The Journey/Bible Scholars
The Journey
Romans 12:1-2
Scripture for May 2
What does it mean to surrender your life to God? What does it mean to you personally? What would your life look like if you offered it to God? These are difficult questions for us as human beings. We begin our lives as babies with the sole purpose of getting our needs met. As toddlers we learn the word “mine” and that stays with us for a lifetime. So how do we even begin to surrender our lives to God when we spend so much time finding ways to get our own needs met? We begin with thinking about our relationship with God. Are we looking for what God can do for us? Is it about getting our needs met where God is concerned, what will get out of this relationship? Again, these are very difficult questions for us to answer. But the best way to answer them is to just begin. Just begin to think about how you spend time with God. Is it just you talking to God or do you listen, too? Is your prayer list about what you need and does it include asking God what you can do for God? Again, these are difficult questions and answers but the first thing to help us answer these questions, is to have the courage to begin.
Oh God, I don’t know if I want to surrender my life to You. I don’t know if I want to even look at these kinds of questions. But if You really want me to, show me the way. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Answers are from the Book of Romans.
1. How are we to present our bodies? _______________________________
2. What does conformed to this world mean to you? ______________________________________________________________
3. What does transformed by the renewing of your mind mean to you? ______________________________________________________________
4. How do you see the will of God working in your life? _______________________________________________________________
5. Ten points for just answering the other 4 questions since they are more than factual questions.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk
April 25, 2010
The yard sale is the big item this week – all week long. You may start
bringing your items to the gymnasium beginning this afternoon. You are
welcome to come and help anytime that you can. Sponsored by the
TUMC Girls, it is an all-church activity. Remember—one person’s junk is
another person’s treasure. In conjunction with the yard sale will be
“annual clean-up day” TOMORROW. Come anytime you can and stay as long as
you can. There will be a list of things to be done, so take your pick. .
United Methodist Women will meet on Wednesday afternoon (in the Adult Sunday School Classroom) at one o’clock. The UMW Shepherdess and Sue Welborn will be our guests. All women of the church are invited to attend.
The Christianity’s Family Tree study continues at 4 p.m. each
Sunday afternoon. This has been a good study, starting with the
Orthodoxy, then Catholicism, Lutheranism, and this week will be
Presbyterianism. After that will be Anglicanism, Baptists,
Pentecostalism, and then Methodism. There is still time to join this study.
There will be a “Drop-in Wedding Shower” for Analise Donovan, bride-elect of Tyler
Hendley on Saturday, May 22. Come anytime
between 9:30-11 a.m. and stay as long as you
wish. Tyler is the son of James and Fran
Hendley. They are registered at Wal Mart & Macys.
Our Healthy Church Initiative Coach, Rev. Royal Spiedel, will be here this week to meet with some of the church leaders. This is the first step toward the inauguration of the HCI. Let us be in prayer for the success of this program.
Remember the card ministry that is available to everyone. There will be various types of cards in the foyer. Write your message, sign, and put the name of the recipient on the envelope. These will be addressed, stamped and mailed for you by Melissa Blair. Thanks, Melissa, for this ministry.
Rev. Ron Dunavin, former Trinity pastor, is retiring this year. If you wish to communicate with him, his address is 603 Hogan, Monette, AR 72447
A stormy Friday night didn't stop about 25 adults and kids from having a great time at Trinity game night. We played games and had more snacks than you can imagine. We also played a new kind of game called Rowdy Bingo that was unlike any bingo ever played! Let's just say we now know why the bingo number caller needs a microphone. We had a great time and a lot of fun.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk April 18, 2010
District Superintendent David Norberry attended the 11 a.m. service and conducted the business session following the service at which time TheHealthy Initiative was voted upon. The vote passed by an 85% majority. The work now begins.
TUMC Girls outdid themselves on Tuesday evening when they hosted the annual Spring Salad Supper for all the women of the church and guests. Fifty or more women were on
hand to enjoy the festivities. A fashion show featuring the styles of
of the 40’s through the 80’s was the highlight of the evening.
Name that tune” was led by Cissy Williams, taking us back to the
music of the earlier days. Delicious salads were enjoyed as the
guests were seated at tables which members of TUMC, had each one decorated a table which featured a theme of her choice. All present enjoyed the evening and their feelings were probably expressed best by Mrs. Jim Davis. When she expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to attend (she has the care of her husband and doesn’t get to attend as much as she would like) she said that true Christianity did not have to be all “hallelujahs and shouting” but should include times of laughter, merriment, and genuine fun and friendship. Thanks, TUMC Girls, for a great evening.
