
The Journey and Trinity Bible Scholars

The Journey
Luke 2:1-7
Scripture for December 20

We light the fourth Advent candle this Sunday, the candle of love. Love is a word that is so difficult to define; yet we know it when we experience it. We know how we love our families, our friends and our God. We know that God sent Jesus to this earth to show us how much God loves us. Who do you know that needs God’s love this Christmas season? God invites each one of us to be that love in the world during Advent and every day of the year. Who needs you to be God’s love today? And tomorrow?

Well God, I’m really busy as it gets closer and closer to Christmas and I know I meet people every day that need to know Your love. Give me Your eyes to see them and Your heart to show them Your love. Amen.

Trinity Bible Scholars

December 20

Answers are from the Gospel of Luke.

1. Who called for the first registration? ____________

2. Who was governor of Syria during the first registration? ____________

3. Where was Joseph’s hometown? _______________

4. Why was there no room for Joseph and Mary at any of the inns in Bethlehem? ___________

5. Merry Christmas, you get an automatic 10 points for this question because you are one of the elite Trinity Bible Scholars!!!

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