Trinity thanks St. Joe Church, Parents As Teachers, City of Bloomfield & 4H for helping with a great day in the park for families!
The Journey/Bible Scholars

The Journey
Mark 16:1-20
Scripture for Easter Sunday, April 4
Today we begin Holy Week, the last week of Jesus’ life. We like Palm Sunday and the celebration. But we want to forget all that happens during Holy Week and just go on to Easter Sunday. Yet, to go from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday doesn’t give us the whole story, does it? And just like in our lives, only thinking about the times of joy doesn’t tell our whole story either. We would rather forget the times of sorrow and suffering but like it or not, those times are a part of who we are. So as we travel with Jesus through Holy Week, let’s look for the moments of joy, the precious moments of life, even in the midst of the sorrow. Those are the moments for Jesus, and for us, when we experience the holy touch of God.
Give us Your eyes, God, to see the holy in our daily lives. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Answers are from the Gospel of Mark.
1. What is the Sabbath day in the Jewish faith? ________________
2. Name two differences between the Resurrection story in Mark 16:1-8 and
Mathew 28:1-10. __________________________ and __________________.
3. The Gospel of Mark has a ___________ ending and a ______________ longer ending.
4. Who does Jesus appear to in the Gospel of Mark after His resurrection?
_______________ and ______________ and ________________. (20 points)
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk March 28, 2010
Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was marked today at Trinity with the Children’s Palm Processional. All children (there were 40+) participated in this traditional activity. This leads us into Holy Week which concludes with Good Friday, the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, and Easter Sunday, the day of Jesus’ resurrection.
Today at 4 p.m. we will begin a new short-term video study, Christianity's Family Tree. The six-week study will give us a better understanding of other denominations such as Lutheran, Catholic and Baptist which includes similarities and differences in our theology and other aspects of the faith. If you would like to join the group, come out and check it out. There will be a lot to learn and opportunity for a lively discussion about what we believe and why.
Early morning Ecumenical Holy Week Services will start on Monday
(tomorrow) and run through Thursday at Trinity. Beginning at 7 a.m.,
there will be 30 minutes of prayer, singing, and a meditation given by a
minister from the Bloomfield Ministerial Alliance, followed by a time of
fellowship. Speakers for the week will be Bro. Greg Stevens on Monday;
Bro. Dan Sitze on Tuesday; Pastor Susan on Wednesday and Bro. Bob
Holland will conclude the services on Thursday. Everyone is invited and
encouraged to attend. There should be ample time to come to the
worship before going to work.
Join us for a very special Maundy Thursday service on April 1 at Trinity at 7p.m. Maundy Thursday is the night Jesus shared His last meal with His closest followers and began the powerful ritual we continue today, Holy Communion. It is also the night He was betrayed by Judas and arrested. We will remember that meal, His ministry and how He humbled Himself to walk all way to the cross on Good Friday. Please join us as we remember...
On Friday, the Community Good Friday Services will be held at the Living Water Church (Hwy. 25) at 7 p.m. Bro. Kevin Eskew will bring the message.
Easter Sunday services at Trinity will be held at 8:30 and 11 a.m. The tradition of Flowering the Cross will be continued. Cissy Williams will be leading the Trinity Singers in music for the 11 a.m. service. Practice for this service will be Wednesday, March 31, 7:00 p.m. All those with a heart to sing are invited to be a part of the Trinity Singers.
Despite the cool, brisk wind and mostly cloudy skies, the park was full of children yesterday hunting eggs, jumping and bouncing, and enjoying hot dogs and chips. Thanks to all who helped make this possible.
Dates to Remember: Tuesday, April 6, Bloomfield School debt service levy election
Tuesday, April 13, TUMC Girls’ Spring Salad Supper
The Journey/Bible Scholars
The Journey
Mark 11:1-11
Scripture for March 28
