Trinity Talk April 18, 2010
District Superintendent David Norberry attended the 11 a.m. service and conducted the business session following the service at which time TheHealthy Initiative was voted upon. The vote passed by an 85% majority. The work now begins.
TUMC Girls outdid themselves on Tuesday evening when they hosted the annual Spring Salad Supper for all the women of the church and guests. Fifty or more women were on
hand to enjoy the festivities. A fashion show featuring the styles of
of the 40’s through the 80’s was the highlight of the evening.
Name that tune” was led by Cissy Williams, taking us back to the
music of the earlier days. Delicious salads were enjoyed as the
guests were seated at tables which members of TUMC, had each one decorated a table which featured a theme of her choice. All present enjoyed the evening and their feelings were probably expressed best by Mrs. Jim Davis. When she expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to attend (she has the care of her husband and doesn’t get to attend as much as she would like) she said that true Christianity did not have to be all “hallelujahs and shouting” but should include times of laughter, merriment, and genuine fun and friendship. Thanks, TUMC Girls, for a great evening.
On Saturday, Sharon Ulrich hosted her dinner-for-eight group (fewer than 8 this time) at a lovely luncheon at her beautiful home in rural Bloomfield. Sharon has so many interesting things in her home and talked of her varied interests which reflect her creative and theatrical qualities. It was quite a treat to get to enjoy the time there.
Items for the food ministry this month are
canned goods and shampoo. Our food ministry
collection has fallen off some lately. Perhaps
we can improve that soon.
The Spring Yard Sale is coming up the first weekend in May – not
many weeks away – so start cleaning out items that are no longer
needed. It will be someone else’s treasure. Items may be brought
beginning on Monday, April 26.
Another Rada Knife order will be sent in on May 3. There are catalogs with order blanks attached in the kitchen or you may call 568-3425 to request a catalog or to give your order.
April 23, GAME NIGHT, 6:30 P.M. BRING YOUR GAMES, FRIENDS, AND A SNACK TO SHARE. IT’S LOTS OF FUN! April 28 – UMW meeting 1 p.m. in Adult Sunday School Room
UPCOMING DATES: April 28, UMW MEETING, 1 p.m. in the Adult Sunday School Classroom.
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