had 500 kids; what a blessing! You may decorate a trunk and greet the kids or you may just contribute a bag of candy for the trunks to have for the treaters.
ANNUAL SPAGHETTI SUPPER on Friday evening, November 5, sponsored by the TUMC Girls. Many workers will be needed – kitchen duty, clean-up, carry-outs, homemade desserts, ticket sellers, and more. Please reserve this date and plan to help where you can. When I asked Marcia, TUMC Chairperson, how the proceeds would be used, she said, "many, many situations this past year have been brought to our attention. It is a God-send to be able to help in so many areas. If the TUMC Girls didn't have so much support for our endeavors, we would be unable to touch lives in ways that the money allows us.” Trinity support is very much needed and appreciated!
IT’S SHOE BOX TIME! It’s that time of year when we begin to pack those shoeboxes for kids all over the world. This is a part of the Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child Mission program that Trinity individuals and groups have been participating in for the last several years. We need your filled shoeboxes with $7.00 for shipping by Sunday, November 21. More next week. If you want to read more about this program, go online at www.samaritanspurse.org/
CALLING ALL BELL RINGERS! Our help is needed to “ring that bell” during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. Deaoc organizes this important ministry in this area. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. Will you help us “ring that bell” this year? Please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.
Thanks to the men for providing such a wonderful fish fry last Sunday evening. Lots of camaraderie around the fish cookers and delicious food!!! Plan to do it again sometime.
A special thank you to all who came out for the UMW Trinity Ladies’ Old Fashioned dinner night. The high light of the evening was the presentation of the UMW Recognition Pin to Helen Giffin, valued member of UMW. Also, an appreciation gift was given to Pastor Susan. It was a great evening (ham and beans and cornbread plus all the dessert you ever wanted) with crazy entertainment. Pastor Susan, Willene Matthews, and Helen Giffin showed their acting ability with one of the original skits written by Frances Moore.
WOMEN – Save Saturday, November 13, for the 1st Baptist’s annual Women’s Fall Brunch. 10 a.m. Always excellent food, good fellowship, lots of door prizes and an inspirational program.
FOOD MINISTRY ITEM this month is canned meat.
GREETERS FOR NEXT SUNDAY are the YOUTH OF TRINITY. (Continued on back of page.)
Pastor Susan’s column, A Light in the Window, in last week’s North Stoddard Countian was especially fitting for this season. She told of how God truly blesses us with the beauty of Creation this time of year and makes a comparison to our spiritual lives. The rhythm of the seasons starts in the spring with new birth and the earth comes alive. Then, the warm days of summer bring growth, lush and green. In the fall, the earth takes a deep breath and begins to slow down; when winter comes, the earth sleeps. Yet while it is sleeping it is preparing to begin all over with the arrival of spring.
In the spring time of our lives, each of us experiences times of new birth when we say yes to God. Then when summer comes in our spiritual life, we feel great joy and confidence in our faith in God. The fall season of our lives finds us slowing down, taking a deep breath and determining how to grow deeper in our faith. In winter, we may feel cold, lonely and perhaps rather distant from God, but God is working within us preparing us to come closer to experience his love and grace more deeply. God’s call to us may come in the beauty of Creation or in a whisper as we fall asleep. The only thing required of us is to…listen.
Larry Pinney, Marcia Metcalf’s uncle in Ohio diagnosed with salivary gland carcinoma.
Deanna Kelly has Guillain-Barr Syndrome and is paralyzed.
Levi and Isabella, Amy Heaton’s twins born at 30 weeks - Julie Dodd’s cousin.
Gaige Willems, friend Gavin Chasteen Dan Duncan – suffering lymphona
Jacob Nickell – Carrie Green’s brother Jerry Busby Charlene Ford - suffered a bad fall from a ladder.
David Keating – Relative of Pat Snider Nolan Walker - relative of Shannon Heilman
Geraldine Duncan - aunt of Billy Wethington James Vaughn - cancer
Hazel Patrick - recuperating from knee surgery Blake Harris - lymphoma
Marlen Ruddell - Brenda Well’s brother Edith Shipman - Jill Gibbs’ grandmother
Jerry Lemar - Sue Mayo’s brother, heart problems Greg Hall - legal problems
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s mother Charlie Glass – in Farmington
Patrick Merick – Harold and Brenda Merick’s son, cancer Sarah White - cancer
Gorty Aslin - in Cypress Point for rehab Mucuacua UMC –Sister Church in Mozambique
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – Trinity’s Weekly Newsletter - October 17, 2010
Trinity’s Phone Nos. Church - 568-3188; Pastor Susan’s Home – 568-3581; Pastor Susan’s cell 421-3706
Trinity’s annual fish fry is TONIGHT. Please join us for a great time of food and fellowship at 6:00 p.m. Side dishes of slaw and baked beans will be provided. If you wish, you may bring condiments to accompany the dinner, a dessert OR A FRIEND!
WOMEN--YOU ARE INVITED: On Thursday evening, October 21, all Trinity ladies are invited to the United Methodist Women’s Fall Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Great food and entertainment. Invite your neighbors, friends and co-workers to this special time of fun, food and fellowship.
Our annual TRUNK OR TREAT is Saturday, October 30; that’s not far away; please bring your candy to share with the kids of Bloomfield. If you would like, decorate your car trunk. We will park on the upper level of our church parking lot and will play host to the community’s children. Last year we had 500 kids; what a blessing!
