
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk - May 22, 2011

          * TUESDAY – CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING AT 6:30 P.M.  The business of Trinity is conducted at this meeting; all officers of the church should attend if possible and all others are welcome.  Larry Smith is Council Chairman.       
          *  WEDNESDAY – THE CONCERT FOR HOPE at 6:30 p.m.   Please join us at Trinity for a special concert with your favorite musicians as we celebrate spring!  We will have a special offering for the Bloomfield Ministerial Alliance which provides hope for those who need help with groceries, gas, electric bills, rent and other basic needs.  Tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers to come and enjoy a special night of music.  (JOY service cancelled)
          *UNITED METHODIST WOMEN will meet at 1:00 p.m. in the Education Building
The Healthy Church Initiative evaluation meeting was attended by 29 people.  We celebrated our successes and talked about concerns, too.  Susan prepared a summary of how we're doing the on the five prescriptions and it is available on the table in the foyer. 

Please help us with our diaper ministry!   We need diapers sizes 3, 4 and 5 and baby wipes. There is a basket in the hallway of the sanctuary building.  Thank you for your generosity!

 The blood drive was successful; there were 22 donors with 2 brand new ones who had never given before.   Thanks to the UMW ladies for supplying the drinks and snacks!   There is a thank you to the church posted on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall.   Also, a big thanks to those who gave from the church and a special thanks to Carrie Greene who was a big help in getting people signed in and fed!

    *Skye Brown made the honor roll and attended the honor roll banquet.
          *Brant Hobbs, 3rd grade, Joseph Lane, 1st grade, and Ashton White, Kindergarten, were chosen to represent their grade in the Spelling Bee. 
          *Joseph Northern will be graduating from high school; commencement exercises are at four o’clock this afternoon. 
          *William Green, Wyatt Hendley, Katelyn Jarrell, Marvin Smith and Ashton White “graduated” from Kindergarten on Friday night. 
                                                              PRAYER CONCERNS
A. L. Blair – Jeff Blair’s uncle who had cancer surgery last week; is in ICU at Barnes Hospital
Rita Dwiggins - aunt of Carrie Greene – critical condition in St. Louis hospital.
Family of Charles Wayne Cobb - Chad, James and Brittany, Janet and Reese Palmer.
Family of Burley Pruett - Cousin of Gorty Aslin who passed away this week
Family of Homer Levart   Passed away this week.
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom had surgery on Thursday for a tumor on her sciatic nerve; she came
                            through the surgery with no problems.
Ben Hanner – awaiting test results; he is Shirley Hanner's nephew
Shane – Son of Shirley  Hanner's sister's sister-in-law' 
Sharon Ulrich - had heart surgery on May 5 and is showing improvement; she is still hospitalized in ICU
Gary Rhine - Melissa Blair’s dad will see his doctor Monday concerning his biopsy    
 Kristine Comstock - She is having severe leg and back pain.
Karen Stevens - Healing prayers are needed.
Linda Talley-Kristine Jackson’s mom who has cancer.…..old Fosterre understandable. o and Linda Patrick desert
Greg Hall                    Sarah White     Charlie Glass              Mucuacua UMC

  • Big Concert:  First UMC in Sikeston has secured National recording duo, Dove Award                                                                        Nominees Shane & Shane for a concert at the  Miner Convention Center on August 27, a kick off for heir brand new tour and album release.  Artists Bethany Dillon, Freely, and Dub Pierce will open for Shane & Shane that night. All of the profits from the concert will go towards First UMC Youth mission trips. Included in the ticket price will be entrance to the silent auction and heavy hors d'oeuvres. Doors open at 4 pm and concert begins at 7. This is a great and unique setting to see one of the more popular Christian groups
  • Pre-Sale Special:  Exclusively at First UMC in Sikeston this weekend, you'll have an opportunity to buy tickets before anyone else at a discounted rate for the above concert. We'll have a limited number of tickets to sell right after each worship service for only $10On Monday, tickets will be available at other outlets to the general public at the regular price.  If you are interested, contact Brad Aycock.


You better slow down.

Do so

Time is short.


Do you run through each day


When you ask are you?

Do you

With the next hundred chores 

                                                      COMMUNION ON THE MOON
More than forty years ago history was changed when two human beings walked on the surface of the moon.  But what happened before Buzz Aldine and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module is perhaps even more amazing, if only because so few people know about it.  I’m taking about the fact that Buzz Aldine took communion on the surface of the moon.  Some months after his return, he wrote about it in Guildeposts story is that Aldrin was an elder at his Presbyterian church in Texas during this period in his life, and knowing that he would soon be doing something unprecedented in human history, he felt he should mark the occasion somehow and he asked his pastor to help him.  The pastor consecrated a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine which Aldrin took with him out of the Earth’s orbit and on to the surface of the moon.