On Saturday, Sharon Ulrich hosted her dinner-for-eight group (fewer than 8 this time) at a lovely luncheon at her beautiful home in rural Bloomfield. Sharon has so many interesting things in her home and talked of her varied interests which reflect her creative and theatrical qualities. It was quite a treat to get to enjoy the time there.
Items for the food ministry this month are
canned goods and shampoo. Our food ministry
collection has fallen off some lately. Perhaps
we can improve that soon.
The Spring Yard Sale is coming up the first weekend in May – not
many weeks away – so start cleaning out items that are no longer
needed. It will be someone else’s treasure. Items may be brought
beginning on Monday, April 26.
Another Rada Knife order will be sent in on May 3. There are catalogs with order blanks attached in the kitchen or you may call 568-3425 to request a catalog or to give your order.
April 23, GAME NIGHT, 6:30 P.M. BRING YOUR GAMES, FRIENDS, AND A SNACK TO SHARE. IT’S LOTS OF FUN! April 28 – UMW meeting 1 p.m. in Adult Sunday School Room
UPCOMING DATES: April 28, UMW MEETING, 1 p.m. in the Adult Sunday School Classroom.
The Journey/Bible Scholars
The Journey
Mark 12:41-44, Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Peter 4:10
Scripture for April 25
We know that surrender isn’t an easy thing for us. In the last two weeks, we have discovered ways to surrender our relationships and our time as acts of worshiping God. Surely there isn’t more we need to surrender, is there? Yes, there’s more…we can offer God our gifts. So what does gifts mean? A gift means what we do well, our talents, and it also means our money. Both of these areas can be difficult for us. Sometimes we don’t think we have any gifts or talents. We can’t see that we do anything special or that we really have much to offer God. And it’s never easy to surrender our money to God. Would we have enough to pay our bills? Could we still buy things we want to buy? God doesn’t really want us to surrender our money, right? So as you think about your gifts, what would it look like if you offered God one area of your life that you do well? It might be a hobby, a passion for something like gardening or quilting or building furniture or reading. If you offered it to God, how could God use it to reach others to show them Christ’s love? How could you offer God your money? What would that mean to you as an act of worship?
Well, God, if I thought surrendering my relationships and time were difficult, I don’t even know where to begin in my surrendering gifts. As always, I sure need Your help. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Answers are in Mark, Romans and 1 Peter.
1. Who is Peter? ________________________
2. Who is Peter writing letter to? _________________________
3. How many gifts does Paul mention? _______. Name them.____________________________________________________
(worth 20 points)
4. What gift do you have to share with others? ________________________
A Light in the Window
A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
Easter was a little more than a week ago. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we sang songs like “Up from the Grave He Arose” and “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” We praised God for the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was a glorious day. So why am I talking about Easter now, over a week later? The reason is because Easter is not just one day in the Christian year. We are Easter people, living the Easter story every day of our lives.
Let’s think about that for a moment. Through the resurrection of Jesus we are forgiven, we are new people, we experience new life in Christ right here on earth. And the resurrection story continues in our lives every day if we just open our eyes to see it. We see glimpses of resurrection all around us.
How do we see a glimpse of resurrection on earth? We see a glimpse of resurrection when family members who have had a disagreement and haven’t seen each other in years lay down the hurt and anger and begin the relationship again. What was dead, is now alive. Is that not a glimpse of resurrection?
The spouse has been betrayed and isn’t sure if the relationship can continue, the love has died. But in that mystery of God, forgiveness occurs and love comes alive again. Is that not a glimpse of resurrection?
We see a glimpse when someone who has an addiction believes in a Higher Power and is freed from that bondage and begins a new life. We see a glimpse when a person has turned away from God for years and then turns back and God welcomes the person home again. Is that not a glimpse of resurrection?
As you think about your relationships, do you see glimpses of resurrection? What was dead is now, in that mystery of God, alive again? As you think about yourself, have you known a glimpse of resurrection? Of course, we will not know the full resurrection in this life, but God gives us glimpses of resurrection to help us know we are Easter people.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk April 11, 2010
FROM OUR AD BOARD CHAIRMAN, BILL ASLIN: “I will be out of town over April 18th, which is the day we vote up or down on the five prescriptions put forth by the Healthy Church Initiative Team. I would like to share my thoughts on this vote as your Administrative Chairman. With any change there is a certain amount of fear and uneasiness associated with adapting to them. I have come to realize over my business life to progress and grow that change is inevitable and as in this case there will be multiple changes. The prescriptions put forth set our path toward continued progress which means reaching more souls for Christ. I think, and it has been taught, that we as Christians and Disciples of Christ must do all in our power to reach as many as possible for the kingdom of Christ. Trinity United Methodist Church, by accepting these challenges, will position itself to move forward in this most important work. I know that I cannot vote absentee but if I could I fully support all five prescriptions. On April 18th there will be no discussion, only the vote, therefore I ask anyone with questions remaining to contact Susan.”