Do you remember a time when you saw someone who you had not seen in a long, long time? Think about how excited you were to see the person and all the feelings that you felt. Well, that gives you some idea of how the people were feeling as Jesus entered Jerusalem in our Scripture for Sunday. Read the passage and imagine that you are there as Jesus enters Jerusalem. Hear the crowd as He passes by, look around at all the people who have come to see Him, notice the looks on their faces. Some are so happy, others aren’t too sure what to make of Him and a few have looks of anger because so many people are cheering Him. As Jesus rides into Jerusalem to shouts of Hosanna, Holy Week begins. And it doesn’t end as it began…
Well God, I wonder if I would have gone to see Jesus or would I have stayed home? Would I have wondered if He really was the Son of God or was He just someone who wanted attention? I wonder what I would have done, God…Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Most answers are from the Gospel of Mark.
1. What did Jesus ask two of His followers to get for Him? _______________
2. What were cloaks used for? ______________ and ___________________
3. What else did people spread on the ground as Jesus rode by? __________
4. What does the word Hosanna mean? _________________
5. What did the people hope for when they said, “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David? _____________________________________
Mark 11:1-11
Scripture for March 28
Do you remember a time when you saw someone who you had not seen in a long, long time? Think about how excited you were to see the person and all the feelings that you felt. Well, that gives you some idea of how the people were feeling as Jesus entered Jerusalem in our Scripture for Sunday. Read the passage and imagine that you are there as Jesus enters Jerusalem. Hear the crowd as He passes by, look around at all the people who have come to see Him, notice the looks on their faces. Some are so happy, others aren’t too sure what to make of Him and a few have looks of anger because so many people are cheering Him. As Jesus rides into Jerusalem to shouts of Hosanna, Holy Week begins. And it doesn’t end as it began…
Well God, I wonder if I would have gone to see Jesus or would I have stayed home? Would I have wondered if He really was the Son of God or was He just someone who wanted attention? I wonder what I would have done, God…Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Most answers are from the Gospel of Mark.
1. What did Jesus ask two of His followers to get for Him? _______________
2. What were cloaks used for? ______________ and ___________________
3. What else did people spread on the ground as Jesus rode by? __________
4. What does the word Hosanna mean? _________________
5. What did the people hope for when they said, “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David? _____________________________________
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk March 21, 2010
Thanks to the Trinity Youth who prepared lunch for everyone today. After lunch, the discussion on the HCI prescriptions continued.
HOLY WEEK SERVICES COMING UP: Starting Monday, March 29, and running
through Thursday, early morning worship services will be held at Trinity, starting
at 7 a.m. A half-hour meditation relating to Jesus on his journey to the cross will
be presented by local ministers along with music and prayer. At 7:30 there will
be a time of fellowship. This early hour allows ample time for those who work to
come for worship. What better way is there to prepare one’s heart and mind for
the Easter Sunday Resurrection.
Maundy Thursday services will be held at Trinity on Thursday evening, April 1, at
7 p.m.
On Friday evening, April 2, the Community Good Friday services will be held at the
Living Water Church on Highway 25 with Bro. Kevin Eskew preaching. Services
will start at 7 p.m.
Don’t forget the community egg hunt this coming Saturday. (Rain date on Sunday). Also, a reminder that lots of eggs with wrapped candy inside are needed. The Fellowship Hall will be open from Monday through Friday of this coming week so that you can drop off your eggs. We’ve always had about 2000 eggs; of course we have some help this year with City, St. Joe, and PAT, but we still need lots of eggs.
for thought: How can I bear fruit today?
Is there a stone I can roll away in someone’s life to show that God is at work?
Am I living as though I believe God is real? Am I improving my spiritual health?
: Hungry people are nearer to us than we think.
God wants more than our obedience. God wants a loving relationship with us.
Dates to Remember: Wednesday, March 24 – UMW 1:00
Friday, March 26 – Kettle Beef Dinner at Trinity; benefit Stars and Stripes
Sunday, March 28 – Full Breakfast, Sunday a.m.
The Journey/Bible Scholars

