The Journey
Matthew 6:19-21
Scripture for May 30
What do you think about when you hear the word treasure? Is it pirate’s treasure like gold or coins or maybe other precious gems like diamonds? The first definition of treasure in dictionary.com is wealth or riches stored or accumulated, especially in the form of precious metals, money or jewels. Treasure is all about something of great worth that we can see with our eyes and hold with our hands. A treasure is worth a lot of money, that’s what makes it a treasure, right? Yet the second definition of treasure is what Jesus is talking about in our Scripture passage for this week. It is any thing or person greatly valued or highly prized. Yes, the “thing” might be worth a lot of money, but maybe not. A thing we might treasure is a picture album of loved ones or a quilt that was made by our great-grandmother, not worth a lot of money but such a treasure to us. And then there are our loved ones whom we treasure, we value them more than life itself. As you go about your week, notice what you treasure because what takes up much of our time is really what we treasure…is it your family, your job, your chores, God?
Dear God, What do I treasure the most? Is it what you really want me to treasure? Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Answers are found in Matthew 6 and 7 and from your personal experience.
1. What do you treasure?________________________________________
2. What treasures do you store up on earth? ________________________
3. For where your treasure is, where will your heart be? ___________________
4. If your eye is healthy, your whole body will be filled with ________________?
5. If your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be filled with ______________?
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