The Spring Yard Sale is coming up the first weekend in May – not
many weeks away – so start cleaning out items that are no longer
needed. It will be someone else’s treasure. There will be an update
on when you can bring your things.
TUMC GIRLS SALAD SUPPER THIS TUESDAY EVENING – 6 P.M. - a delightful and fun evening for the women of the church. There will be good fellowship, great food, and even greater entertainment. Everyone is encouraged to dress in attire from the ‘40’s – ‘90’s You might get to be in the fashion show. You won’t want to miss it!
A Rada Knife order will be placed no later than May 3. Now is the time to stock up on good knives to work the summer produce and to select gift sets to have on hand for weddings , showers, birthdays, etc. There are catalogs (with order blanks) in the dining room or you may call 568-3425 to see a catalog or to place your order.
January February March
(5 Sundays)
Building: $ 1,082.00 $ 1,140.00 $ 690.00 General: 12,315.27 11,126.46 10,584.53
TOTAL: $13,397.22 $12,266.46 $11,274.53
Average offering per Sunday: $2,841.40
Loan Balance (4-6-10): $88,612.08
Thanks to Jan Aslin, treasurer, for providing the above information.
Dates to remember: Bible Study, “Christianity’s Family Tree,” each Sunday, at 4 p.m.
Hendley Wedding Shower, April 22 - Game Night – April 23, 6:30 p.m.
Trinity Talk April 11, 2010
FROM OUR AD BOARD CHAIRMAN, BILL ASLIN: “I will be out of town over April 18th, which is the day we vote up or down on the five prescriptions put forth by the Healthy Church Initiative Team. I would like to share my thoughts on this vote as your Administrative Chairman. With any change there is a certain amount of fear and uneasiness associated with adapting to them. I have come to realize over my business life to progress and grow that change is inevitable and as in this case there will be multiple changes. The prescriptions put forth set our path toward continued progress which means reaching more souls for Christ. I think, and it has been taught, that we as Christians and Disciples of Christ must do all in our power to reach as many as possible for the kingdom of Christ. Trinity United Methodist Church, by accepting these challenges, will position itself to move forward in this most important work. I know that I cannot vote absentee but if I could I fully support all five prescriptions. On April 18th there will be no discussion, only the vote, therefore I ask anyone with questions remaining to contact Susan.”
The Spring Yard Sale is coming up the first weekend in May – not
many weeks away – so start cleaning out items that are no longer
needed. It will be someone else’s treasure. There will be an update
on when you can bring your things.
TUMC GIRLS SALAD SUPPER THIS TUESDAY EVENING – 6 P.M. - a delightful and fun evening for the women of the church. There will be good fellowship, great food, and even greater entertainment. Everyone is encouraged to dress in attire from the ‘40’s – ‘90’s You might get to be in the fashion show. You won’t want to miss it!
A Rada Knife order will be placed no later than May 3. Now is the time to stock up on good knives to work the summer produce and to select gift sets to have on hand for weddings , showers, birthdays, etc. There are catalogs (with order blanks) in the dining room or you may call 568-3425 to see a catalog or to place your order.
January February March
(5 Sundays)
Building: $ 1,082.00 $ 1,140.00 $ 690.00 General: 12,315.27 11,126.46 10,584.53
TOTAL: $13,397.22 $12,266.46 $11,274.53
Average offering per Sunday: $2,841.40
Loan Balance (4-6-10): $88,612.08
Thanks to Jan Aslin, treasurer, for providing the above information.
Dates to remember: Bible Study, “Christianity’s Family Tree,” each Sunday, at 4 p.m.
Hendley Wedding Shower, April 22 - Game Night – April 23, 6:30 p.m.
FROM OUR AD BOARD CHAIRMAN, BILL ASLIN: “I will be out of town over April 18th, which is the day we vote up or down on the five prescriptions put forth by the Healthy Church Initiative Team. I would like to share my thoughts on this vote as your Administrative Chairman. With any change there is a certain amount of fear and uneasiness associated with adapting to them. I have come to realize over my business life to progress and grow that change is inevitable and as in this case there will be multiple changes. The prescriptions put forth set our path toward continued progress which means reaching more souls for Christ. I think, and it has been taught, that we as Christians and Disciples of Christ must do all in our power to reach as many as possible for the kingdom of Christ. Trinity United Methodist Church, by accepting these challenges, will position itself to move forward in this most important work. I know that I cannot vote absentee but if I could I fully support all five prescriptions. On April 18th there will be no discussion, only the vote, therefore I ask anyone with questions remaining to contact Susan.”
