
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk – Trinity’s Weekly Newsletter – October 24, 2010

What’s Coming Up at Trinity?? It’s all listed below:

TRINITY SINGERS will sing on Sunday, October 31, at the 9:30 and 11:00 services. Practice will be this Wednesday night, October 27, 7:00 PM. Cissy encourages anyone who likes to sing to come and take advantage of this opportunity. The music for that Sunday will be upbeat and fun.

JOY, Trinity’s prayer and praise service, will be Wednesday evening @ 6:00 p.m.

TRUNK OR TREAT is October 30 and it’s not that far away so please bring your candy to share with the kids of Bloomfield. Last year we had 500 kids; what a blessing! You may decorate a trunk and greet the kids or you may just contribute a bag of candy for the trunks to have for the treaters.

ANNUAL SPAGHETTI SUPPER on Friday evening, November 5, sponsored by the TUMC Girls. Many workers will be needed – kitchen duty, clean-up, carry-outs, homemade desserts, ticket sellers, and more. Please reserve this date and plan to help where you can. When I asked Marcia, TUMC Chairperson, how the proceeds would be used, she said, "many, many situations this past year have been brought to our attention. It is a God-send to be able to help in so many areas. If the TUMC Girls didn't have so much support for our endeavors, we would be unable to touch lives in ways that the money allows us.” Trinity support is very much needed and appreciated!

IT’S SHOE BOX TIME! It’s that time of year when we begin to pack those shoeboxes for kids all over the world. This is a part of the Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child Mission program that Trinity individuals and groups have been participating in for the last several years. We need your filled shoeboxes with $7.00 for shipping by Sunday, November 21. More next week. If you want to read more about this program, go online at www.samaritanspurse.org/

CALLING ALL BELL RINGERS! Our help is needed to “ring that bell” during this holiday season for the Salvation Army at the Dexter Wal-Mart. Deaoc organizes this important ministry in this area. So many people are supported through the work of the Salvation Army in countless natural disasters, fires and other emergencies. Will you help us “ring that bell” this year? Please contact Pastor Susan or Tammi Robinett, tpullum@daeoc.com who coordinates this effort.
Thanks to the men for providing such a wonderful fish fry last Sunday evening. Lots of camaraderie around the fish cookers and delicious food!!! Plan to do it again sometime.

A special thank you to all who came out for the UMW Trinity Ladies’ Old Fashioned dinner night. The high light of the evening was the presentation of the UMW Recognition Pin to Helen Giffin, valued member of UMW. Also, an appreciation gift was given to Pastor Susan. It was a great evening (ham and beans and cornbread plus all the dessert you ever wanted) with crazy entertainment. Pastor Susan, Willene Matthews, and Helen Giffin showed their acting ability with one of the original skits written by Frances Moore.
WOMEN – Save Saturday, November 13, for the 1st Baptist’s annual Women’s Fall Brunch. 10 a.m. Always excellent food, good fellowship, lots of door prizes and an inspirational program.

FOOD MINISTRY ITEM this month is canned meat.

GREETERS FOR NEXT SUNDAY are the YOUTH OF TRINITY. (Continued on back of page.)

Pastor Susan’s column, A Light in the Window, in last week’s North Stoddard Countian was especially fitting for this season. She told of how God truly blesses us with the beauty of Creation this time of year and makes a comparison to our spiritual lives. The rhythm of the seasons starts in the spring with new birth and the earth comes alive. Then, the warm days of summer bring growth, lush and green. In the fall, the earth takes a deep breath and begins to slow down; when winter comes, the earth sleeps. Yet while it is sleeping it is preparing to begin all over with the arrival of spring.

In the spring time of our lives, each of us experiences times of new birth when we say yes to God. Then when summer comes in our spiritual life, we feel great joy and confidence in our faith in God. The fall season of our lives finds us slowing down, taking a deep breath and determining how to grow deeper in our faith. In winter, we may feel cold, lonely and perhaps rather distant from God, but God is working within us preparing us to come closer to experience his love and grace more deeply. God’s call to us may come in the beauty of Creation or in a whisper as we fall asleep. The only thing required of us is to…listen.