Bishop Robert Schnase of the Missouri United Methodist Conference gave the opening message of the United Methodist National Association of Equitable Compensation Administrators on September 28. He talked about his book, The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, a best-seller, and it's the impact on pastors and congregations. The seminar coordinator asked for Bishop Schnase to choose four pastors to be a part of a panel presentation on how the Five Practices had made a difference in their ministry. Pastor Susan was asked to be on the panel because of Trinity's outwardly focused mission of taking risks to serve Jesus. She has used the five practices, radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional faith development, risk-taking mission and service and extravagant generosity as a framework for ministry.
Trinity’s food ministry this month is canned meat. This goes to the Assembly of God Church’s Food Pantry from which families in the area are served. You may bring your items to Trinity, or you may leave them in the designated box at Bloomfield’s Town and Country. Your offering of food items really makes a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. Some months there are 150 families receiving food
WOMEN – RESERVE THE DATE: Saturday, November 13.. The 1st Baptist Church in Bloomfield will be hosting its annual Community Christian Women’s Brunch at 10 a.m. There’s always good food, Christian fellowship, door prizes and an entertaining program.
Jacob Nickell – Cerrie Green’s brother Jerry Busby Charlene Ford - suffered a bad fall from a ladder.
David Keating – Relative of Pat Snider Nolan Walker - relative of Shannon Heilman
Geraldine Duncan - aunt of Billy Wethington James Vaughn - cancer
Hazel Patrick - recuperating from knee surgery Amy Heaton - Julie Dodd’s cousin
Marlen Ruddell - Brenda Well’s brother Edith Shipman - Jill Gibbs’ grandmother
Jerry Lemar - Sue Mayo’s brother, heart problems Greg Hall - legal problems
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s mother Charlie Glass – in Farmington
Patrick Merick – Harold and Brenda Merick’s son, cancer Mucuacua UMC – Our Sister Church in Mozambique Gorty Aslin - in Cypress Point for rehab following surgery/complications
Blake Harris - young man in the community with lymphoma
Dan Duncan - friend of Vickie Breese who is suffering lymphoma
Sarah White – Heather White’s sister-in-law who has cancer
A Light in the Window
A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
We’re having some beautiful fall weather, aren’t we? I hope you have some time to just sit outside or look out your window and see the leaves turning from green to red, orange and brown. There’s just something about this time of year. When we see the leaves turning those bright colors and the nights becoming a bit cooler, we know fall is in the air. God truly blesses us with the beauty of Creation this time of year.
God created the sun and the moon, the seas and the earth and the seasons began. There is such a God-given rhythm to life through the seasons of the year. We have new birth in the springtime and the earth comes alive. Then God’s rhythm continues with the warm days of summer and the new life created in the spring becomes full and lush. From the fullness of summer comes the quieter time of fall and a new rhythm begins. The fall rhythm is one of slowing down a bit, the growth is lessened and it’s as if the earth is taking a deep breath and beginning to rest. Then winter arrives and in God’s rhythm, the earth sleeps. Yet, even in its time of sleep, there is a time of preparation deep within the earth for God’s rhythm of life to begin again in the spring. God’s rhythm of life is so powerful and amazing.
What about God’s rhythm in our own lives? Each one of us has times of new birth when we feel so alive and we say “yes, God” show us the way. Then there are times of summer when we feel the fullness of life and have so much joy within us that is grounded in our faith in God. There are also times of fall when we slow down and take a deep breath. Perhaps we’re trying to figure out how to go deeper in our faith. Then, even though we would like to pass by those times of winter, we realize it is a part of God’s rhythm. This winter rhythm may feel rather cold and lonely, perhaps we feel rather distant from God. Yet, even in the winter rhythm, God is working deep within us. God is preparing the ground of our souls so we can come closer, we can feel God’s love and grace in a way we have never felt before. Through the rhythm of life, God is calling us…do you hear God calling your name? It might come in the beauty of Creation or in the whisper as you fall asleep at night. The only thing required of us is to…listen.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – Trinity’s Weekly Newsletter
October 10, 2010
Trinity’s annual fish fry is next Sunday evening. Please join us for a great time of food and fellowship. All the fun begins at 6:00 p.m. You may bring a side dish if you wish.
WOMEN--YOU ARE INVITED: On Thursday evening, October 21, all Trinity ladies are invited to the United Methodist Women’s Fall Dinner at 6:00 p.m. There will be amazing food and out-of-this-world entertainment. Invite your neighbors, friends and co-workers to this great time of fun, food and fellowship.
Our annual Trunk or Treat is Saturday, October 30 and that’s not far away so please bring your candy to share with the kids of Bloomfield. If you would like, decorate your car trunk. We will be parked on the upper level of our church parking lot and will play host to the community’s children. Last year we had 500 kids; what a blessing! Watch for more information
Trinity’s food ministry is a blessing to folks in our area who need a little help to feed their families during this difficult economic time. There are now several churches in the Bloomfield area which support the Food Panty, an important ministry begun by the Assembly of God Church. Your offering of food items really makes a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters. Some months there are 150 families receiving food. The food item for October is canned meat.
On Wednesday evening the JOY service, which is Trinity’s midweek time of prayer and praise, begins at 6:00 p.m. At this service you will enjoy singing the familiar songs, sharing prayer concerns for our friends and family, our community and our country as well as a good meditation from Pastor Susan. A time of fellowship follows. JOY stands for Jesus, Others and You – in that order!
A big Thank You to all who came to march in the parade on Friday evening, giving out information cards about our services today as well as treating the kids along the parade route with candy.
