Trinity Talk – News and Happenings at Trinity - December 26, 2010
As Christmas is past, we now look toward a new year. It can be compared to a new page in our lives, fresh, clean, and untarnished. What will you do with it? Will you make it count for something good in your life, in the lives of your other family members and in the lives of those who need you concern and care? Will you continue to keep the four Christmas Gifts that cannot be broken that God has given you—Joy, Peace, Love and Hope?
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to Jan Aslin and Fran Hendley for the wonderful Children’s Christmas Program last Monday evening. They, along with many helpers, put together another opportunity for the children to learn first hand about the birth of Jesus Christ. Trinity has such a wealth of talent from the youngest to the older ones in our children’s and youth departments.
Thank you, also, to those who decorated the tables in the dining room and provided refreshments following the program. Again, Trinity’s talent was displayed at the informal program of Christmas songs.
There will be no JOY service on Wednesday night of this week. Join us again on January 5,
SPECIAL TREAT FOR TRINITY: Next Sunday, January 2, Tricia Reagan Clark will be singing for us at the 9:30 service. Tricia’s father, Bro. Dallas Reagan, was the pastor of Bloomfield’s Assembly of God Church for many years. He and Mrs. Reagan along with their four children, Treva, Eddie, Doyle and Tricia, were all very active in the life of the school and the community. Tricia, along with Joanne Westbrook, will be singing on the final night of the annual Christmas Tournament. They were classmates and graduated from BHS. Tricia is presently working as plant manager for Kraft at Bentonville, Arkansas. Hope we can give her a big Trinity welcome.
Food ministry continues to be items to make soup.
CORRECTION: I made a BIG mistake in last week’s newsletter. When writing the thank you note from Julie Dodd about the Annual Clause for a Cause - the amount raised for the Juvenile Diabetes and the American Cancer Society should have read $3,000, not $300. My apologies for the error.
Family of Robert Green - Tressa Lane’s cousin’s husband who died.
Harold Foster - Vicky Glass’ stepfather who has been ill with pneumonia.
David Keating - Pat Snider’s sister’s brother in law who has stage 4 cancer and has been hospitalized.
Virginia Hanner and family - Shirley Hanner’s brother is not doing well and has been told that it is just a matter of time.
Wilda Mae Arms - Stephanie Monroe’s grandmother was hospitalized for fainting and minor injuries.
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom who has been hospitalized for several days with severe back pain.
Becky Dennington - cancer and receiving treatments.
Ernie Long - Shannon Heilman’s brother who had knee surgery
Shylah Melvin - Carrie Green’s niece who had a car accident; is having much pain and cannot go back to work.
Stefanie Gray - has lymphoma. She is Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Peggy McEnerney – has cancer and had surgery last week.
Marvin Ruddell - Brother of Brenda Wells who has cancer is going through chemo.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe; he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White Charlie Glass Mucuacua UMC
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