
Trinity Bible Scholars

Nov. 1

Answers are in Psalm 90 and the Letter of James.

1. How long has God been God? _______________ (cite verse)

2. The Book of Psalms is made up of how many “books?” ___________

3. Who is the Letter of James written to? _____________

4. What needs to be tamed? _________ (cite verse)

5. . What should we do when we are suffering? ________ What should we do when we are cheerful? ________ What should we do when we are sick? _________

Good Luck!


Psalm 90:12 and James 4:13-14

Scripture for November 1

We spend a lot of time hurrying from here to there, don’t we? Even when we’re sitting still our minds hurry from one thought to another. We just don’t know how to spend time in the “right now, “in the moment. So often we’re thinking about what we need to do next, instead of being present in this very moment. Think of all that we miss in this moment when we rush to the very next thing on our list. How do we slow down and savor this very moment? What do we miss that God offers us when we rush on ahead?


Well, God, how do you know me so well? Help me to remember that my life is made up of moments and to slow down and notice…amen.


A Light in the Window

A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church

There are rules for us to follow every day. Some rules we like, others not so much. There are rules given to us by others for the common good, like we drive on the right side of the road in the United States. There are rules given to us by our families, you have to clean up your room before you go out with friends or a parent is supposed to attend every single spors activity that your children participate in. We even give ourselves rules, no desert before vegetables. Yes, we know a lot about rules.

God gives us rules such as Mark 12:29-31, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and the Ten Commandments. God gives us rules to protect us (who knows the chaos if we each followed our own rules and no other rules for the common good), to give us boundaries and to keep us on the Christian path towards a closer relationship with Jesus.

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, knew that people needed simple rules for living a Christian life. Their lives were difficult at times and they needed simple rules to keep walking on the path towards God. Wesley searched Scripture and developed three simple rules for Christian living: do no harm, do good and follow the ordinances of God. The ordinances are ways we deepen our relationship with God such as prayer, Scripture, walking in Creation, being a part of small groups and fasting. Another way to state this rule is to stay in love with God.

What does it mean to do no harm? We don’t intentionally harm anyone. We know harm by watching the news or reading the newspapers. Yet, when we think about it, we may be doing harm unintentionally to God, each other and to creation.

We harm God when we get so busy we don’t think about God, all that we give God is a quick prayer when we go to sleep. We harm God when we take God’s name in vain, when we say, “oh my god.” We know we’re saying it with a small g, but do other people know that? We harm God when we put so many things before God. You know, we give God our offering after we’ve paid all of our bills not before and God gets our leftovers.

We harm each other when we gossip and when we’re negative about things we don’t like in our families, our workplaces, our neighborhoods and our churches. We harm each other when we say things like, “gee, that was stupid’ and the other person hears “I’m stupid.” We harm each other when we look at someone who is different than us and we see right through them as if they are an object and not a child of God.

We harm creation by throwing away things that can be recycled like cardboard, tin cans and water bottles. Our landfills are getting so full and recycling helps in so many ways. We harm creation when we top off our gas tanks because it adds more toxins to the air and when we use Styrofoam because it never breaks down in the landfill. I learned this from daughter and made a decision to change these two small things.


Hallelujah Hayride

Fall Fun and Fellowship will return this year on Wednesday, October 28, beginning at 5PM. Gather at the West Pleasant Valley Church on AC Hwy for hot dogs, chili, and lots of fun! In case of rain, festivities will be held at the fellowship hall at Trinity. Don't miss out on this annual gathering of Trinity friends and family.

The Journey

Micah 6:8

Scripture for October 18

We learn as small children that we are supposed to “be good.” The definition of good may be different from family to family. But in general we know that to “be good” we follow the rules, we’re nice to people, we help people, etc. “Be good” is more about others than ourselves. It is outwardly focused. So how do you “do good” to others? How do you do all the good you can in your everyday life? How can you join with others and do even more “good’ in our corner of the world?

Thank you, God, that we learn to do good from You. When you created the world You do it out of love and love is always good. Guide us to do all the good we can every day of our lives. Amen.