Family of Jim Davis, who passed away last week. Jacob Nickell – Cerrie Green’s brother
Charlene Ford - suffered a bad fall from a ladder. David Keating – Relative of Pat Snider
Nolan Walker - relative of Shannon Heilman Jerry Busby
Geraldine Duncan - aunt of Billy Wethington Amy Heaton - Julie Dodd’s cousin
Hazel Patrick - recuperating from knee surgery James Vaughn - cancer
Marlen Ruddell - Brenda Well’s brother Edith Shipman - Jill Gibbs’ grandmother
Jerry Lemar - Sue Mayo’s brother, heart problems Greg Hall - legal problems
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s mother Charlie Glass – in Farmington
Gorty Aslin - in Cypress Point for rehab following surgery/complications
Blake Harris - young man in the community with lymphoma
Dan Duncan - friend of Vickie Breese who is suffering lymphoma
Sarah White – Heather White’s sister-in-law who has cancer
Patrick Merick – Harold and Brenda Merick’s son, cancer
Mucuacua UMC – Trinity’s Sister Church in Mozambique
Trinity Church Phone 568-3188 Pastor Susan’s Home Phone – 568-3581 Pastor Susan’s cell 421-3706
10-10-10 Are You In??
People avoid church for all kinds of reasons. Too often services are boring, there's too much talk about money and the music is lame. At Trinity it's not like that...we're different! We have great music, friendly people and real-life messages. If you don't attend another church we invite you to check us out!
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – October 3, 2010
Thanks to Cissy and Dale Williams and the Trinity Singers for their music today. They are always a blessing and it gives us all a change to worship (as in verb). Thanks, also, to the Thorns, Josh Monroe and Steve Clinton (guest) for their great music last Sunday. So good!
Next Sunday is the long awaited 10-10-10 when Trinity starts a new worship schedule. The Chapel Service will begin at 8 a.m. A 9:30 worship service will run simultaneously with Sunday School. There will be a coffee break between 10:30 and 11 when the final worship service will begin. The 9:30 and 11 a.m. services will be the same service. Choose what fits your needs and your schedule and be sure to invite someone.
Next Friday evening, October 8, the Bloomfield Fall Festival Parade starting at 5:30 will kick off the Fall Fest. Be there with your floats, groups, etc., to help make this parade a good one. Those wearing 10-10-10 shirts and carrying 10-10-10 signs, be ready to go.
Thanks to those who participated in the shower yesterday for Julie and Tyson Schoolfield and their new baby girl, Lyla Mae. It was short notice, but as usual, our Trinity women responded graciously.
A large number of women met at Hickory Log on Thursday to celebrate September birthdays and to get an early start on celebrating Pastor Susan’s birthday (October 8). It’s always fun and noisy with lots of laughs.
All reports indicated that the picnic at Marcia and Earl’s last Sunday afternoon was “over the top.” Many thank-yous are in order: to the Metcalfs for hosting the event at such a beautiful place so that all could have a good time; to the adults and older youth for assisting the younger ones with their fishing activities; and to Mike Dumey for the canoes. When everybody pitches in, it makes for a memorable event.
INVITATION FROM LA CROIX: The “Love & Laughter Marriage Getaway” is coming to La Croix Church November 5-6. Nationally known authors/speakers Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham will be there to present material that can help couples how to become and stay best friends, communicate better, balance expectations, and overcome the major destroyer of relationships. Participants are guaranteed to laugh … a lot! The cost per couple - $70 (about the cost of a movie/dinner date). Register by contacting Angela Beise at abeise@lacroixchurch.org or online at www.garysmalley.com
Sympathy is extended to the family of Bro. Jim Davis, former Methodist pastor, who passed away yesterday.
Gorty Aslin is now in Cypress Point for rehab; we hope that he gets home soon.
Mrs. Hazel Patrick is slowly getting back on her feet after her recent knee replacement.
Charlene Ford suffered a bad fall this week; she is badly bruised and very sore, but thankful it was no worse.
JOY Services each Wednesday at 6 p.m. Songs, prayers, and a meaningful meditation by Pastor Susan. .
Oct. 17 – FISH FRY – 6 p.m.
Oct. 21 – UMW entertain the ladies of Trinity starting at 6 p.m. This promises to be a relaxing and fun evening as we share in friendship, fellowship, and food.
Oct. 30 – TRUNK OR TREAT – 5 – 7 p.m.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – September 26, 2010
Church Family: Let's go fishing this Sunday afternoon! If you'd like to join us, we'll be at our place at Puxico. Mike Dumey is bringing 4 canoes. You may fish, paddle around the lake, or come to visit. There will be a fire going for hot dogs this evening, & we'll also have the hot dogs, buns and paper plates. So pack your fishing pole, lawn chair, drinks for the afternoon, and anything else like chips, etc. The gate will be open so drive on through and park down by the "lake." We'll have maps with us at church today if you need one. For those of you going to the winery at Puxico this afternoon to hear Josh Monroe sing at 2 p.m., just drop by afterward. Come on out after lunch and let's celebrate the arrival of autumn! Marcia & Earl 624-8160 or 820-0141
DOOR HANGERS ANYONE? Join us for a potluck lunch next Sunday and then we will "cover" Bloomfield with our 10-10-10 door hangers. We're counting down the days until our new worship schedule and we want EVERYONE to know that they are invited to join us. We need door hangers and drivers.
