
Trinity Talk


ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MEETING TODAY following worship services.  It will be a working lunch with soup/salad/sandwiches.  Annette Lumsden is Ad Council Chair.

IT IS TIME FOR VALENTINES AGAIN for our military and our shut in members and friends.  Please pick up a list of names from the table on the foyer.  Have the Valentines back at the church by next Sunday, February 5, so that UMW members have them sorted and delivered in plenty of time for the recipients to enjoy them.  Thanks.  If you have not picked up a list of those to receive valentines, the list is as follows. 
(Please do not seal – tuck flap in envelope)

Gorty Aslin           Bob Blair                   Kurt Dumey                       John Gandt                Charles Glass
Greg Hall              Anson Knoderer        Imogene Montgomery       Colleen Phillips          Murlin Phillips
Mildred Unger      Marilea Vickroy        Larry Watson                     Fred Wethington

"Souper Bowl Sunday" is Sunday, February 5.  We are asking everyone to bring any canned goods or food items this Sunday, Jan. 29, and next Sunday, Feb. 5, for the National Day to help feed the hungry. You can bring you food items to Church or put them in the container at T&C.  The youth will have soup pots on the 5th to collect any funds you may wish to donate as well.  All food and money will go to Assembly of God's Food Pantry.  THANKS for all YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT of this MISSION!!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS:   Thursday, February 2 – Cissy Williams is again planning a choir musical for Easter Sunday, “Oh, What a Savior.”  She cannot do this alone!!  Please place this date on your agenda and plan to attend the first meeting at which time the group will decide what night practices will be held.  Remember, you do not have to have special training to sing in the choir.  Cissy “works magic” when she gets a group together.  We are having good responses to all the needs to keep Trinity moving forward with Rev. Buck as our interim.  The need continues. 

PLANS ARE BEING MADE FOR PALM SUNDAYChildren will do the traditional palm processional and sing.  More information will be posted later.

CONGRATULATIONS TO JOE NORTHERN upon his acceptance at Missouri University.

Food Items for January - The food ministry item for January for the Assembly of God food ministry is cereal or any kind of non-perishable food.  You may bring your items to church or put them in the box at Town and Country Grocery.  Thanks to Carrie Greene for overseeing this ministry.  Food is distributed on the 2nd Saturday each month. 

STUDENT NOTES:  ­Recently the Bloomfield 5th grade basketball team placed first in the
     Zalma Invitational Tournament.  Members of the team are Sam Gibb, Carson Blair and  
     Michael Phillips.  Good job, guys. 
Emily Grobe – member of Dexter Central Elementary’s ACE Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl Team which placed first in Missouri and second in the 4-state Corn Belt Region in academic competition.  Congratulations, Emily.

LETTER FROM JOHN GANDT:  The Christmas Cards that Trinity sent to shut ins and military resulted in a beautiful, inspirational letter from one of our military, John Gandt, who is serving in Egypt.  John attended Trinity as he was growing up in Bloomfield and evidently has good memories of the church, its people, and its workers.  John is the son of Don and Ginny Gandt.  Trinity continues to pray for his safety and for the time that he will get to return home.  A copy of the letter is on the table in the foyer.  Feel free to pick up a copy.  
Thank you, John, for such a nice letter. 

NOTE OF THANKS from Greg Hall for the Christmas cards from Trinity.  He very much appreciated being remembered, especially at Christmas time, when he is away from family and friends.  Greg is the husband of Becky (Eaton).  Thanks, Greg, for such a nice card.  Responses like this make it even more important that we remember those away from home. 

IT’S BEEN A BUSY WEEK AT TRINITY  Thanks to all who participated in the roller skating party last Sunday; to those who helped with the SEMO Food Bank yesterday, to UMW members who attended Wednesday’s meeting and to those who provided the meal today for the Ad Council working lunch.

Laura Eubanks Stroder-. She has been diagnosed with brain and lung cancer & will begin
     treatment immediately
Special prayers for the family of SarahWhite – who passed away peacefully on Monday after
     a long and valiant fight with cancer.  Prayers for a peaceful passing were answered.
Elaine Hutchison – fighting cancer; has had a difficult week
Sarah Dumey's adopted niece and her new baby, a 2.5 lb. premature infant is gaining weight
Theresa Anderson - asks for prayers for her mother-in-law, Cheryl Anderson, who had a stroke
Mildred Unger – in St. Francis Hospital with congestive heart failure
Debbie Triplett - Julie Dodd’s aunt who had surgery this week pertaining to breast cancer. 
Andy AndersonKay Anderson’s husband who continues to have health problems.   
Gordon Robinett –Son of Maxine Vaughn, who had extremely complicated brain surgery.
Sharonda and Margaret Woodfin – are in a homeless shelter in Santa Ana, CA.  Pray for suitable
     housing soon.  Sharonda’s mother’s dementia is growing worse; friends of Annette Lumsden
Kristine Jackson - She is having severe back pain.
Anson Knoderer – Cissy William’s Dad, who continues to have health problems.
Charlotte Clark - Mom of Jill Gibbs who had another surgery.
Julie Dodd - has a complicated, painful neck condition and is having therapy; improving slowly.
John Gandt - serving in the military in Egypt; son of Don and Ginny.
Charlie Glass             Greg Hall              Mucuacua UMC      Our Military Men and Women

If you have an item that you would like to have included in the newsletter, just send me an e-mail or give me a phone call (568-3425) and I will be happy to use it.   R. Walker)

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