Trinity Talk - All the news and upcoming events - November 14, 2010
TODAY: SUNDAY, November 14, the Church Council will meet immediately after the 11 a.m. worship service. This is open to all who are interested in the business of Trinity.
Our annual Charge Conference is at 7 p.m., tomorrow evening, November 15, at Trinity. This will be a joint meeting with Bell City, Advance, and Sadlers Chapel participating. Our District Superintendent will conduct the conference. Annual reports from the churches are presented along with conversation about the best practices of each church for reaching out to others. The meeting is open to everyone.
Wednesday – JOY - Trinity’s prayer and praise service @ 6:00 p.m. A great time to sing, share prayer concerns, and hear another of Pastor Susan’s inspiring devotions. Thanks to Marcia Metcalf for filling in for Pastor Susan last week; great job!
COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE – Next Sunday, 6 p.m., with St. Joe General Baptist as host. Hopefully, the new pastor at First Baptist will speak (not confirmed, yet). If he does not, Bro. Bob Holland will.
Next Sunday, November 21, will be our All Saints Recognition – A Time of Remembering those loved ones who have died in the last year. This will be observed at all three services.
TRINITY SINGERS will practice Tuesday night, November 23, at 6:00 PM. Anyone and everyone who wants to sing is invited to participate. Cissy Williams directs and says they will be singing Sunday, Nov. 28 at the 9:30 and 11 AM services.
CALLING ALL SHOEBOXES! Just one more week until we dedicate shoeboxes for kids all over the world. We need your filled shoeboxes with $7.00 for shipping by next Sunday, November 21. The list of suggested gifts, age brackets and labels for the boxes are on the table in the foyer.
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGERS NEEDED! Can you “ring that bell” during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. Daeoc organizes this important ministry in this area. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. If you will help “ring that bell” this year, please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.
Note from Julie Ross Dodd:
Join me on Friday, November 19th from 6-8 at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Bloomfield, MO for pictures with Santa.....and much, much more!! Thank You for helping to promote a great cause for 2 awesome charities! The Stoddard County Relay for Life and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. BELIEVE IN A CURE!!!!!
RADA KNIFE ORDERS will be taken until the Monday after Thanksgiving. If you wish to order knives, food items, candles, or other gifts, please call Rosemary at 568-3425 or send an e-mail. If you need to see a catalog, please let her know.
The UMW members sponsored the party for those who have birthdays in November at the Golden Living Nursing Facility on Friday. Songs, a short devotion, and refreshments of cake and punch were enjoyed. The women also assembled their Thanksgiving Basket to be given as a love gift. A special thanks to Barb Rice for helping us with the singing and the devotional.
SCHOOL EVENT: The “Yee Haw Show” will be held at the BHS gymnasium on Thursday, November 18, at 6:30 p.m. Among other features will be Duo Maggie Thorn and Joe Northern singing “Louisiana Woman and Mississippi Man.” Proceeds will be used for the school’s choir needs.
Food ministry items this month: anything for a Christmas dinner.
Larry Jones – battling lung cancer; pray for genetic marker to be found in order for successful treatment.
Larry’s daughter, Lora Galati, is a very close friend to Stephanie Monroe.
Kristine Jackson who is recovering from surgery on Nov. 8.
Tina Lawhorn - MRI for mass on neck
Suzanne Burch
Cecil Vincent, Jr.
Don Scott - cancer
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Earl Hancock Arlene Hopkin’s son-in-law with severe kidney and heart problems.
Deanna Kelly - Guillain-Barr Syndrome and is paralyzed.
Sarah White Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Greg Hall Charlie Glass Mucuacua UMC
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