
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk – All the news and happenings at Trinity – November 28, 2010

Pastor Susan opens the Advent Season today with the first of this season’s series, “The Christmas Gifts that Won’t Break.” It’s a beautiful, magical and deeply spiritual time of the year. You are invited to enter into the spirit of the season through singing, reading the Scriptures, prayer, and meditation.

Wednesday – JOY – 6 p.m.- a service of prayers and praise.

Dec. 6 – TUMC GIRLS Christmas party at Shenanigans in Essex. Meet at Trinity at 5:45 p.m. Invite your friends and join us. Please bring a $5-$10 Christmas ornament or other Christmas item for the gift exchange. RSVP to Cathy Chasten by December 3 at clchasteen@sbcglobal.net or 568-2239.

Food ministry for the month is anything for a Christmas dinner.

RADA KNIFE ORDERS will be taken until the Monday after Thanksgiving (tomorrow). If you wish to order knives, food items, candles, or other great Christmas gifts, please call Rosemary at 568-3425 or send an e-mail. If you need to see a catalog, please let her know. A special thank you to Sonja Hobbs and Jan Aslin for their assistance in getting orders for us.

IT’S PORK LOIN TIME AGAIN: If you are planning to serve pork loin sometime during the Christmas holiday, the TUMC youth group will be taking orders soon. The loins will be ready to pick up on Saturday, December 18th. The youth will not be soliciting you; you will need to ask them or e-mail Jill Gibbs at jillgibbs34@gmail.com They will have receipts and a sign up sheet if you want one (or more). This is a great opportunity to get you your holiday meat, and the Gibbs’ loins are the best!! The youth appreciate your continued support.

The Christmas List for Trinity’s shut ins and military can be found on the table in the foyer. If you wish, you are invited to take a copy of the list and prepare Christmas cards for any or all names on the list. Return these to the church by December 5. UMW members will sort and distribute the cards in plenty of time for recipients to enjoy them throughout the Christmas season.

UMW will meet on December 8 for their annual Christmas gathering at the Hickory Log restaurant in Dexter. Bring friends or family with you to enjoy this final gathering for 2010. Dutch treat and no reservations required – just be there by 11 a.m.

HO-HO-HO--Need help with your Christmas wrapping? Bring your presents with you to church on Sunday, December 19, and Santa’s little elves will help you with this. You will need to bring the gift and a box. The wrapping paper, tape, bows and name tags will be provided. If you will be out on this Sunday but still need help with your wrapping, contact Jill Gibbs; she will get a time worked out with you. Please pick up your gifts between 2 - 4 p.m.

CHILDREN’S PROGRAM – Again this year the children of Trinity will present their program on Monday night, December 20. Keep that date open, please, and keep December 19 (Sunday afternoon) open for a one-time practice for the program.

SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGERS NEEDED! Bell Ringers are needed during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. In this area, Daeoc organizes this ministry. If you will help “ring that bell” this year, please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.

Free your heart from hatred
Free your mind from worries
Live simply
Give more
Expect less

(From Marcia’s prayer on Friday)
Lord, the harvest time is past for another year, and
We thank you for the abundance from your hand.
We look forward to the Season of Glad Tidings. Amen


Family of Fonnie McClane – Cousin of Vicky Breese
James Dodd – injured calf muscle
Larry Jones – Lung cancer; Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye
Don Scott - cancer
Larry Pinney – Marcia Metcalf’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick
Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White
Charles Glass Mucuacua UMC

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