He and Armstrong had only been on the lunar surface for a few minutes when Aldrin made the following statement.  “This is the LM pilot.  I’d like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way.”  He then ended radio communication and there, on the silent surface of the moon, 250,000 miles from home, he read a verse from the Gospel of John, and he took communion.  Here is his own account of what happened: 

“In the radio blackout, I opened the little plastic packages which contained the read and the wine.  I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me.  In the 1/6th gravity of the moon, the wine slowly curled and gracefully came up the side of the cup.  Then I read the scripture, ‘I am the vine, you are the branches.  Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit.  Apart from me you can do nothing.’

I had intended to read my communion passage back to earth, but at the last minute (they) had requested that I not do this.  NASA was already embroiled in a legal battle with Madelyn Murry O’Hare, the celebrated opponent of religion, over the Apollo 8 crew reading from Genesis while orbiting the moon at Christmas.  I agreed reluctantly.  I ate the tiny Host and swallowed the wine.  I gave thanks for the intelligence and spirit that had brought two young pilots to the Sea of Tranquility .. It was interesting for me to think:  the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the very first food eaten there, were the communion elements.  And, of course, it is interesting to think that some of the first words spoken on the moon were the words of Jesus Christ who made the Earth and the moon – and Who, in the immortal words of Dante, is Himself the “Love that moves the Sun and other stars.”  WOW!!!                                                          Written by the author of    
                                              Everything You Always Wanted to Know About God (But Were Afraid to Ask)         

Running through 
your head?

You'd b
slow down



Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk – Sunday, May 15

DON’T FORGET THE RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE TOMORROW at the Trinity Education Building.  Time: 3 – 7 p.m.  Anyone who would like to give blood may see or call Mary Thorn for an appointment and you will not have to wait.  Her phone number is 568-2489.  THIS IS A VERY WORTHY CAUSE AND A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE OTHERS. 

      * JOY Service at 6:00 p.m. You are invited to share in this prayer group.

Hope Epidemic Challenge for Next Sunday, May 22 - We continue the Hope Epidemic through May and we have been challenged by Sikeston First to bring food items for local food pantries and vegetable seed packets  for families throughout the world to grow their own food.  We know how much we LOVE a challenge so let's bring 500 food items and 500 vegetable seed packets to worship on May 22.  Let's go TRINITY!!!!

The church council meeting will be Tuesday, May 24, at 6:30 p.m.  This is for all officers of the church and anyone who is interested in the business affairs of Trinity.   

Will you be a part of the Hope Epidemic?  Our message series for May focuses on how hope is to be contagious and we want hope to be contagious in our community.  On Wednesday evening, May 25, at 6:30 p.m., join us at Trinity for a special concert with your favorite musicians as we celebrate spring!  We will have a special offering for the Bloomfield Ministerial Alliance which provides hope for those who need help with groceries, gas, electric bills, rent and other basic needs.  Tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers to come and enjoy a special night of music!

THANKS to all who have helped the many people who have been victims of the tremendous flooding.  There is still a need for workers in nearby areas, i.e. Morehouse, and a continued need for food, clothing, cash, and HOPE.   

     *Sam Gibbs was named Student of the Month for April.  Congratulations, Sam, Trinity is proud of you.
     *Cheyene and Skye Brown were named 1st and 2nd place winners, respectively, in the Daily Statesman/Chamber of Commerce Easter Coloring Contest.  They received Dexter Dollars and Easter Baskets.  Keep that artistic talent alive, girls.

Congratulations to the following students as they complete these very special milestones:
     Ryker Chasteen, Mollianne Dodd and Jaelyn Jarrell
     William Greene, Wyatt Hendley, Katelyn Jarrell, Marvin Smith and Ashton White
Middle School--
     Charlie Glass, Rachel Pullum and Sophie Thorn
High School--
     Joseph Northern
     Laura Blair (Richland High School)
April offering and attendance stats are available on the table in the hallway

The TUMC Girls opened the doors to their yard sale yesterday to the flood victims and to the Assembly of God Food Pantry recipients.  A large number responded to the opportunity to select many items that the families needed.  TUMC Girls served a light breakfast, had prayer with those who had special requests, and were grateful for the opportunity to serve others especially in this critical time. 