A BIG TRINITY CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME to LYLA MAE SCHOOLFIELD, new baby daughter for Julie and Tyson Schoolfield, born September 21, weighing 6 lbs, 8 oz and 19 inches long. We know that proud grandparents, Larry and Sandra Massey, are feeling more than “blessed.”
Adoption baby showers are so much fun; let’s get together to welcome the new little one
It is with great joy that we invite you to a baby shower honoring
Lyla Mae Schoolfield
Saturday, October 2, 10:00—11:30 a.m. (drop-in) at Trinity United Methodist Church
New parents are Tyson & Julie Schoolfield
They are registered at Target, Wal Mart, & Toys R Us
TO TRINITY SINGERS: Due to the memorial service in Ohio for my uncle on Saturday, Sept. 25, the Trinity singers will be postponed until Sunday, October 3. We will practice again on Wednesday, September 29, at 7 p.m. immediately following the JOY service. So sorry for any inconvenience.
So how's the Acts 29 prayerful reading going? We're on day 36 and we're reading Acts 29 for the fourth time. It may seem rather odd that we're praying this book five times. But I know I have deeper insights each time I read through it. How about you? What difference is Acts 29 making in your life, especially your prayer life?
COMING UP: UMW entertains Trinity Women on Thursday, October 21, at 6 p.m. – dining room.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – September 19, 2010
This week begins our mass mailing to every household in the 63825 zip code. This mailing will concern our new worship services which will begin on October 10. This is a part of our Healthy Church Initiative activities. The second mailing will be in mailboxes on September 29 and the third one on October 6. This is a GREAT opportunity for each one of us to ask a neighbor, friend, do-worker or acquaintance if he or she received that post card (they are 5 x 8) and to invite him or her to worship. If the person says, “No, I didn’t see it,” then we have another GREAT opportunity for an invitation to Trinity. The post cards have been prayed over and we pray that hearts and minds will be open to Jesus.
TRINITY SINGERS – Don’t forget practice this Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. after the JOY service. You will be singing at the 11 a.m. worship on September 26. If you can, why not come for the JOY service.
Please bring your kits for the Festival of Sharing to the church this week. These will be taken to the Dexter UMC on Saturday, the 23rd. If you can, plan to go to Dexter on that date, as help will be needed to fill bags with rice and popcorn. These kits and bags will be distributed to the food banks in our area. This is also a good day for fellowship, as you get to meet and work with people from the other churches in the area.
The Church Administrative Council will meet next Sunday morning immediately following the 11 a.m. worship service. This runs into the noon hour, but most present at the last meeting felt it was better than a night meeting. The business of the church is conducted at this meeting which is open to everyone and everyone is encouraged to attend.
United Methodist Women will meet this Wednesday, Sept. 22, at 1 p.m. in the church dining room.
TUMC Girls regular meeting – October 5, 7 p.m.
UMW/TUMC Girls fall get-together – October 27 at 6 p.m. in the dining room.
This week begins our mass mailing to every household in the 63825 zip code. This mailing will concern our new worship services which will begin on October 10. This is a part of our Healthy Church Initiative activities. The second mailing will be in mailboxes on September 29 and the third one on October 6. This is a GREAT opportunity for each one of us to ask a neighbor, friend, do-worker or acquaintance if he or she received that post card (they are 5 x 8) and to invite him or her to worship. If the person says, “No, I didn’t see it,” then we have another GREAT opportunity for an invitation to Trinity. The post cards have been prayed over and we pray that hearts and minds will be open to Jesus.
TRINITY SINGERS – Don’t forget practice this Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. after the JOY service. You will be singing at the 11 a.m. worship on September 26. If you can, why not come for the JOY service.
Please bring your kits for the Festival of Sharing to the church this week. These will be taken to the Dexter UMC on Saturday, the 23rd. If you can, plan to go to Dexter on that date, as help will be needed to fill bags with rice and popcorn. These kits and bags will be distributed to the food banks in our area. This is also a good day for fellowship, as you get to meet and work with people from the other churches in the area.
The Church Administrative Council will meet next Sunday morning immediately following the 11 a.m. worship service. This runs into the noon hour, but most present at the last meeting felt it was better than a night meeting. The business of the church is conducted at this meeting which is open to everyone and everyone is encouraged to attend.
United Methodist Women will meet this Wednesday, Sept. 22, at 1 p.m. in the church dining room.
TUMC Girls regular meeting – October 5, 7 p.m.
UMW/TUMC Girls fall get-together – October 27 at 6 p.m. in the dining room.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – September 12, 2010
Last Sunday was the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on America – a day that made us aware that there are terrorists running rampant in the world and ready to give their lives to take the lives of others. We remember those who lost their lives on that day, their families, and all who have been touched in any way by that tragedy. We pray for our service men and women who are stationed around the world to keep freedom alive. Perhaps we can adopt Gorty Aslin’s prayer that he always prays in his Sunday School Class, “Lord, save America for future generations.”
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The Trinity Singers will be singing at the 11 a.m. worship on September 26. Practice will be held Wednesday evening, September 22, following the JOY service. The invitation is extended to all who enjoy singing to join in this worship activity. Cissy Williams, directing.
The Festival of Sharing for this area is at the Dexter UMC on Saturday, September 25. People who are preparing kits may bring them to our church anytime Monday, the 20th, through Friday, the 24th, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Doors will be open. The Emergency Clean-up Bucket (value $56) and the Health Kit (value $11) are two recommended kits. There is also a school kit (value $11). A list of items for each kit is on the table in foyer. If you do not wish to gather the items, you may give your $$$ to Pastor Susan or put it in the offering plate designated as Festival of Sharing and someone will prepare the kits.
