The Journey
Mark 8:27-30
Scripture for March 21
So, how would you describe yourself? That’s not an easy thing to do, is it? Now, how would others describe you? That might make you a bit anxious, too. It’s just not easy for us to talk about who we are and how we might appear to others. And when we describe ourselves we often talk in terms of how we are part of a family like mother, father, husband, wife, daughter or son. We might also describe ourselves in terms of physical appearance, short, tall, blonde, brunette, etc. Sometimes we might add something about what we do, accountant, teacher, truck driver or stay at home mom. Now how do you think the followers of Jesus described Him? Read the Scripture passage this week and answer the question that Jesus asked His followers yourself. It might give you a lot of information on who Jesus is to you.
Well God, it isn’t easy to describe myself. How can I even begin to describe Jesus? Help me to really think about who Jesus is to me. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Most answers are from the Gospel of Mark.
1. Where is Caesarea Philippi? ____________________
2. What question did Jesus ask His followers? ______________
3. What were Jesus and His followers doing when He asked them the above question? ________________________________
4. Who is John the Baptist? ______________________
5. Who is Elijah? _____________________________
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