Larry Pinney, Marcia Metcalf’s uncle in Ohio diagnosed with salivary gland carcinoma.
Deanna Kelly has Guillain-Barr Syndrome and is paralyzed.
Levi and Isabella, Amy Heaton’s twins born at 30 weeks - Julie Dodd’s cousin.
Gaige Willems, friend Gavin Chasteen Dan Duncan – suffering lymphona
Jacob Nickell – Carrie Green’s brother Jerry Busby Charlene Ford - suffered a bad fall from a ladder.
David Keating – Relative of Pat Snider Nolan Walker - relative of Shannon Heilman
Geraldine Duncan - aunt of Billy Wethington James Vaughn - cancer
Hazel Patrick - recuperating from knee surgery Blake Harris - lymphoma
Marlen Ruddell - Brenda Well’s brother Edith Shipman - Jill Gibbs’ grandmother
Jerry Lemar - Sue Mayo’s brother, heart problems Greg Hall - legal problems
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s mother Charlie Glass – in Farmington
Patrick Merick – Harold and Brenda Merick’s son, cancer Sarah White - cancer
Gorty Aslin - in Cypress Point for rehab Mucuacua UMC –Sister Church in Mozambique


Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk – Trinity’s Weekly Newsletter - October 17, 2010
Trinity’s Phone Nos. Church - 568-3188; Pastor Susan’s Home – 568-3581; Pastor Susan’s cell 421-3706
Trinity’s annual fish fry is TONIGHT. Please join us for a great time of food and fellowship at 6:00 p.m. Side dishes of slaw and baked beans will be provided. If you wish, you may bring condiments to accompany the dinner, a dessert OR A FRIEND!

WOMEN--YOU ARE INVITED: On Thursday evening, October 21, all Trinity ladies are invited to the United Methodist Women’s Fall Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Great food and entertainment. Invite your neighbors, friends and co-workers to this special time of fun, food and fellowship.

Our annual TRUNK OR TREAT is Saturday, October 30; that’s not far away; please bring your candy to share with the kids of Bloomfield. If you would like, decorate your car trunk. We will park on the upper level of our church parking lot and will play host to the community’s children. Last year we had 500 kids; what a blessing!

Bishop Robert Schnase of the Missouri United Methodist Conference gave the opening message of the United Methodist National Association of Equitable Compensation Administrators on September 28. He talked about his book, The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, a best-seller, and it's the impact on pastors and congregations. The seminar coordinator asked for Bishop Schnase to choose four pastors to be a part of a panel presentation on how the Five Practices had made a difference in their ministry. Pastor Susan was asked to be on the panel because of Trinity's outwardly focused mission of taking risks to serve Jesus. She has used the five practices, radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional faith development, risk-taking mission and service and extravagant generosity as a framework for ministry.

Trinity’s food ministry this month is canned meat. This goes to the Assembly of God Church’s Food Pantry from which families in the area are served. You may bring your items to Trinity, or you may leave them in the designated box at Bloomfield’s Town and Country. Your offering of food items really makes a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. Some months there are 150 families receiving food

WOMEN – RESERVE THE DATE: Saturday, November 13.. The 1st Baptist Church in Bloomfield will be hosting its annual Community Christian Women’s Brunch at 10 a.m. There’s always good food, Christian fellowship, door prizes and an entertaining program.


Jacob Nickell – Cerrie Green’s brother Jerry Busby Charlene Ford - suffered a bad fall from a ladder.
David Keating – Relative of Pat Snider Nolan Walker - relative of Shannon Heilman
Geraldine Duncan - aunt of Billy Wethington James Vaughn - cancer
Hazel Patrick - recuperating from knee surgery Amy Heaton - Julie Dodd’s cousin
Marlen Ruddell - Brenda Well’s brother Edith Shipman - Jill Gibbs’ grandmother
Jerry Lemar - Sue Mayo’s brother, heart problems Greg Hall - legal problems
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s mother Charlie Glass – in Farmington
Patrick Merick – Harold and Brenda Merick’s son, cancer Mucuacua UMC – Our Sister Church in Mozambique Gorty Aslin - in Cypress Point for rehab following surgery/complications
Blake Harris - young man in the community with lymphoma
Dan Duncan - friend of Vickie Breese who is suffering lymphoma
Sarah White – Heather White’s sister-in-law who has cancer