We've been praying the book, Acts 29, together since August 22. Yes, we are reading it but this book takes us to a deeper level of prayerful reading. We read the daily Scripture and consider how it applies to our lives and connects to our church today. Can Trinity really be "on fire" for God just like the early church? We answer thoughtful questions at the end of each day's reading and think about the questions such as praying for folks who no longer worship at Trinity or who come only occasionally or choosing a neighborhood and intentionally praying as we drive by. If we are serious about this book, it cannot be read, we must pray. How serious are you reading Acts 29? It's changing me; I pray it is changing you, too. There are still books available if you wish to join this important time of offering ourselves sacrificially
The TUMC girls met on Tuesday evening September 7th. Barb led the devotional about giving of our time to God's work. The upcoming spaghetti supper was discussed, so watch your calendar for the date to be announced. Check out the bulletin board for a sign-up sheet for a Ladies Day Conference at Living Water Worship center, scheduled for October 16 from 9:00-2:00. Marcia Metcalf will register anyone who wants to go and the R.S.V.P. must be returned by October 8. Fee is $10. The cost of seven Bibles was given to the Epworth Children's Home in St. Louis, and an update was received about the ongoing diaper ministry. Lara Thorn was hostess and served delicious refreshments. All ladies of the church are encouraged to become a part of the TUMC Girls or UMW.
Mary Stevens, Trinity member, has been transferred from Central Gardens at Dexter to a home in Nob Noster where she is near her son, George Baldwin. Let us keep Mary in our prayers.
A Light in the Window
A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
We receive invitations nearly every day. Some invitations come in the mail or in an email. We’re invited to shop at a particular store or to support a local charity. We really appreciate the invitations to weddings, graduations and baby showers. Sometimes we receive an invitation over the telephone to buy a particular product or to come to a party at a friend’s house. Then there are those invitations we receive in person, face to face. We might be invited to go shopping with a friend or to join our neighbors for the big game. There’s one more personal invitation that really makes a big difference in our lives. It’s when someone cares enough to invite us to worship.
We learn how important this invitation is from Jesus who was always inviting folks into the Kingdom of God on earth. The first thing Jesus did as He began His earthly ministry was to invite people to “come and see” and to follow Him. He invited Zaccheaus to come down out of that tree. He invited Nicodemus to be born again. Jesus invited Martha to sit down for awhile and not complain about her sister Mary who wasn’t helping her prepare the meal. Even when Jesus was on the cross, He invited the two criminals on either side of Him to join Him in Paradise.
After His death and resurrection, His followers invited folks to open their hearts to Jesus and our faith ancestors have been inviting folks for 2000 years. Someone invited me to know Jesus and someone invited you to know Him, too. How do I know this? Because I’m writing this column and you’re reading it.
Now it’s our turn. Who will you invite to know Jesus? Maybe you’ll invite a friend or co-worker or neighbor, maybe even a stranger, to Sunday school or youth group or worship on Sunday morning. Maybe you will invite someone to join you at church for a Bible study, an ice cream social or movie night.
Oh, sometimes we can stumble over our words or wonder if we’re too pushy or too “churchy.” When we worry about how to invite folks we’re coming from our own insecurities and not from centering ourselves in God. You see, I’m a Christ follower today because a little girl cared enough about me to invite me to Sunday school a long, long time ago. Who do we care about enough to push through your own insecurities and invite him or her to worship? Remember, we stand in the gap for Jesus. Jesus trusts us so much that He holds our hand and we reach out with the other hand to invite someone to come closer to the Kingdom of God.
Perhaps no one has ever invited you to worship. Or it’s been so long it’s not easy for you to come back. So here’s my invitation to you. If you don’t have a church home, won’t you join us at Trinity for worship next Sunday? Our chapel service is at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast is at 9:30 a.m. followed by Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 a.m. Our second service is at 11:00 a.m. We also have a Wednesday evening service at 6:00 p.m. We dress causally and we are kid friendly. We have Children’s Worship during the 11:00 a.m. service. Next month I’ll talk more about worship at Trinity with some exciting news about 10-10-10. See you Sunday!
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – September 5, 2010
What is God's vision and mission for Trinity UMC? We talked about that question last Sunday with our Healthy Church Initiative coach, Rev. Dr. Royal Speidel. We learned that a vision is a clear, compelling picture of God's future for this congregation. Our mission is a broad, brief biblical statement of what God wants us to accomplish as we lead others to Jesus Christ. We talked about the church life cycle, who the people are that are most open to our invitation to a relationship with Jesus Christ and our hopes for what our congregational ministries will look like in three years. We prayed as individuals and as a community for God to show us the needs here in Bloomfield and how we can serve those needs. We thank Royal for leading us in this time of looking beyond ourselves and dreaming about where God is leading us.
Don’t forget your Festival of Sharing Kits that are to be at the church by Sept. 24. Clean-up Buckets, Health Kits, and School Kits are among those needed.
Since we did not have a newsletter last week, we have not “officially” welcomed Little Mister Jiles Monroe, new baby boy for Stephanie and Josh Monroe, born August 26. Best wishes to a “Beautiful” baby!
Several from Trinity are in the hospital. Todd Gibbs and Gorty Aslin are presently in St. Francis; Mrs. Hazel Patrick will have knee surgery on the 7th at St. Francis. Prayers are needed for these and others who may be dealing with health problems.
