
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk, June 19, 2011

TODAY IS FATHER’S DAY – a day celebrated worldwide when fathers are given special treatments and presented with nice and elegant Father’s Day gifts to make them feel all the more special for the rest of the year.  The origin has many controversies, but one version is this:  Mrs. Bruce John Dodd, of Spokane, WA, admired her father a lot as he contributed his entire life for the welfare of his children.  Mrs. Dodd’s mother had died at a very young age, and her father single handedly raised six kids and that, too, very efficiently.  She wanted to do something special in his honor and approached her minister at the church for a special service dedicated to her father on his birthday, June 5.  As the date was too near to make proper plans, the minister chose the third Sunday of the month to celebrate.  In 1924, Pres. Calvin Coolidge adopted the event as a national festival to “establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations.”  HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL TRINITY DADS!!


JOY services are cancelled for June 22 and June 29.

Pastor Susan will be on a spiritual pilgrimage to Iona Community in Scotland from June 19-July 3.  Susan Marner Sides will be on call for her; church 293-5685, home 293-4482 and cell 820-0422.

There will be an all-church meeting on Wednesday, June 29, at 7:00 p.m. to vote on a new worship schedule as suggested at the six month Healthy Church Initiative evaluation meeting.  The new schedule which would begin on July 10 is the Chapel Service at 8:30 a.m., Sunday school at 9:30 p.m. and the Blend at 10:30 a.m.  All are entitled to vote.

Please help us with our diaper ministry!   We need diapers sizes 3, 4 and 5 and baby wipes. There is a basket in the hallway of the sanctuary building.  Thank you for your generosity!

MISSION MOREHOUSE is Trinity's response to the devastating flood that occurred.  Pastor Susan spoke with the mayor, Pete Lieja, who said there are many ways to serve.  Sign up sheets are in the foyer for those who can help with construction, preparing a meal to take to Morehouse for the volunteers and "adopting a family."  Perhaps you can't do the physical labor but you can provide funds for the food or adopting a family.  This is the way we serve our brothers and sisters who are trying to find a new normal in their lives.  Pastor Susan went to Morehouse on Sunday and reports that a lot has been cleaned up and now comes the work of rebuilding.  Please sign up or let her know how you can help.  Thank you so much.

Congratulations to Don Gandt who officially retired as a lay pastor at Annual Conference this year.

When Pastor Susan visited with Arlene Hopkins who is now at Golden Living Care Center, she wanted to thank everyone for the cards and emails while she was in the hospital and cards and visits now that she is back in Bloomfield.  Arlene is having therapy two times a day and has already walked a bit.  We pray that Arlene will be home soon!

The WPV Homecoming was another successful event with around 77 people in attendance; the day was cooler and nice for the picnic on the grounds after the service. 

SEMO Mobile Food Bank coming to Trinity.  Trinity has an amazing mission opportunity right here at the church.  Brad Aycock introduced us to this project.  Here's how it works:

Sam's and Wal Mart have a zero waste policy, so items that don't sell, etc. like bakery items are frozen and given out by the food bank.  There are fruits and vegetables, frozen meat, mac/cheese and canned goods.  It usually costs $600 but this one has been paid for by someone.  It takes about 2 hours to give out the food.  Our food bank date is set for Saturday, July 23, two weeks before and after the Assembly of God food pantry.  The food bank will put out flyers and bring tables, etc.  All we need to do is provide volunteers to hand out the food.  There will be stations for frozen food, bakery items, canned goods, etc. 

There are no requirements to meet, just the name and the number of people in the family.  To assure there is enough food, the director of the mobile bank gets a sense of how many folks are there and gives out a little more or a little less and they have never run out of food (loaves and fishes, perhaps!).  They get there about 9:30 and it begins at 10:00.  People will line up much earlier so we would want to be there by 8:00 so folks don't have to stand outside.  Susan asked if we could pass out numbers so folks can sit down and still keep their place in line.  Of course, it would be great to hand out bottled water or have water and maybe some breakfast items for the folks, if we can...not a requirement, of course, but what a great way to show radical hospitality, just like we do at the yard sale.  We need at least 6-8 volunteers at the food stations and some folks to carry the food for some of the people.  There’s lots of time yet, so let Pastor know what you think. 

                                                           PRAYER CONCERNS

Arlene Hopkins – fell and broke her hip; is in Golden Living at Bloomfield for therapy.
Anson Knoderer – Cissy’s Dad – hospitalized at Southeast for pacemaker; if all went well, he should have
       gone home on Thursday.
Ralph Nickell - Carrie Green’s dad who has been having chest pains; has gone for tests...
Gary Rhine -  Melissa Blair’s dad’s latest report is that he is FREE of cancer.  Prayers answered
Marlin Ruddell - the chemo is not working and he has been told there are no other treatments for the
       cancer.  He is Brenda Well’s brother.
Tamara Day - JoAnne Westbrook’s co- worker who suffered a stroke.  She's made it through three surgeries   
       & now is in ICU.  Very serious still. She is only 31 years old.
A.L. Blair - Jeff Blair’s uncles who had surgery to remove cancer and had reconstructive facial
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom who is recovering from surgery.
Sharon Ulrich – Came home on Thursday after 37 days in the hospital following her heart surgery in May. 
Bob Blair - Jeff Blair’s dad, whose dementia is getting worse.  He had a mini-stroke last week
Karen Stevens - Healing prayers are needed. 
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s Mother who has cancer          
Sarah White             Charlie Glass             Greg Hall              Mucuacua UMC

Congratulations to Brant Hobbs upon receiving two 1st place ribbons in the Junior Golf Skills Challenge in Dexter on Friday.  He  placed tops in chipping & iron driving.  ‘Way to go, Brant.  We’re proud of you.

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