The Journey
Mark 2:13-17
Scripture for March 14
We’ve had some warmer, sunny days and people are beginning to talk about spring. There are gardens to plant, ballgames to attend and just being out of doors on a warm, sunny day is a treat. We enjoy the daylight earlier in the morning and later in the evening. The seasons are changing. There’s a funny thing about change. No matter what changes, it happens whether we’re ready for it or not. The only thing constant is change, so they say. But change isn’t always easy, is it? Whether it’s a change in our family, a change in our community or a change in our church it can be uncomfortable for awhile. Then we get used to it until another change comes along. What has changed recently in your life? How do you feel about that change? What helps you get used to things that change?
Well, God, I know change is going to happen and I know I don’t always like it. But help me to be open when You want me to be a part of the change. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars

Most answers are from the Gospel of Mark.
1. Two of the Gospels have different names for the tax collector that Jesus called to follow Him. Name them. ____________ and ____________.
2. Where was Levi when Jesus called Him to follow? _____________________
3. Why were the scribes unhappy with who Jesus dined with? _______________
4. What is different about the Gospel of Mark? ________________ (worth 20 point)
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