A Light in the Window

A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church

We’re having some beautiful fall weather, aren’t we? I hope you have some time to just sit outside or look out your window and see the leaves turning from green to red, orange and brown. There’s just something about this time of year. When we see the leaves turning those bright colors and the nights becoming a bit cooler, we know fall is in the air. God truly blesses us with the beauty of Creation this time of year.

God created the sun and the moon, the seas and the earth and the seasons began. There is such a God-given rhythm to life through the seasons of the year. We have new birth in the springtime and the earth comes alive. Then God’s rhythm continues with the warm days of summer and the new life created in the spring becomes full and lush. From the fullness of summer comes the quieter time of fall and a new rhythm begins. The fall rhythm is one of slowing down a bit, the growth is lessened and it’s as if the earth is taking a deep breath and beginning to rest. Then winter arrives and in God’s rhythm, the earth sleeps. Yet, even in its time of sleep, there is a time of preparation deep within the earth for God’s rhythm of life to begin again in the spring. God’s rhythm of life is so powerful and amazing.

What about God’s rhythm in our own lives? Each one of us has times of new birth when we feel so alive and we say “yes, God” show us the way. Then there are times of summer when we feel the fullness of life and have so much joy within us that is grounded in our faith in God. There are also times of fall when we slow down and take a deep breath. Perhaps we’re trying to figure out how to go deeper in our faith. Then, even though we would like to pass by those times of winter, we realize it is a part of God’s rhythm. This winter rhythm may feel rather cold and lonely, perhaps we feel rather distant from God. Yet, even in the winter rhythm, God is working deep within us. God is preparing the ground of our souls so we can come closer, we can feel God’s love and grace in a way we have never felt before. Through the rhythm of life, God is calling us…do you hear God calling your name? It might come in the beauty of Creation or in the whisper as you fall asleep at night. The only thing required of us is to…listen.


Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk – Trinity’s Weekly Newsletter
October 10, 2010

Trinity’s annual fish fry is next Sunday evening. Please join us for a great time of food and fellowship. All the fun begins at 6:00 p.m. You may bring a side dish if you wish.

WOMEN--YOU ARE INVITED: On Thursday evening, October 21, all Trinity ladies are invited to the United Methodist Women’s Fall Dinner at 6:00 p.m. There will be amazing food and out-of-this-world entertainment. Invite your neighbors, friends and co-workers to this great time of fun, food and fellowship.

Our annual Trunk or Treat is Saturday, October 30 and that’s not far away so please bring your candy to share with the kids of Bloomfield. If you would like, decorate your car trunk. We will be parked on the upper level of our church parking lot and will play host to the community’s children. Last year we had 500 kids; what a blessing! Watch for more information

Trinity’s food ministry is a blessing to folks in our area who need a little help to feed their families during this difficult economic time. There are now several churches in the Bloomfield area which support the Food Panty, an important ministry begun by the Assembly of God Church. Your offering of food items really makes a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters. Some months there are 150 families receiving food. The food item for October is canned meat.

On Wednesday evening the JOY service, which is Trinity’s midweek time of prayer and praise, begins at 6:00 p.m. At this service you will enjoy singing the familiar songs, sharing prayer concerns for our friends and family, our community and our country as well as a good meditation from Pastor Susan. A time of fellowship follows. JOY stands for Jesus, Others and You – in that order!

A big Thank You to all who came to march in the parade on Friday evening, giving out information cards about our services today as well as treating the kids along the parade route with candy.


