The Journey
Mark 12:41-44, Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Peter 4:10
Scripture for April 25
We know that surrender isn’t an easy thing for us. In the last two weeks, we have discovered ways to surrender our relationships and our time as acts of worshiping God. Surely there isn’t more we need to surrender, is there? Yes, there’s more…we can offer God our gifts. So what does gifts mean? A gift means what we do well, our talents, and it also means our money. Both of these areas can be difficult for us. Sometimes we don’t think we have any gifts or talents. We can’t see that we do anything special or that we really have much to offer God. And it’s never easy to surrender our money to God. Would we have enough to pay our bills? Could we still buy things we want to buy? God doesn’t really want us to surrender our money, right? So as you think about your gifts, what would it look like if you offered God one area of your life that you do well? It might be a hobby, a passion for something like gardening or quilting or building furniture or reading. If you offered it to God, how could God use it to reach others to show them Christ’s love? How could you offer God your money? What would that mean to you as an act of worship?
Well, God, if I thought surrendering my relationships and time were difficult, I don’t even know where to begin in my surrendering gifts. As always, I sure need Your help. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Answers are in Mark, Romans and 1 Peter.
1. Who is Peter? ________________________
2. Who is Peter writing letter to? _________________________
3. How many gifts does Paul mention? _______. Name them.____________________________________________________
(worth 20 points)
4. What gift do you have to share with others? ________________________
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