The Journey
The Journey
"When people are on fire for God,
others will travel for miles to watch them burn. "
John Wesley
This is a powerful statement from John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, who believed when God's people come together in worship, no one is ever the same. When we are open to God's Spirit we are energized and excited in ways that we never imagined. We want to worship more, serve more and witness more. When we live our lives for Christ, it's all about "more."
So join us on Wednesday, June 9 at 6:00 p.m. for our new mid-week worship service. It will be a "come as you are" time of worship as we offer God our praise and prayers. Come and find out what "more" there can be as we worship God together...
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk
May 23, 2010
A lovely bridal shower was given on Saturday for Analise Donivan and Tyler Hendley. They
will be married on July 31, 2010, at the Hendley Farm. The shower was hosted by Jan Aslin, Pat
Snider, Sonja Hobbs, Sandra Massey with Annette Lumsden doing the beautiful table decorations.
Last week saw the ending of another school year and with it many honors for our students. Trinity is proud of all our children, preschool through college. Honors were presented to the following students from Trinity:
JOSEPH LANE - Handwriting Award and the Reading Award in Mrs. Blair’s kindergarten class.
BRANT HOBBS - Spelling and Citizenship Award. He also earned his blue belt in Tae Kwan Do
and will progress to the Advanced Class now.
Kiley Phillips - P.E. award and the Social Studies award, Spelling award and
National Physical Fitness Award.
Karsynn Phillips - Citizenship, Handwriting and Math awards.
Dalton Phillips - The Most Responsible in his class and the National
Physical Fitness Award.
Owen Statler, lst grader - Science award.
Allison Statler, 4th grader, Science, Math, Reading, Social Studies, and Spelling Awards.
Carson Blair, 3rd grade – P.E., Social Studies, Math, Handwriting, Honor Roll 4 qtrs.
Jamison Dodd, 3rd grade – Reading and Social Studies 3rd grade
Sam Gibbs- Science award. He was also an honor roll student.
Gavin Chasteen – Reading Award
Alex Gibbs - Math, Spelling, National Award for Physical Fitness and a certificate for being a
manager for the middle school basketball team.
Donnie Gibbs - Pins for Band, Jr. Beta, Basketball and History day.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE STUDENTS. Next week the newsletter will have more awards listed as all the information has not been received at this time. If any of your children have received awards, please let me know.
The wedding shower for Kurt Dumey and his bride-to-be will be on Saturday, June 19, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the fellowship building (There was an error in last week’s letter on the date—please note the correct date and time.)
UMW MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, AT 1 P.M. IN THE FELLOWSHIP. Plans to visit Colleen Phillips at Cypress Point have been postponed until next month.
The Monthly Birthday lunch will be Thursday, May 27, at the Boathouse Winery. If you
would like to go as part of the group, please be at the church at 11 a.m. This is open to
anyone who would like to join in the fun and fellowship.
The Journey/Bible Scholars
The Journey
Matthew 6:19-21
Scripture for May 30
What do you think about when you hear the word treasure? Is it pirate’s treasure like gold or coins or maybe other precious gems like diamonds? The first definition of treasure in dictionary.com is wealth or riches stored or accumulated, especially in the form of precious metals, money or jewels. Treasure is all about something of great worth that we can see with our eyes and hold with our hands. A treasure is worth a lot of money, that’s what makes it a treasure, right? Yet the second definition of treasure is what Jesus is talking about in our Scripture passage for this week. It is any thing or person greatly valued or highly prized. Yes, the “thing” might be worth a lot of money, but maybe not. A thing we might treasure is a picture album of loved ones or a quilt that was made by our great-grandmother, not worth a lot of money but such a treasure to us. And then there are our loved ones whom we treasure, we value them more than life itself. As you go about your week, notice what you treasure because what takes up much of our time is really what we treasure…is it your family, your job, your chores, God?
Dear God, What do I treasure the most? Is it what you really want me to treasure? Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Answers are found in Matthew 6 and 7 and from your personal experience.
1. What do you treasure?________________________________________
2. What treasures do you store up on earth? ________________________
3. For where your treasure is, where will your heart be? ___________________
4. If your eye is healthy, your whole body will be filled with ________________?
5. If your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be filled with ______________?
The Journey/Bible Scholars
The Journey
Matthew 6:5-13
Scripture for May 23
Jesus teaches us what it means to be a follower of The Way in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7. Why did I use The Way instead of Christianity? Jesus was of the Jewish faith and his followers were known as people of The Way. The word Christian was not used until after His death. So the followers of Jesus Christ were then known as Christians.
The Sermon on the Mount gives us an understanding of what it means to live a Christian life or how to follow The Way of Jesus. One of the foundational aspects of the Christian faith is prayer. Prayer is our conversation with God. Notice I said conversation. So often, we pray to God but we don’t give God a chance to be in the conversation at all. We sort of give God our prayer list and then go on with our day. Is there any guide in the Bible to teach us how to pray? Yes, it’s called The Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. This prayer is to be our starting point when we pray. It contains all that is needed to give God our thanks for our lives, day by day. How do you pray to God? Are there areas you include in your prayers? Take some time to think about how you pray to God and what you might add to that would deepen your prayer life.
Dear God, teach me to pray. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Answers are in the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7.
1. What does salt of the earth mean to you? ________________________________________________________
2. How can we love our enemies? ________________________________________________________
3. What does it mean to go in your secret room to pray? ________________________________________________________
Read chapters 5 and 6 and create your own question to answer. (20 pts.)
4. _________________________________________________________
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk
May 16, 2010
Thanks to Bill Aslin for speaking last Sunday and to Maggie Thorn for another beautiful solo especially for Mothers. It was a great Sunday with lots of visitors.
It is good to have Pastor Susan back among us and in the pulpit. We trust that she had a good visit with Alexandria and Suzanne; from the e-mails some of us received, I believe she thoroughly enjoyed it. (We are lucky that she decided to come back and go to work again!!)
This week marks the end of another school year. Trinity has no graduates from high
school or college this year, but we do have two retiring teachers—
Jan Aslin and Annette Lumsden. Jan has completed her required
years for retirement, then has taught part time for the past seven
years. She worked initially in the business department and the
part time work has been in the field of elementary reading. Annette
has worked with the Parents as Teachers program.
While carrying a full work load, both have given countless hours to
Trinity—Jan as our church treasurer and Annette with the Seekers
Class and the music. We want them to know they are appreciated
and we congratulate them on a job well done and wish for them many years of happiness in following their favorite hobbies and activities.
April 4: $3772.00
April 11 3266.00
April 18 4040.69
April 25 1877.00
Loan Balance: $86,668.96
The wedding shower for Tyler Hendley and his bride-to-be will be Saturday, May 22, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the fellowship building. They are registered at Wal Mart and Target. Everyone is invited.
The wedding shower for Kurt Dumey and his bride will be Saturday, June 10, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the fellowship building.
The final study of Christianity’s Family Tree will be this evening, beginning at 4 p.m.
Bloomfield High School Commencement Exercises today at 4 p.m. Congratulations to all graduates and best wishes for a bright future.
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