Trinity Talk – October 3, 2010
Thanks to Cissy and Dale Williams and the Trinity Singers for their music today. They are always a blessing and it gives us all a change to worship (as in verb). Thanks, also, to the Thorns, Josh Monroe and Steve Clinton (guest) for their great music last Sunday. So good!
Next Sunday is the long awaited 10-10-10 when Trinity starts a new worship schedule. The Chapel Service will begin at 8 a.m. A 9:30 worship service will run simultaneously with Sunday School. There will be a coffee break between 10:30 and 11 when the final worship service will begin. The 9:30 and 11 a.m. services will be the same service. Choose what fits your needs and your schedule and be sure to invite someone.
Next Friday evening, October 8, the Bloomfield Fall Festival Parade starting at 5:30 will kick off the Fall Fest. Be there with your floats, groups, etc., to help make this parade a good one. Those wearing 10-10-10 shirts and carrying 10-10-10 signs, be ready to go.
Thanks to those who participated in the shower yesterday for Julie and Tyson Schoolfield and their new baby girl, Lyla Mae. It was short notice, but as usual, our Trinity women responded graciously.
A large number of women met at Hickory Log on Thursday to celebrate September birthdays and to get an early start on celebrating Pastor Susan’s birthday (October 8). It’s always fun and noisy with lots of laughs.
All reports indicated that the picnic at Marcia and Earl’s last Sunday afternoon was “over the top.” Many thank-yous are in order: to the Metcalfs for hosting the event at such a beautiful place so that all could have a good time; to the adults and older youth for assisting the younger ones with their fishing activities; and to Mike Dumey for the canoes. When everybody pitches in, it makes for a memorable event.
INVITATION FROM LA CROIX: The “Love & Laughter Marriage Getaway” is coming to La Croix Church November 5-6. Nationally known authors/speakers Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham will be there to present material that can help couples how to become and stay best friends, communicate better, balance expectations, and overcome the major destroyer of relationships. Participants are guaranteed to laugh … a lot! The cost per couple - $70 (about the cost of a movie/dinner date). Register by contacting Angela Beise at abeise@lacroixchurch.org or online at www.garysmalley.com
Sympathy is extended to the family of Bro. Jim Davis, former Methodist pastor, who passed away yesterday.
Gorty Aslin is now in Cypress Point for rehab; we hope that he gets home soon.
Mrs. Hazel Patrick is slowly getting back on her feet after her recent knee replacement.
Charlene Ford suffered a bad fall this week; she is badly bruised and very sore, but thankful it was no worse.
JOY Services each Wednesday at 6 p.m. Songs, prayers, and a meaningful meditation by Pastor Susan. .
Oct. 17 – FISH FRY – 6 p.m.
Oct. 21 – UMW entertain the ladies of Trinity starting at 6 p.m. This promises to be a relaxing and fun evening as we share in friendship, fellowship, and food.
Oct. 30 – TRUNK OR TREAT – 5 – 7 p.m.
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