A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
Easter was a little more than a week ago. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we sang songs like “Up from the Grave He Arose” and “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” We praised God for the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was a glorious day. So why am I talking about Easter now, over a week later? The reason is because Easter is not just one day in the Christian year. We are Easter people, living the Easter story every day of our lives.
Let’s think about that for a moment. Through the resurrection of Jesus we are forgiven, we are new people, we experience new life in Christ right here on earth. And the resurrection story continues in our lives every day if we just open our eyes to see it. We see glimpses of resurrection all around us.
How do we see a glimpse of resurrection on earth? We see a glimpse of resurrection when family members who have had a disagreement and haven’t seen each other in years lay down the hurt and anger and begin the relationship again. What was dead, is now alive. Is that not a glimpse of resurrection?
The spouse has been betrayed and isn’t sure if the relationship can continue, the love has died. But in that mystery of God, forgiveness occurs and love comes alive again. Is that not a glimpse of resurrection?
We see a glimpse when someone who has an addiction believes in a Higher Power and is freed from that bondage and begins a new life. We see a glimpse when a person has turned away from God for years and then turns back and God welcomes the person home again. Is that not a glimpse of resurrection?
As you think about your relationships, do you see glimpses of resurrection? What was dead is now, in that mystery of God, alive again? As you think about yourself, have you known a glimpse of resurrection? Of course, we will not know the full resurrection in this life, but God gives us glimpses of resurrection to help us know we are Easter people.
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