
Trinity Talk – News, Events, and Schedules -  February 6, 2011

TRINITY’S VALENTINE DINNER – next Sunday, February 13 at 5 p.m.  We will have people bringing soup and chili, but would like for everyone else to bring their favorite, over-the-top Valentine desserts.  This is a great time to showcase special desserts and impress everyone with our creative baking prowess!  We hope everyone will come out and celebrate Valentine's Day and enjoy the fellowship. Why not invite someone to share Trinity’s hospitality!

The Children's Ministry meeting, which was scheduled for last Thursday was cancelled and has been rescheduled for this coming Tuesday, February 8, at 6:00 pm.  Chairperson Lina Gibbs hopes to see you all there!! 

The Trinity Singers will be singing on Sunday, February 13, (next Sunday) in both services.  Practice will be Wednesday evening, February 9, at 7:30.  All who enjoy singing, please come and participate. 

We wish to thank Harold, Jr. and Brenda Merick for the beautiful handmade altar table.  We are blessed that Harold shares his gift of wood working with Trinity.  The size is a better fit and it enhances the beauty of the Chancel area. 

Treasure Trove of Memories - We need someone to keep, store and/or organize Trinity's VHS tapes of our worship services for the last 15-20 years.  Or perhaps you remember a special worship service and you would like to keep that VHS tape?  If so, there is a cabinet in the gym near the prayer room and stairs that is filled with the tapes.  The cabinet has to go so if you would like any of these tapes or would like to store them, please see Pastor Susan or Tony.
OUR OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE:  The Haitians are in need of a gift of clean water.  Their water is not safe to drink, which leads to much sickness.  There is a water purification system available that could help millions of Haitians--the HYDRaID Biosand Water Filter.  It has the ability to provide 100 gallons of clean water a day for 10 years.  This could transform the lives of the Haitian people.  Without illness caused by drinking their unclean water, money that is being spent on medicine could be spent on food and housing.  Without illness, they could go to school and all could lead happier and more productive lives.  Pastor Susan has issued a challenge to us:  To provide clean water for 100 families  for 10 years for $3400 - $34 per family- (or 1,000 families for $34,000.)  She asked for ideas for implementing this ministry.  If you have an idea that you have not submitted, jot this down and put it in the offering plate or e-mail her.  Some folks have asked about also helping our sister church, Mucuacua, with these filters, as they have to walk two hours to a borehole for water.   “…as much as you do it unto the least of these, my brethren, you do it to unto me.”

     Building loan balance:  $57,318.71
     Weekly Offerings for January: 
            Jan 02--$3419.00
            Jan 09--  2800.00
            Jan 16--  3134.00
            Jan 23--  2247.14
            Jan 30--  3235.43
                                                  PRAYER CONCERNS

Martie Goodman has asked for prayers for her husband Mike who is having chest pains and was scheduled for heart tests last Friday.

Rev. Doyle Stogsdill who is a diabetic and suffers with kidney failure & has been on dialysis; these problems cause many other illnesses.  After having been in the hospital for several days - he is at home with hospice help until the Lord calls him home. His wife, Jane, is his care taker.

Kristin Jarrell has asked for prayers for her aunt, Barbara Schuchart, who has severe skin cancer which has caused an infection in her blood.  She is hospitalized and the infection has caused severe confusion.  She is very ill...

Westin Smith, 16 month old son of Brooke and Michael B., has had RSV and type A flu.  He has been a very sick little boy but thankfully, his condition is much improved.

Marlin Ruddell, brother of Brenda Wells, is taking weekly chemo and is very ill the day he receives the treatment.  Last week, his doctor told him he would need chemo every week for the rest of his life.

Marlin's brother in law, Jimmie Kinney, also has cancer and will have stints in his heart
on February 13.

Family of Mona Rendleman – Grant and Mary Jo’s sister’s mother-in-law.
Family of Eva Wilson – friends of Krisine Jackson
Mildred Unger – in Golden Living Care Center in Bloomfield for rehab.
Jack VanSandt – Prostate cancer surgery last week; he is Mildred Unger’s son-in-law.
 Lori Fowler – Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter is scheduled for surgery February 17 for a mass behind her   
Anna Mae Adams – Vicky Breece’s neighbor who lost her daughter two weeks ago.
Family of Jay Parsley who died after surgery.
Bob Blair – Being evaluated for dementia; father of Jeff Blair
Patty Pannier – had heart surgery on January 19; step-daughter of Shannon Heilman.
Braxton Graves – 4-month old baby facing surgery soon; son of Brittany Graves, friend of Kristine Jackson.
Sharon Ulrich – scheduled for heart valve surgery later this month.  She wants to say, “thank to all for  
                        their prayers…God is good!”
Celia Connor – suffering from a brain tumor; friend of Kristine’s Mother.
Peggy McEnerney – had cancer surgery recently and is now undergoing chemotherapy.
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s Mom who has cancer.
Harold Foster – Vicky Glass’ stepfather who is ill and in and out of the hospital.
Charlotte Clark – Jill Gibb’s Mom who has severe back pain.
Becky Dennington – cancer and receiving treatments.
Stefanie Gray – lymphoma; Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Larry Jones – has lung cancer; Larry’s daughter is a good friend of Stephanie Monroe.
Don Scott – cancer; not doing well.
Larry Pinney – cancer; Marcia Metcalf’s uncle.
Gorty Aslin          Greg Hall          Blake Harris          Dan Duncan           Sarah White
Clarles Glass        Mucuacua UMC

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