The ladies of the First General Baptist Church of Bloomfield invite you to join them for a two-hour WOMEN’S CONFERENCE on Saturday, May 21, from 1 to 3 p.m.  The guest speaker is Kendis Chenovweth, a passionate, exciting, in-love-with-God’s-Word person.  The will motivate and leave you hungry and encouraged through God’s Word.  Praise and Worship will be led by Ramona Baker and Friends.  All women of our church and community are invited.   

Charlie Glass sent a note to be shared with the congregation; he appreciates all the prayers during this difficult time for Vicky, Little Charlie and himself.  He is appealing his case and will have a bench trial on June 27.  He asks for continued prayers. 

Please help us with our diaper ministry!   We need diapers sizes 3, 4 and 5 and baby wipes. There is a basket in the hallway of the sanctuary building.  Thank you for your generosity!

                                                                PRAYER CONCERNS
Reese Palmer called to report that Janet's brother, Charles Wayne, was found dead yesterday.  He had been
          receiving treatment for a medical condition.  Janet and Reese are in Doniphan to help his children
          make funeral arrangements...please hold Janet, Reese, Janet's sister, Judy, and their family in your
Sharon Ulrich was conscious and responsive, though is now fighting an infection!  She still has the breathing
          tube (vent) but she can communicate with the help of a message board...another few days for the vent,
          but they will try to let her breathe on her own for a few breaths each day.  Pastor Susan told her she
          was a miracle and she smiled...keep up the prayers!
The family of Homer Levart who passed away yesterday.  Prayers for his wife who also has cancer.  
David Layton – heart attack; friend of Kristine Jackson and Linda Talley
Dennis Hente – Car accident
Diane Boyles – Colon Cancer
James Russom’s relative, Madison, age 8, who will have a kidney transplant; also for his Mother who will
          have knee surgery on Tuesday.  Mr. Russom has provided music for services at Trinity.
Karen Stephens – cancer has recurred; Karen is a former teacher in the Bell City Schools.   
The family of Betty Rose Irick - Bobbie Dantzler’s sister-in-law who died this week in NC. 
David Norbury – our District Superintendent who lost his mother last week
Mary Stevens broke her hip and she has had surgery and is doing well.  The difficulty is that Mary’s has
          severe dementia and she may not follow rehab instructions and fall again.
Gary Rhine- Melissa Blair’s dad who has a tumor in his leg similar to the tumor he had three years ago. 
          They are waiting on the biopsy results.
Linda Talley-Kristine Jackson’s mom who has cancer.
Daniel Pressley
Jamie Aaron…..old Fosterre understandable. o and Linda Patrick desert
Greg Hall                    Sarah White               Charles Glass              Mucuacua UMC

A Light in the Window

A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church

We use the word hope in many ways.  We hope we have ice cream for dessert, we hope we get a close parking spot when we’re late for an appointment and we hope a loved one who is sick gets better.  Even though there is a world of difference between hoping for ice cream and a loved one getting better, the meaning is similar.  Hope means we look towards something more, something better.  Human beings need hope to not only thrive, but to survive.  If we have ever felt rather hopeless, we know that the world is in shades of gray and when hope returns, the world bursts forth in color.  Hope makes all the difference in the world.

Jesus offered hope to everyone He met.  Hope to the blind man, hope to the woman who had been ill for 12 years and hope to those who thought that power and control were all that was needed in life.  Jesus continues to offer us hope through God’s Word and through God’s people. 

How does God’s hope come through us?  Let’s think about all the devastation from the tornadoes and floods.  So many of our brothers and sisters have lost everything, all their possessions, land, homes and that is nothing compared to those who have lost loved ones.  Hope may seem so far away and even unimaginable.  Yet, folks come together in prayer, special offerings and hands on work that brings a bit of hope to those who have experienced so much devastation in their lives.  Country western musicians came together at the Grand Ol’ Opry to raise funds for the Red Cross to help those devastated by the disasters.  When we come together in hope it not only touches those in need, it changes us, too.  God creates us to reach out to others.

As followers of Christ, we are to hold onto hope for others who cannot hold onto it for themselves.  We are to walk alongside them so they know they are not alone.  We are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus who helped people know that God was with them through it all.

How can we offer hope to others in Bloomfield?  Join us for a Concert for Hope on Wednesday, May 25, at 6:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church in Bloomfield.  Area church musicians will provide an evening of beautiful music to fill our souls.  There will be a special offering for the Bloomfield Ministerial Alliance, which provides hope to those who need a little help with food, gas, rent, electric bills and other basic necessities.  We never know what our neighbors are going through in their every day lives and we can provide hope when help is needed.  Won’t you join us for a night of hope?

Trinity United Methodist Church is on Highway J, near the Golden Living Care Center.  Please call 568-3188 for more information.  See you next Wednesday!