You will soon be seeing lots of “10-10-10” signs and logos from Trinity. Just what does it mean? We hope to make people curious as to what is in store for Trinity and the community on that date. Curiosity makes a HUGE difference in getting people’s attention. (Getting a person’s attention these days isn’t always easy.) That’s why our T-shirts will say 10-10-10 on the front and back, as will the yard signs. Then when folks begin to ask what it means, we can tell them to check us out on our website and on the morning of 10-10-10. We will also have a float in the Stoddard County parade wearing our t-shirts and handing out cards about 10-10-10. We will also wear our shirts on October 3 as we have lunch together and then teams will hang door hangers all over Bloomfield. Why are we doing all of this? Because Jesus sends us into the world to lead others to a saving relationship with Him. Does this seem like a gimmick or just too much work? Yes, it's work, God's work; and no, it's no gimmick if it gets folks interested enough to attend worship and see how God really can change their lives. We know it, we experience it and we want to invite others to know it, too. Please sign up for your t-shirt and yard sign this Sunday. Thanks.
The United Methodist Women met last week and made plans for the ladies night supper which will be October 27 at 6 p.m. More details will be forthcoming. They voted to purchase three Bibles for the Epworth Children and Family Services in St. Louis.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – August 15, 2010
Thanks to Jan Aslin for planning something special for the kids of all ages this Sunday. As Kids are very important at Trinity, she has declared this Sunday as “Back to School” Sunday. We will be introducing and honoring the following groups of children during the 11:00 service: Babies and Young Children, Preschool Students, Elementary Students, Middle School Students, High School Students, and Post High School Students.
All children are to bring their backpacks as Rev. Susan will have a
“Blessing of the Backpacks.” There will be a gift for each child, and
Trinity diaper/backpack tags will be available for those who wish to
have one.
We hope you can join us this evening at 6:00 p.m. for
Trinity's homemade ice cream social. Why not use
this social time to invite friends and neighbors to Trinity? Sometimes folks are more open to a social time at church than a worship time. This might just be the "door" for someone to experience the love of God through us. Please bring ice cream toppings or a dessert to share. Hope to see you there!
FESTIVAL OF SHARING TIME – September 25 is the day for Festival of Sharing at the Dexter UMC this year. Because of the many disasters, there is a desperate need for School Kits (value $15) and Emergency Clean-up Buckets (value $59). As we have done in the past, you or a group may put a kit together and bring it to the church, or you may prefer to give money toward a kit and have someone else to put the kit/s together for you. A list of the items making up each Kit is available on the table in the foyer.
Pastor Susan offers the following opportunity: The worship team and I have been planning for our new worship services that will begin in October. No matter how much planning is done, the foundation of this new worship arrangement and all that we do at Trinity is prayer. I invite you to join me as we pray for God's Spirit to empower us as the church in our corner of the world. I am asking if you would join me in a study called Acts 29: Fifty Days of Prayer to Invite the Holy Spirit by Terry Teykl? From attending Terry's workshops, I know he is gifted in guiding others to a deeper prayer life. This study will be done on your own. We can begin this study on August 22 and be finished on October 10, which is our first Sunday with three worship services.
Will you prayerfully consider my request? There is such power when we study and pray together and I believe God has put this on my heart to give us even more power to be the church to the hurting world. Please let me know if you would like me to order a book for you. Blessings, Pastor Susan
-----------------------Food ministry this month is Macaroni and Cheese.--------------------------
Trinity extends sympathy to Nora Statler in the lost of her father. She has traveled to New York to be with her family. Also to the Gibbs family on the loss of Jill’s uncle, Mr. Shipman, and her grandmother, who broke her hip while attending his visitation.
The Journey
The Journey
1 Corinthians 3:6-9
Scripture for August 22
Teamwork is important but sometimes we may not want to be part of a team. Can’t we just go it alone? You know, sometimes it’s a lot of work to be part of a team, especially if the team doesn’t always agree on what needs to be done. Yet in reality, being a part of the team keeps us from thinking we can do it alone. It’s not good for us to think “I can do it without anyone’s help.” Why? Because we begin to think we don’t need anyone else and we become inwardly focused. We’re certain we don’t need anyone, we can do whatever needs to be done without anyone else or anyone’s interference. Somehow we begin to think we are the center of universe and we don’t need God either. So as you read Sunday’s Scripture, perhaps you can think about what it means to you to be part of God’s team and how that really does make all the difference in the world.
Yes, God, I do think I can do it alone sometimes. But help me to see that we really are in this together and that’s just the way You want it. Amen.
A Light in the Window
A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
This is the time of year for gardens. We worked the ground in the spring, planted those seeds or young plants and then waited. Finally, we enjoyed those first fresh vegetables, lettuce, new potatoes and green beans and oh, those fresh tomatoes! So here we are in August and we have more vegetables than we know what to do with. We may have more squash, zucchini, cucumbers and maybe even tomatoes than we can use. We give our vegetables away to anyone, even strangers, who will take them. We have an abundance of fresh vegetables and that abundance is such a blessing. And it all began with a garden.
Scripture tells us from the beginning, God planted a garden. Genesis 1:9-13 tells us about that first garden. You see, God created the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, the sky and the seas. Then God planted that first garden, the vegetation that began to cover the earth. That first garden was to nourish the physical needs of the animals and the people. God knew that it was important for them to be nourished physically. It was also important to nourish the emotional side of the human beings with relationships with other human beings. God created us to be in community with each other. And even more importantly, God created us to be in relationship with God so that our souls would be nourished. So, how is it with your soul? How is your soul being nourished?
