
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk  - Easter Sunday – April 24, 2011

UMW meeting on Wednesday, April 27, at Cypress Point at 11:30 a.m.; having lunch with Colleen Phillips, a resident there.  

Pastor Susan will be gone until May 5 to help her daughters move.  Susan Marner-Sides will be on call for emergencies; her office number is 293-5685; home phone 293-6484; cell phone 820-0422

JOY services will be led by Barb Rice on April 27 and by Marcia Metcalf on May 4. 

There will be a WEDDING SHOWER FOR JULIE CHRISTIAN, daughter of Jean Christian, on this coming Saturday, April 30, from 10–11:30 a.m.   Julie is registered at Target and at J. C. Penny’s.  All women of the church are invited.  Drop in or stay the full time and enjoy the fellowship.  Julie will be married in Jamaica in mid-May. 

Trinity will be hosting the Bloomfield R. 14 School District Preschool and Kindergarten prescreening on April 27-28.

TRINITY ANNUAL YARD SALE – MAY 6 & 7.  You may start bringing your things starting May 1.  This event provides cash for us, makes items available that people might otherwise be able to purchase, and usually everything left at the end of the sale is given away.  There will be papers available to fill out for tax exempt contributions.

ATTENDANCE AND OFFERING STATS for March are available on the table in the foyer.

PASTOR SUSAN’S OFFICE HOURS:  Susan is in her office each Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  It is best to call her to make sure she is there since she also visits and has meetings, etc.  She is available to meet on other days, also.  What about the other days, you might ask?  She works on the message and other more in-depth studies at home.  You may call her at 568-3188 (church), 568-3581 (home) or 421-3706 (cell).  If you wish to make an appointment, please leave your message on her home phone or on her cell phone, since there is no one scheduled to be in the office on any other specific day of the week.

Thanks to all who helped with the Easter Egg Hunt – it was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by hundreds of children.

Thanks to the TRINITY SINGERS and Cissy Williams for the beautiful cantata today entitled “The Rose.” 

STUDENT RECOGNITION:  Ashton White was named Student of the Month last month for the trait of compassion; this month Gavin Chasteen was named Student of the Month for Honesty.  Congratulations Trinity is proud of you.

Thanks to all who helped in any way with the Holy Week Services this year.

Vicky Breece has the Relay for Life Luminary bags available for purchase.  They are $5.00 each and can be bought In Memory of or In Honor of.  All proceeds go to Relay for Life.  Anyone wanting them may see Vicky at church or contact her at 820-0465.

DIAPER MINISTRY needs help.  We need diapers sizes 3,4,5 and baby wipes.  There is a basket in the foyer of the sanctuary.  Thank you for your generosity.


HOPEFEST  - SIKESTON FIRST UMC – Saturday, April 30, starting at 4 p.m.

BLOOD DRIVE IN TRINITY FELLOWSHIP BUILDING on Monday, May 16, 2011 – 3 to 7 p.m.  We need donations of fruit (raisins, bananas, grapes), juices (grape, apple, orange), and sandwiches cut into quarter size pieces. 

                                                               PRAYER CONCERNS

Sharon Ulrich –will have heart surgery on May 5 at Southeast Hospital.
Isabella Heaton – 6-month old cousin of Julie Dodd – in Children’s Hospital in St. Louis with seizures.
Bonnie Watson – in hospital in Benton, AR
Effie Dodd – Mother of James Dodd who is waiting on bone marrow results.
Steve Stodgsdill – Juilie Dodd’s friend who is in the hospital with a fever and is suffering from cancer..
Kathy Jones – cancer has reoccurred after 13 years; her husband Larry died just two weeks ago.
Rita Dwiggins - aunt of Carrie Greene – critical condition in St. Louis hospital; had surgery on Wednesday.
Homer Levart, Dexter – suffering from kidney cancer; in Texas seeking treatment.  His daughter Karen
                                       Griffin who works at SEMO Electric, is a friend of Tressa Lane.
Harold Foster
Neal Boyd
Dennis Strauser
Alan Horner
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s Mom who has cancer.
Greg Hall            Sarah White            Charles Glass            Mucuacua UMC

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