
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity TalkNews, Events, and Schedules April 3, 2011

ATTENTION ALL CHILDREN: Next Sunday, April 17, our children will participate in the Palm processional at the 11 a.m. worship service.  All the children are invited to participate.  The very young children may be assisted by an older youth or a parent.  It’s a great opportunity for the children to have a part in the worship service as they wave the palms. 

TRINITY SINGERS will practice Wednesday evening, 7p.m., immediately following JOY at 6 p.m.

WE STILL NEED LOTS OF EGGS FOR THE EGG HUNT THIS COMING SATURDAY, APRIL 16, AT THE CITY PARK.  We need plastic eggs stuffed with wrapped candy.  We will also need helpers for that day, so think about where you would like to serve--hide eggs, serve food, cook food, help supervise jumpers, etc.  Thanks for your help.

FULL BREAKFAST next Sunday, April 17; everyone welcome.

TUMC GIRLS SALAD SUPPER was a great success.  The theme of “Vintage Aprons and Tablecloths,” was carried out in the table decorations and with each person wearing an apron.  Most of the aprons carried a story which was shared by the wearer.  There were mothers’ aprons and grandmothers’ aprons which carried many memories.  A beautiful and delicious array of salads and desserts graced the buffet.

LANDSCAPING DAY – A thunder storm rolled through early Saturday morning, but that didn’t stop those landscapers.   Check it out – a great job.  Thanks to all who helped in any was, planning, purchasing, digging, planting, furnishing lunch, cleaning up, etc.  It takes a church……

TUMC TO HOST HOLY WEEK SERVICES again this year.  They will start at 7 a.m. each morning Monday through Thursday, April 18 through 21st.  All churches in the community participate in these services, which usually last about 30 minutes, giving time for people to attend and then get to work.  For those who don’t have a work deadline to meet, there will be coffee and doughnuts, etc., for a half hour or so of visiting.   These services are a good inspiration to take us into Easter. 

MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICES will be held at Trinity on Thursday, April 21, at 7 p.m.  Pastor Susan always has an outstanding service for this occasion.  If you haven’t been there, perhaps you can try it this year; if you have attended, you will want to come again. 

There will be a WEDDING SHOWER FOR JULIE CHRISTIAN, daughter of Jean Christian, on Saturday, April 30, from 10–11:30 a.m.   Julie is registered at Target and a few things at J. C. Penny’s.  All women of the church are invited.  Drop in or stay the full time and enjoy the fellowship.  Julie will be married in Jamaica in mid-May. 

Thanks to Jim and Sue Mayo for the flower bed at the driveway west of the church building. They had this in mind before plans to have the work day; it will fit in nicely with the other landscaping that is being planned.

Vicky Breece is on a Relay for life team at work and she has the Luminary bags available for purchase.  They are $5.00 a piece and can be bought for In Memory of or In Honor of.  All proceeds go to Relay for Life.  Anyone wanting them may see Vicky at church or contact her at 820-0465.

Building Loan Balance - $53, 598.60

DIAPER MINISTRY needs help.  We need diapers sizes 3,4,5 and baby wipes.  There is a basket in the foyer of the sanctuary.  Thank you for your generosity.

Look out world—Donnie Gibbs has his driver’s permit!  Congratulations on another milestone.  After driving race cars for some time now, Donnie is sure to know how to handle a vehicle.  Just remember, D., that you are not always on the race track!!!!
         UMW meeting on April 27 at Cypress Point at 11:30 a.m.; having lunch with Colleen Phillips, a resident there.   

HOPEFEST  - SIKESTON FIRST UMC – Saturday, April 30, starting at 4 p.m.

TRINITY ANNUAL YARD SALE – MAY 6 & 7.  You may start bringing your things starting May 1.  This event provides cash for us, makes items available that people might otherwise be able to purchase, and usually everything left at the end of the sale is given away.

BLOOD DRIVE IN TRINITY FELLOWSHIP BUILDING on Monday, May 16, 2011 – 3 to 7 p.m.  We need donations of fruit (raisins, bananas, grapes), juices (grape, apple, orange), and sandwiches cut into quarter size pieces. 

                                                               PRAYER CONCERNS

Kathy Jones – cancer has reoccurred after 13 years; her husband Larry died just two weeks ago. Rita Dwiggins - aunt of Carrie Greene – critical condition in St. Louis hospital.  Carrie is there with   
                                                                her today.
Ellie Thorn
Homer Levart, Dexter – suffering from kidney cancer; in Texas seeking treatment.  His daughter Karen
                                       Griffin who works at SEMO Electric, is a friend of Tressa Lane.
Law horn and Bateman Families – have medical and financial problems; they are friends of Nora Statler.
Bob Blair – in Crowley Ridge Care Center; is not doing well.
Colleen Phillips – recuperating at Cypress Point.
JoAnne Ruby - Mother-in-law of Julie Dodd's aunt who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer
Dan Duncan – battling cancer; friend of Vicky Breece.
Steve Stogsdill – colon cancer; will start two weeks of chemo, then four weeks of both chemo and radiation,
                            then surgery.  He continues to need our prayers.   
Lori Fowler – Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter is at her home has she continues her recuperation from  
                       surgery for a mass behind her eye.                               
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s Mom who has cancer.
Becky Dennington – in St. Louis for radiation treatments.
Greg Hall            Sarah White            Charles Glass            Mucuacua UMC

Lenten thought:  “Are ye able,” said the Master, “to be crucified with me?”
“ Yea,” the sturdy Christians answered, “to the death we’ll follow thee. 
Lord, we are able, our spirits are thine; remold them, make us, like thee, divine. 
Thy guiding radiance above us shall be, a beacon of God, to love and loyalty.”

The 1st ever Hope Fest is coming to Sikeston First UMC.  This outdoor celebration is featuring national and local speakers sharing their stories of Hope.  Not only will we celebrate through speakers and music on that evening, we will also provide opportunities for hope for all those in need throughout the region.  Participators are::
     Chris Byrd – Former WBO/IBF Heavyweight boxing champion (defeated Oilfield)
     Jimmy Needham = In pop Recording Artist
     Rapper J-Son & DJ – from Lucre’s group
     Dub Pierce – Worship leader @ The Journey (Sikeston First’s contemporary service) and recording artist
     Chris Nell – Worship leader @ Northland UMC – KC
     Maggie Thorn – Winner of Mid-South Fair Talent Contest
     Anna McReynolds – Rising Blue Artist
     Southern Brothers – Top 40 Gospel Trio
     Bill Ed Huff
     Anchor Academy

The following services will be offered free by professionals to all who want them:
Health screenings, stress tests, vision, hearing, dental, scoliosis and osteoporosis screenings, finger printing, old prescription drug drop-off, eyeglass drop-off, hair cuts, family counseling, financial counseling, just to name a few.

Representatives from the following organizations will be on hand to provide information:
Room for One More, Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, Center for the Blind, WIC – Family Services, along with other local, national and global organizations.

There will also be food available and over 15 kids’ inflatable rides and activities.  Due to the expected number of people attending, there will be shuttles providing free transportation throughout Sikeston to Hope Fest.

Save the date.  This entire event is free and open to any and all.  This will be a great evening of opportunity and optimism found through the Hope of Jesus Christ.  We hope you will consider joining us, as well as passing this information along to anyone you know who is looking for Hope.  The church’s  address is 1307 North Main St., Sikeston.  The event begins at 4 p.m. and will end around 10 p.m.  For more information,
e-mail bradaycock@mac.com or call 573-421-1824.
 (This information received from Brad Aycock)



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