We can easily talk about gardens that nourish us physically and we can easily talk about our relationships with each other. But it can be much more difficult to talk about our relationship with God. God may seem so far away or we just don’t know how to be in relationship with God. How do we begin?
We begin by discovering ways that we get to know God. We read Holy Scriptures, we put ourselves in the stories, imagining we are there with our faith ancestors in the Old and New Testament. We listen to soft music and light a candle. Perhaps we sit by a lake and just drink in the calm of the morning. Each of these ways to nourish our souls is called a spiritual practice. A spiritual practice is way to connect with God and each one of us connects with God in different ways.
Take some time to notice when you feel close to God. It may be in worship and it may be in some ordinary task during your day. It could be when you pray for someone or someone prays for you. As you discover the spiritual practices that nourish your soul, you will begin to look forward to that special time with God. You are refreshed, you have a new sense of peace and you really are on holy ground. Amen.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk - August 8, 2010
HENDLEYS WELCOME TWO NEW MEMBERS TO THEIR FAMILY: On July 31, Cathy, Joe, Wyatt and Katie welcomed new baby Isaac Henry to their family circle. Isaac weighed 6 lbs, 15 oz, and was 20 inches long. Also on the 31st, Tyler and Analise were married at the Hendley farm. Katie and Wyatt were in the wedding, but Cathy and Joe didn’t get to stay. Congratulations to the entire family, and Trinity welcomes all of them as well.
HOMEMADE ICE CREAM SOCIAL ON AUGUST 15. If you can bring a freezer of ice cream, let
Sarah Dumey know. More details will be available next week, so in the meantime, just mark your
calendars and reserve the evening for a fun time at Trinity. This offers a wonderful opportunity to
invite new people to share our fellowship.
CALLING ALL STUDENTS: Summer is quickly coming to a close and school
will be starting shortly. As you know, children and young people are very
important at Trinity. We will be having a special recognition on Sunday,
August 15, during the 11 a.m. service for all those heading back to school
(preschool through college). Please mark your calendars and bring the
children and older students plan to attend the service so that Trinity may
wish you well for the upcoming year.
PRAYER OPPORTUNITY. Starting August 23, the church is invited to pray for our college campuses and students for 40 days. You may participate in several ways: receiving an e-mail morning, noon and evening; down-loading and sharing a prayer guide; follow the event on Twitter or by texting; sign up for a 24-hour period of continuous prayer. The prayers are by various students, campus ministers, pastors, and conference leaders. Start by spreading the word about www.pray40.com
FESTIVAL OF SHARING TIME – September 25 is the day for Festival of Sharing at the Dexter UMC this year. Because of the many disasters, there is a desperate need for School Kits (value $15) and Emergency Clean-up Buckets (value $59). As we have done in the past, you or a group may put a kit together and bring it to the church, or you may prefer to give money toward a kit and have someone else to put the kit/s together for you. A list of the items making up each Kit is available on the table in the foyer.
NEW LOAN BALANCE - $75,764.56. Once again, we have had several gifts to the Building Fund, and a special one from our long-time supporter and former member, Mr. George Ashley, of Texas. All of these gifts are extremely appreciated.
Attendance for Month of June:
Date Sunday School 8:30 Service 11 a.m. Service Wednesday JOY
6/06 46 14 84 12
6/13 66 11 97 15
6/20 52 15 94 11
6/27 54 11 81 11
The Journey
The Journey
Mark 6:b-13
Scripture for August 15
We’ve been talking about teamwork and how important it is to work together. Together we work towards making the purpose (or vision) a reality. No one person can do it on his or her own and be as effective as we can be when we are part of a team. Working together makes all the difference in the world. My strengths and your strengths coming together make us both stronger as we serve God. When we multiply all of our strengths together, we become so strong that we can overcome obstacles that would stop us if we were on our own. As you read Sunday’s Scripture, think of ways you work with others to serve God in our church and in our community. What difference does it make that we serve God together? How do others strengthen you on your faith journey?
Thank you, God, that we don’t have to live our lives alone or serve you all by ourselves. Amen.
A Light in the Window
A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
There are superheroes all around us. Some of them leap from tall buildings and fly through the air. Others climb up those tall buildings from the outside! Then there are those superheroes who save the world from certain destruction. And if you don’t know the latest superhero just ask a child. He or she probably has the action figure and can tell you the whole, exciting story. Most of us remember Superman, Batman and Robin and the Power Rangers. But do we ever think about superheroes in the Bible? People who take risks and follow God even when it doesn’t make any sense at all.
Genesis is filled with stories about superheroes. How about Noah who kept building that boat even when his neighbors were laughing at him? He continued to build that boat because God told him to. It certainly didn’t make any sense but he knew it was what he had to do. Noah “saved the day” didn’t he?
Abraham and Sarah were superheroes, too. They continued to follow God for 24 years after God said they would have a child in their old age. Oh, they weren’t perfect people and they got impatient with God and Abraham had a son with Sarah’s maid. But God continued to promise them that son. And they believed and eventually Isaac was born. And as God had promised, Abraham had more descendents than stars in the sky and grains of sand on the beach.
Joseph is another superhero in Genesis. He was born when his father, Jacob, was very old and he was his father’s favorite son. Joseph has lots of older brothers and they knew he was their father’s favorite. Now that doesn’t make for healthy family dynamics, does it? Joseph could interpret dreams and he told his brothers that he had a dream that they were all bowing down to him. Not a smart thing to tell his older brothers! Jacob even had a coat made for Joseph that was unlike any coat in the world. It was made with fine fabric and had many colors in it.