The Spring Yard Sale is coming up the first weekend in May – not
many weeks away – so start cleaning out items that are no longer
needed. It will be someone else’s treasure. There will be an update
on when you can bring your things.
TUMC GIRLS SALAD SUPPER THIS TUESDAY EVENING – 6 P.M. - a delightful and fun evening for the women of the church. There will be good fellowship, great food, and even greater entertainment. Everyone is encouraged to dress in attire from the ‘40’s – ‘90’s You might get to be in the fashion show. You won’t want to miss it!
A Rada Knife order will be placed no later than May 3. Now is the time to stock up on good knives to work the summer produce and to select gift sets to have on hand for weddings , showers, birthdays, etc. There are catalogs (with order blanks) in the dining room or you may call 568-3425 to see a catalog or to place your order.
January February March
(5 Sundays)
Building: $ 1,082.00 $ 1,140.00 $ 690.00 General: 12,315.27 11,126.46 10,584.53
TOTAL: $13,397.22 $12,266.46 $11,274.53
Average offering per Sunday: $2,841.40
Loan Balance (4-6-10): $88,612.08
Thanks to Jan Aslin, treasurer, for providing the above information.
Dates to remember: Bible Study, “Christianity’s Family Tree,” each Sunday, at 4 p.m.
Hendley Wedding Shower, April 22 - Game Night – April 23, 6:30 p.m.
Trinity Talk April 11, 2010
FROM OUR AD BOARD CHAIRMAN, BILL ASLIN: “I will be out of town over April 18th, which is the day we vote up or down on the five prescriptions put forth by the Healthy Church Initiative Team. I would like to share my thoughts on this vote as your Administrative Chairman. With any change there is a certain amount of fear and uneasiness associated with adapting to them. I have come to realize over my business life to progress and grow that change is inevitable and as in this case there will be multiple changes. The prescriptions put forth set our path toward continued progress which means reaching more souls for Christ. I think, and it has been taught, that we as Christians and Disciples of Christ must do all in our power to reach as many as possible for the kingdom of Christ. Trinity United Methodist Church, by accepting these challenges, will position itself to move forward in this most important work. I know that I cannot vote absentee but if I could I fully support all five prescriptions. On April 18th there will be no discussion, only the vote, therefore I ask anyone with questions remaining to contact Susan.”
The Spring Yard Sale is coming up the first weekend in May – not
many weeks away – so start cleaning out items that are no longer
needed. It will be someone else’s treasure. There will be an update
on when you can bring your things.
TUMC GIRLS SALAD SUPPER THIS TUESDAY EVENING – 6 P.M. - a delightful and fun evening for the women of the church. There will be good fellowship, great food, and even greater entertainment. Everyone is encouraged to dress in attire from the ‘40’s – ‘90’s You might get to be in the fashion show. You won’t want to miss it!
A Rada Knife order will be placed no later than May 3. Now is the time to stock up on good knives to work the summer produce and to select gift sets to have on hand for weddings , showers, birthdays, etc. There are catalogs (with order blanks) in the dining room or you may call 568-3425 to see a catalog or to place your order.
January February March
(5 Sundays)
Building: $ 1,082.00 $ 1,140.00 $ 690.00 General: 12,315.27 11,126.46 10,584.53
TOTAL: $13,397.22 $12,266.46 $11,274.53
Average offering per Sunday: $2,841.40
Loan Balance (4-6-10): $88,612.08
Thanks to Jan Aslin, treasurer, for providing the above information.
Dates to remember: Bible Study, “Christianity’s Family Tree,” each Sunday, at 4 p.m.
Hendley Wedding Shower, April 22 - Game Night – April 23, 6:30 p.m.
The Journey/Bible Scholars
The Journey
Luke 10:38-42
Scripture for April 18
What time is it? Do you have enough time? What time do we leave? Time, and questions about time, are a part of our every day lives. So much so, that we may not even think about it. But when we do, we realize that time is involved in every single thing we do because the seconds, minutes hours and days keep going on and on and on. Time never stands still, even if we would like it to. So, what do you do with your time? Well, that answer could take so much time to answer, couldn’t it? What is the most important thing you do with your time? How often do you spend time doing what is most important to you? Perhaps you can take some time to think about how you spend your time and if you would like to change it in any way. Who knows, it may be time to change it…
I never seen to have enough time, God, to do the really important things in life. Help me to take the time to find my priorities…amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Answers are found in the Gospel of Luke.
1. What are the names of the sisters that Jesus visited? ____________ and ____________.
2. What is one characteristic of Mary? ________________
3. What is one characteristic of Martha? _______________
4. Who are you more like Martha or Mary and why? ____________________________________________________________
5. What is one way that you would like to spend more of your time? ____________________________________________________________
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