Trinity Talk - News and activities at Trinity – December 12, 2010
We welcome Shirley Hanner and Charles Jackson as new members to Trinity! We pray they will find ways to serve God through Trinity and that their hearts will be warmed with our friendship.
Wednesday, December 15 - JOY service @ 6:00 p.m. - A service of praise and prayers.
Trinity Singers rehearsal @ 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 18 - Loin pick up between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. If you want it left in the frig until Sunday,
please contact Jill via email or 568-3934.
Sunday, December 19 - Full breakfast – 9:00 a.m.
Practice for Children’s Christmas Program at 2:00 p.m.
Holiday potluck dinner @ 5:00 p.m. The meat will be provided. Everyone invited.
Monday, December 20 - Children’s Christmas program, “The Biggest Christmas Present Ever” - 6:30
You are invited to bring “goodies or snacks” to share during the fellowship time
after the program. We will be having special music during our fellowship time by
Trinity’s musicians.
Wednesday, December 22 - Blue Christmas worship service @ 7:00 p.m. A quiet service for those who do
not feel like celebrating the season.
Friday, December 24 - Christmas Eve worship service @ 7:00 p.m. A service of mystery, wonder and awe
as we wait for the birth of the Christ Child.
PLEASE NOTE: Lina Gibbs is doing a schedule for Sunday Club for 2011. She asks if anyone not on the prior year's schedule might like to be added or if anyone already on needs to be removed. Also, in an effort to get the nursery back up and running, volunteers are needed for that. If you are interested in that, both the 9:30 and 11:00 services, please let Lina know which time. Lina says, “Thanks to all for the hard work and effort you put in to make a difference in the lives of our children! Please email me, lgblue34@yahoo.com this weekend if possible as I will try to do those schedules soon. Thanks and have a wonderful week.”
Thanks to those who decorated the Christmas tree and a special thanks to the youth for a new tree—taller and slimmer.
Christmas Cards for the shut ins/military numbered a total of 370 cards. The UMW wishes to thank all who participated, and we hope it makes Christmas a little brighter for those who are shut in or are away from home.
UMW MEMBERS AND GUESTS enjoyed their annual Christmas lunch at the Hickory Log on Wednesday. They were especially pleased that Colleen Phillips, a resident of Cypress Point, was able to attend. Christmas memories and lots of laughs were shared.
TUMC GIRLS’ CHRISTMAS PARTY a huge success. Over 40 members and guests met on Monday evening for their annual Christmas Party. The meal was beautifully catered by Janet Palmer and Judy Ackman. The meal and desserts were delicious. The entertainment was a rendition of the “Twelve Days of Christmas,” one that had never been seen before. There were Lords a-leaping, Swans s-swimming, and Geese a-laying, not to mention the verses being somewhat jumbled. Now that was entertainment. The gift exchange turned into a friendly game of stealing certain gifts – two elephant-related gifts being the most popular. The party was another wonderful evening of fellowship shared with good friends enjoying good food and fun. Janet Palmer deserves extra thanks for offering to leave the beautiful window decorations and the Christmas tree in the fellowship Hall for the duration of the holidays. Thanks to everyone who attended and made the evening a success.
Food ministry this month includes items to make soup.
Stefanie Gray has lymphoma - She is Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Peggy McEnerney – had surgery for breast cancer
Marvin Ruddell - Brother of Brenda Wells who has cancer is going through chemo.
Yvonne Morris - Nora Statler works with her and her mom has 6 months to live.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe; he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter - has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin
Hazel Patrick
Greg Hall
Blake Harris
Dan Duncan
Sarah White
Charlie Glass
Mucuacua UMC
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