
The Journey and Trinity Bible Scholars

The Journey

Luke 1:39-45

Scripture for December 13

We light the third Advent candle this Sunday and it represents joy. Joy is that feeling way down deep inside of us, almost like we’re smiling from the inside out. It lifts us up and we want to share it with others. What brings you deep down joy this holiday season? How can you share that joy with others? Remember that song, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart.” Pass it on…

Dear God,

Help me to have that deep down joy, even in the busyness of this Christmas season. Open the eyes of my heart so I notice people so I can share the joy of Christ with them. Amen.

Trinity Bible Scholars

December 13

Answers are from the Gospel of Luke.

1. Elizabeth was married to _________?

2. What happened to Elizabeth’s husband when he questioned the angel’s news that his wife would have a son? ____________

3. How was Elizabeth related to Mary? __________

4. What was the importance of Elizabeth’s baby to Jesus? ________

5. What is Elizabeth’s son’s name? _______

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