Trinity Talk – September 12, 2010
Last Sunday was the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on America – a day that made us aware that there are terrorists running rampant in the world and ready to give their lives to take the lives of others. We remember those who lost their lives on that day, their families, and all who have been touched in any way by that tragedy. We pray for our service men and women who are stationed around the world to keep freedom alive. Perhaps we can adopt Gorty Aslin’s prayer that he always prays in his Sunday School Class, “Lord, save America for future generations.”
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The Trinity Singers will be singing at the 11 a.m. worship on September 26. Practice will be held Wednesday evening, September 22, following the JOY service. The invitation is extended to all who enjoy singing to join in this worship activity. Cissy Williams, directing.
The Festival of Sharing for this area is at the Dexter UMC on Saturday, September 25. People who are preparing kits may bring them to our church anytime Monday, the 20th, through Friday, the 24th, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Doors will be open. The Emergency Clean-up Bucket (value $56) and the Health Kit (value $11) are two recommended kits. There is also a school kit (value $11). A list of items for each kit is on the table in foyer. If you do not wish to gather the items, you may give your $$$ to Pastor Susan or put it in the offering plate designated as Festival of Sharing and someone will prepare the kits.
We've been praying the book, Acts 29, together since August 22. Yes, we are reading it but this book takes us to a deeper level of prayerful reading. We read the daily Scripture and consider how it applies to our lives and connects to our church today. Can Trinity really be "on fire" for God just like the early church? We answer thoughtful questions at the end of each day's reading and think about the questions such as praying for folks who no longer worship at Trinity or who come only occasionally or choosing a neighborhood and intentionally praying as we drive by. If we are serious about this book, it cannot be read, we must pray. How serious are you reading Acts 29? It's changing me; I pray it is changing you, too. There are still books available if you wish to join this important time of offering ourselves sacrificially
The TUMC girls met on Tuesday evening September 7th. Barb led the devotional about giving of our time to God's work. The upcoming spaghetti supper was discussed, so watch your calendar for the date to be announced. Check out the bulletin board for a sign-up sheet for a Ladies Day Conference at Living Water Worship center, scheduled for October 16 from 9:00-2:00. Marcia Metcalf will register anyone who wants to go and the R.S.V.P. must be returned by October 8. Fee is $10. The cost of seven Bibles was given to the Epworth Children's Home in St. Louis, and an update was received about the ongoing diaper ministry. Lara Thorn was hostess and served delicious refreshments. All ladies of the church are encouraged to become a part of the TUMC Girls or UMW.
Mary Stevens, Trinity member, has been transferred from Central Gardens at Dexter to a home in Nob Noster where she is near her son, George Baldwin. Let us keep Mary in our prayers.
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