Trinity Talk – Trinity’s Weekly Newsletter - October 17, 2010
Trinity’s Phone Nos. Church - 568-3188; Pastor Susan’s Home – 568-3581; Pastor Susan’s cell 421-3706
Trinity’s annual fish fry is TONIGHT. Please join us for a great time of food and fellowship at 6:00 p.m. Side dishes of slaw and baked beans will be provided. If you wish, you may bring condiments to accompany the dinner, a dessert OR A FRIEND!
WOMEN--YOU ARE INVITED: On Thursday evening, October 21, all Trinity ladies are invited to the United Methodist Women’s Fall Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Great food and entertainment. Invite your neighbors, friends and co-workers to this special time of fun, food and fellowship.
Our annual TRUNK OR TREAT is Saturday, October 30; that’s not far away; please bring your candy to share with the kids of Bloomfield. If you would like, decorate your car trunk. We will park on the upper level of our church parking lot and will play host to the community’s children. Last year we had 500 kids; what a blessing!
Bishop Robert Schnase of the Missouri United Methodist Conference gave the opening message of the United Methodist National Association of Equitable Compensation Administrators on September 28. He talked about his book, The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, a best-seller, and it's the impact on pastors and congregations. The seminar coordinator asked for Bishop Schnase to choose four pastors to be a part of a panel presentation on how the Five Practices had made a difference in their ministry. Pastor Susan was asked to be on the panel because of Trinity's outwardly focused mission of taking risks to serve Jesus. She has used the five practices, radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional faith development, risk-taking mission and service and extravagant generosity as a framework for ministry.
Trinity’s food ministry this month is canned meat. This goes to the Assembly of God Church’s Food Pantry from which families in the area are served. You may bring your items to Trinity, or you may leave them in the designated box at Bloomfield’s Town and Country. Your offering of food items really makes a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. Some months there are 150 families receiving food
WOMEN – RESERVE THE DATE: Saturday, November 13.. The 1st Baptist Church in Bloomfield will be hosting its annual Community Christian Women’s Brunch at 10 a.m. There’s always good food, Christian fellowship, door prizes and an entertaining program.
Jacob Nickell – Cerrie Green’s brother Jerry Busby Charlene Ford - suffered a bad fall from a ladder.
David Keating – Relative of Pat Snider Nolan Walker - relative of Shannon Heilman
Geraldine Duncan - aunt of Billy Wethington James Vaughn - cancer
Hazel Patrick - recuperating from knee surgery Amy Heaton - Julie Dodd’s cousin
Marlen Ruddell - Brenda Well’s brother Edith Shipman - Jill Gibbs’ grandmother
Jerry Lemar - Sue Mayo’s brother, heart problems Greg Hall - legal problems
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s mother Charlie Glass – in Farmington
Patrick Merick – Harold and Brenda Merick’s son, cancer Mucuacua UMC – Our Sister Church in Mozambique Gorty Aslin - in Cypress Point for rehab following surgery/complications
Blake Harris - young man in the community with lymphoma
Dan Duncan - friend of Vickie Breese who is suffering lymphoma
Sarah White – Heather White’s sister-in-law who has cancer
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