The Journey
Matthew 6:5-13
Scripture for May 23
Jesus teaches us what it means to be a follower of The Way in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7. Why did I use The Way instead of Christianity? Jesus was of the Jewish faith and his followers were known as people of The Way. The word Christian was not used until after His death. So the followers of Jesus Christ were then known as Christians.
The Sermon on the Mount gives us an understanding of what it means to live a Christian life or how to follow The Way of Jesus. One of the foundational aspects of the Christian faith is prayer. Prayer is our conversation with God. Notice I said conversation. So often, we pray to God but we don’t give God a chance to be in the conversation at all. We sort of give God our prayer list and then go on with our day. Is there any guide in the Bible to teach us how to pray? Yes, it’s called The Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. This prayer is to be our starting point when we pray. It contains all that is needed to give God our thanks for our lives, day by day. How do you pray to God? Are there areas you include in your prayers? Take some time to think about how you pray to God and what you might add to that would deepen your prayer life.
Dear God, teach me to pray. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Answers are in the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7.
1. What does salt of the earth mean to you? ________________________________________________________
2. How can we love our enemies? ________________________________________________________
3. What does it mean to go in your secret room to pray? ________________________________________________________
Read chapters 5 and 6 and create your own question to answer. (20 pts.)
4. _________________________________________________________
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