
The Journey & Trinity Bible Quiz

John 5:2-9

Scripture for November 8

Most of us hold onto some things that really weigh us down. You know, things that have happened in our lives that we just can’t let go of. They seem to drag behind us and sometimes they get so heavy we can’t put one foot in front of the other. We tell ourselves to let go of the burden and we think we have for a while. But then there it is again. Sometimes the burden has become so much a part of who we are, we hold onto it out of habit, not even realizing it. How do we begin to let go? How do we discover how to release the burdens we carry around? How do we let go and let God carry them?


Oh God, you know all too well what I carry and how hard it is for me to let you have it. Why do I hold on so tightly? Am I getting something out of it? Oh, these are tough questions and I need your help in finding the answers. Amen.

Trinity Bible Scholars
Nov. 8

Answers are from the Gospel of John.

1. Who is the Word? ___________

2. Who came to testify to the Light? ____________

3. The Gospel of John is one of four gospels in the Bible. Name the other three gospels. _________, _________ and _________.

4. What rather odd question did Jesus ask the man in the Scripture for November 8? _____________

5. The Gospel of John is supposedly written by John but is his name ever mentioned as the author except in the title? ______. Why do scholars believe it was titled the Gospel of John? __________ (cite the verse where you discovered the answer.)

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