One day, Jacob asked Joseph to check on his brothers as they were tending the flocks. Well, let’s just say that one thing led to another and those older brothers wanted to kill him. But instead they sold him as a slave and took that coat, tore it and put blood on it. They took it to their father and told him wild animals had killed Joseph. Joseph was sold in Egypt to a man and his wife made advances towards Joseph and he said, “no, thank you.” But she was angry at him and told her husband that he had attacked her and he was put into prison. After awhile he interpreted a dream for the king and told him that there would be 7 years of abundance and 7 years of famine. He also told the king to take a portion of everyone’s crops during the 7 years of abundance so there would be food during the famine. The king saw that Joseph was a wise man and he was put in charge of the whole kingdom.
The dream came true and during the famine a group of men came to buy grain and guess who they were? They were Joseph’s brothers and they didn’t recognize them. After a while, Joseph told them who he was. He told them that even though they sold him and that was wrong, God took that and made it right by helping him save thousands of people from starvation.
Now, as we look at the story of Joseph, was he a superhero because he could interpret dreams or because he saved thousands of people from starvation? Or was he a superhero because he forgave his brothers? You see, superheroes go beyond their human nature. Joseph depended on God more and more and God’s strength filled him so he could forgive his brothers. Forgiving others who have hurt us or our family members is the most difficult thing we ever try to do. And we can’t do it on our own. Forgiveness comes when we rely more and more on God and God gives us the strength to forgive.
Perhaps there are people who have hurt you and you’ve tried to forgive them but you just can’t seem to do it on your own. It may be time that you and God had a long conversation about your pain and suffering and you take that pain to the cross of Christ and lay it down. When we offer Christ our pain and suffering, He will hold it for us and we truly can forgive others.
Why not read Genesis, the first book in the Old Testament, and find some superheroes for yourself…
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – July 18
TONIGHT – Don’t miss the picnic at Trinity – 6 p.m. It’s the kind of
picnic we like this time of year—indoors with no insects, heat or
humidity. (Are we spoiled, or what?) Anyway, come out for
hotdogs and banana splits!! If you care to, you may bring a side dish to accompany the hotdogs, or just come and enjoy.
TUMC GIRLS do it again. This is regarding a man who works with Sarah Dumey at the Puxico Nursing Home as a CNA. He is a young family man who is a hard worker and is struggling to keep his head above water financially. He has been trying to wear broken eyeglasses as he cannot afford the extra burden of getting new ones. Sarah called her TUMC GIRLS group to see if enough funds could be allocated for him to get a pair of reasonably priced glasses. Marcia e-mailed her TUMC GIRLS members and the response was over-the-top. Not only were the funds approved from their treasury, but many offered individual contributions. Once again, the spirit of “reaching out” has been put into practice.
TOWN & COUNTRY GROCERY in Bloomfield once again cooperates with
Trinity in an effort to help with the Food Pantry. They have set up a
container near the south door for the food items to be picked up for the
Assembly of God Food Pantry. As you do your grocery shopping, it
will be convenient for you to purchase items for the Food Pantry
and just leave them at the store – saves taking them home then on to the church. Thank you, Town and Country, for assisting Trinity in its outreach activities.
Sympathy is extended to Genevieve and J.C. Arnold and Cathy and William Chasteen and their families on the loss of John Henderson, their brother and uncle respectively. He passed away at the Golden Living Center last night about 7 p.m. John was a member of Trinity. Visitation will be from 9-11 a.m. on Monday with the funeral service at 11--all at Rainey Funeral Home in Dexter. Please remember these families in prayer.
Mary Jo and Jim Goforth hosted a fish fry for their dinner-for-8 at their home on Saturday evening. Attending were Cathy, Joe, Wyatt, and Katie Hendley, Norman and Pat Snider, Barb Rice and Rosemary Walker. Thanks to the Goforths for such a nice evening and wonderful food.
Wednesday evenings, 6 p.m., JOY Service.
Church Council meeting – 12 noon – Sunday, July 25 – open to all.
United Methodist Women – 1:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 28.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – July 11, 2010
There’s a new look in the Children’s Sunday School Room – new children’s
chairs. They have white frames with mesh seats/back of coral, blue and lime
green hues. Also, there are new white comfortable chairs for the adults who
accompany the children. These were purchased by the TUMC Girls, using
part of the yard sale money.
The annual TUMC Girls' Birthday Party was the evening of July 8th. The large group of 22 met at El Tapatios and enjoyed sharing a meal and having a gift exchange. Some of the gifts were "stolen" from each other and everyone had a great time. As usual, there was lots of lively conversation and laughter.
Some items of business were discussed and taken care of at the end of the get- together. Lara Thorn was congratulated for her recent Modern Woodsman award and commended for her hard work with the Diaper Ministry at Trinity. It was voted to give a monetary donation to help the women in Mozambique with some needs that also came to our attention.
Women and friends of the church are encouraged to become a part of either (or both!) groups. In addition to the commitment to helping others, there is a bond of friendship and support.
Date Attendance Offering
June 06 108 $1,967.00
June 13 123 2,610.00
June 20 120 2,652.00
June 27 103 1,761.00
Average weekly offering: 2247.50
Budgeted weekly salary needed: 2946.70
July 6 loan balance: 83,562.71
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