Trinity Talk – Trinity’s Weekly Newsletter – October 31, 2010
GREAT TRUNK OR TREAT!! A wonderful night for a community of wonderful kids. Thanks to Lina, Jill, Willie/Cathy/Heather, Susan, Mary, Lara, JoAnne/Marla, Annette, Fran, Marcia, Jan, Vicki, Friend of Carrie's for providing trunks and to the Grillers, Willie, Stan, and Grant. Barb Rice was in charge of the sign-ups for the Basket give away.
Thanks to the Trinity Singers and Cissy Williams for the beautiful worship music today.
Tuesday, November 2 - TUMC Girls meeting @ 7:00 p.m. – also Election Day.
Wednesday, November 3 – JOY, Trinity’s prayer and praise service @ 6:00 p.m.
Friday, November 5 – ANNUAL SPAGHETTI SUPPER sponsored by the TUMC Girls. Many workers will be needed – kitchen duty, clean-up, carry-outs, homemade desserts, ticket sellers, and more. Please reserve this date and plan to help where you can. Tickets: Adults - $8; Children - $4; kids under 4 eat free. Serving from 5 to 7 p.m. Carry-outs available at 3:30.
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7. Be sure to “fall back” on Saturday night – get that extra hour of sleep.
On November 11, at 10 a.m. the Faculty, Staff, and Students of Bloomfield Schools invite you to their annual VETERAN’S DAY SALUTE to all Missouri Veterans. Honored guests will be all current or former members of the armed services and their families. Guests may enter the gym through the pass-gate doors on the south side of the gym. Special VIP seating will be on the gym floor; guests should arrive between 9:30 and 9:50. Please help make this a great day for servicemen and women and the Bloomfield School District.
COMING UP ON NOVEMBER 12: UMW will sponsor the monthly birthday party at the Golden Living Nursing Center at 3 p.m. There will be singing, sharing birthday cards, birthday cake and punch, and lots of friendly smiles and handshakes. This is a great opportunity to spread a little kindness to the residents there.
You are invited to join in this celebration.
WOMEN – Save Saturday, November 13, for the 1st Baptist’s annual Women’s Fall Brunch. 10 a.m. Always excellent food, good fellowship, lots of door prizes and an inspirational program.
Church Council meeting on Sunday, November 14, immediately after the 11 a.m. worship service. This is open to all who are interested in the business of Trinity.
Our annual Charge Conference is at 7 p.m., November 15, at Trinity. This will be a joint meeting with Bell City, Advance, and Sadlers Chapel participating. Our District Superintendent will conduct the conference. Annual reports from the churches are presented at this time, and the meeting is open to everyone.
Do you realize that Christmas is less than two months away? That means it’s SHOEBOX TIME again. We can begin packing those shoeboxes for kids all over the world as a part of Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child. We need your filled shoeboxes with $7.00 for shipping by Sunday, November 21. The list of gifts and labels for the boxes is on the table in the foyer. More info at www.samaritanspurse.org/
(Continued on back of page)
Calling all bell ringers! Our help is needed to “ring that bell” during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. Deaoc organizes this important ministry in this area. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. Will you help us “ring that bell” this year? Please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.
Food ministry item is canned meat.
Don Scott, cancer
Lina Gibbs’ aunt in Alabama
Family of Greg Pulley, Shirley (Elmore) and Avery Haney’s son
Larry Pinney, Marcia Metcalf’s uncle with cancer
Jason Williams, severe lacerations on his arm
Earl Hancock, Arlene Hopkin’s son-in-law with severe kidney and heart problems.
Deanna Kelly has Guillain-Barr Syndrome and is paralyzed.
Levi and Isabella, Amy Heaton’s babies, born at 30 weeks, cousin of Julie Dodd
Gaige Willems, friend of Gavin Chasteen Gorty Aslin, Cypress Point Hazel Patrick, recovering from knee surgery Blake Harris, lymphoma
Dan Duncan, suffering lymphoma Sarah White, cancer Jacob Nickell – Carrie Green’s brother Greg Hall, legal problems
Charlie Glass, in Farmington Mucuacua UMC – sister church in Mozambique
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