
The Journey

Leviticus 23:3
Scripture for March 29

The countdown has begun. Are you EXCITED? There are only 5 days until Mission Blitz ’09. There will be hundreds of us in the Bootheel reaching out to others with radical hospitality. We will surprise some folks and probably confuse others as they wonder why we are doing all of this. Why? Because we serve a mighty, grace giving, radical God. When we come together on Saturday, we will be worshiping our God with our hands and hearts. Worshiping God is not only on Sundays, we are to worship God in everything we do, seven days a week. And Sunday is when we come together to praise God, to be filled with even more of God to take into our corner of the world the other six days of the week. Why? Because we were created to be in community—to laugh, to cry, to praise and to give thanks to the One who holds us tenderly and will never let us go. On Saturday, let’s show the smile of God to each person we meet, the voice of God as we say hello and really mean it and the heart of God as we share God’s love…


O God, may the light of Christ Jesus shine through us every day of the week as we worship you in all we do. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of time could be spent thanking those who participated in this year's blitz in whatever way in thought, word, or deed,& when Pastor Susan mentioned in Sunday's sermon that at least 85% of our congregation DID participate in some way in spite of the liquid sunshine, I could feel God's spirit & smile. Barb