Family of Jim Davis, who passed away last week. Jacob Nickell – Cerrie Green’s brother
Charlene Ford - suffered a bad fall from a ladder. David Keating – Relative of Pat Snider
Nolan Walker - relative of Shannon Heilman Jerry Busby
Geraldine Duncan - aunt of Billy Wethington Amy Heaton - Julie Dodd’s cousin
Hazel Patrick - recuperating from knee surgery James Vaughn - cancer
Marlen Ruddell - Brenda Well’s brother Edith Shipman - Jill Gibbs’ grandmother
Jerry Lemar - Sue Mayo’s brother, heart problems Greg Hall - legal problems
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s mother Charlie Glass – in Farmington
Gorty Aslin - in Cypress Point for rehab following surgery/complications
Blake Harris - young man in the community with lymphoma
Dan Duncan - friend of Vickie Breese who is suffering lymphoma
Sarah White – Heather White’s sister-in-law who has cancer
Patrick Merick – Harold and Brenda Merick’s son, cancer
Mucuacua UMC – Trinity’s Sister Church in Mozambique

Trinity Church Phone 568-3188 Pastor Susan’s Home Phone – 568-3581 Pastor Susan’s cell 421-3706


10-10-10 Are You In??

People avoid church for all kinds of reasons. Too often services are boring, there's too much talk about money and the music is lame. At Trinity it's not like that...we're different! We have great music, friendly people and real-life messages. If you don't attend another church we invite you to check us out!

Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk – October 3, 2010

Thanks to Cissy and Dale Williams and the Trinity Singers for their music today. They are always a blessing and it gives us all a change to worship (as in verb). Thanks, also, to the Thorns, Josh Monroe and Steve Clinton (guest) for their great music last Sunday. So good!

Next Sunday is the long awaited 10-10-10 when Trinity starts a new worship schedule. The Chapel Service will begin at 8 a.m. A 9:30 worship service will run simultaneously with Sunday School. There will be a coffee break between 10:30 and 11 when the final worship service will begin. The 9:30 and 11 a.m. services will be the same service. Choose what fits your needs and your schedule and be sure to invite someone.

Next Friday evening, October 8, the Bloomfield Fall Festival Parade starting at 5:30 will kick off the Fall Fest. Be there with your floats, groups, etc., to help make this parade a good one. Those wearing 10-10-10 shirts and carrying 10-10-10 signs, be ready to go.

Thanks to those who participated in the shower yesterday for Julie and Tyson Schoolfield and their new baby girl, Lyla Mae. It was short notice, but as usual, our Trinity women responded graciously.

A large number of women met at Hickory Log on Thursday to celebrate September birthdays and to get an early start on celebrating Pastor Susan’s birthday (October 8). It’s always fun and noisy with lots of laughs.

All reports indicated that the picnic at Marcia and Earl’s last Sunday afternoon was “over the top.” Many thank-yous are in order: to the Metcalfs for hosting the event at such a beautiful place so that all could have a good time; to the adults and older youth for assisting the younger ones with their fishing activities; and to Mike Dumey for the canoes. When everybody pitches in, it makes for a memorable event.

INVITATION FROM LA CROIX: The “Love & Laughter Marriage Getaway” is coming to La Croix Church November 5-6. Nationally known authors/speakers Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham will be there to present material that can help couples how to become and stay best friends, communicate better, balance expectations, and overcome the major destroyer of relationships. Participants are guaranteed to laugh … a lot! The cost per couple - $70 (about the cost of a movie/dinner date). Register by contacting Angela Beise at abeise@lacroixchurch.org or online at www.garysmalley.com

Sympathy is extended to the family of Bro. Jim Davis, former Methodist pastor, who passed away yesterday.
Gorty Aslin is now in Cypress Point for rehab; we hope that he gets home soon.
Mrs. Hazel Patrick is slowly getting back on her feet after her recent knee replacement.
Charlene Ford suffered a bad fall this week; she is badly bruised and very sore, but thankful it was no worse.

JOY Services each Wednesday at 6 p.m. Songs, prayers, and a meaningful meditation by Pastor Susan. .
Oct. 17 – FISH FRY – 6 p.m.
Oct. 21 – UMW entertain the ladies of Trinity starting at 6 p.m. This promises to be a relaxing and fun evening as we share in friendship, fellowship, and food.
Oct. 30 – TRUNK OR TREAT – 5 – 7 p.m.