The Journey
Mark 8:27-30
Scripture for March 21
So, how would you describe yourself? That’s not an easy thing to do, is it? Now, how would others describe you? That might make you a bit anxious, too. It’s just not easy for us to talk about who we are and how we might appear to others. And when we describe ourselves we often talk in terms of how we are part of a family like mother, father, husband, wife, daughter or son. We might also describe ourselves in terms of physical appearance, short, tall, blonde, brunette, etc. Sometimes we might add something about what we do, accountant, teacher, truck driver or stay at home mom. Now how do you think the followers of Jesus described Him? Read the Scripture passage this week and answer the question that Jesus asked His followers yourself. It might give you a lot of information on who Jesus is to you.
Well God, it isn’t easy to describe myself. How can I even begin to describe Jesus? Help me to really think about who Jesus is to me. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
Most answers are from the Gospel of Mark.
1. Where is Caesarea Philippi? ____________________
2. What question did Jesus ask His followers? ______________
3. What were Jesus and His followers doing when He asked them the above question? ________________________________
4. Who is John the Baptist? ______________________
5. Who is Elijah? _____________________________
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter

Trinity Talk March 7, 2010
Healthy Church Initiative
Rev. Kendall Waller spoke at both worship services today, and we received our prescriptions. Thanks to him for his help to Trinity.
GAME NIGHT- A BIG SUCCESS – Thirty-five people attended and enjoyed fun, games, fellowship and good snacks. Next game night will be Friday, March 19.
Groupings for the Dinner-for-eight are being arranged. If you wish to be a part of it, call Pastor Susan. It is lots of fun.
Student Honors this week were those who were named the Student of the Month for February: Emma Thorn, Mrs. Dodd’ kindergarten;
Jamison Dodd, Mrs. Rhine’s 2nd grade;
Nicole Roper, Mrs. Vaughn’s 4th grade. Congratulations!
Other student honors include Maggie Thorn, 3rd place in Emerging Business Issues, FBLA Dist. Competition.
Brant Hobbs in his first Tae Kwon Do tournament won silver medals in the Forms Event and Sparring Event.
Winners in the Bloomfield Middle School History Day contests were:
Sophie Thorn & Rachel Pullum, 3rd place tie in 7th grade; Charlie Glass & Emily O’Neal, 3rd place tie in 7th.
Donnie Gibbs & Joseph Meyer – 2nd place 8th grade; Ryan West & Tim Fox 1st place 8th grade.
Mara Mayo- (Jim & Sue’s granddaughter) 3rd place in 6th grade. All of these winners will compete in the District History Day in Cape on March 12. We’ll all be cheering them on.
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, March 27, from 3-5 in the City Park (Rain date, March 28)
Every one is invited to start bringing plastic eggs with wrapped candy inside. St Joe Church will
be helping this year along with the City Of Bloomfield, Crowley Ridge 4H, Bloomfield R14 PAT
(Parents as Teachers). It should be a great community egg hunt!
Maggie is still singing: She was honored to be asked by Neal E. Boyd to sing “God Bless America” at the TRCC Basketball game last Saturday night; Boyd sang the National Anthem. The Thorns were his special guests. What an honor!!
Next Sunday will be the last Sunday to bring fruit/juice for the Food Pantry on March 13.
Church Council – Wednesday at 6:30 Upper Room Study – Wednesday Noon
The Journey/Bible Scholars

The Journey
Mark 2:13-17
Scripture for March 14
We’ve had some warmer, sunny days and people are beginning to talk about spring. There are gardens to plant, ballgames to attend and just being out of doors on a warm, sunny day is a treat. We enjoy the daylight earlier in the morning and later in the evening. The seasons are changing. There’s a funny thing about change. No matter what changes, it happens whether we’re ready for it or not. The only thing constant is change, so they say. But change isn’t always easy, is it? Whether it’s a change in our family, a change in our community or a change in our church it can be uncomfortable for awhile. Then we get used to it until another change comes along. What has changed recently in your life? How do you feel about that change? What helps you get used to things that change?
Well, God, I know change is going to happen and I know I don’t always like it. But help me to be open when You want me to be a part of the change. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars

Most answers are from the Gospel of Mark.
1. Two of the Gospels have different names for the tax collector that Jesus called to follow Him. Name them. ____________ and ____________.
2. Where was Levi when Jesus called Him to follow? _____________________
3. Why were the scribes unhappy with who Jesus dined with? _______________
4. What is different about the Gospel of Mark? ________________ (worth 20 point)
A Light in the Window

A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
Spring is almost here. Oh, how we enjoy the sunny, warmer days. But we also know that March brings unpredictable weather. There can be sunshine one day and snow flurries the next day. Let’s see, is the old saying, “March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion” or is it “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb?” No matter which way it is, we know what it means, don’t we? There will be changing weather.
But the weather isn’t the only change that happens in our lives. Changes happen all the time whether we’re ready for them or not. The trouble is we are a people of habit. Even if our habits are a bit boring, they are comfortable. We probably get up about the same time each morning and get ready for our day in about the same way. We like some things that we don’t have to think much about. But then a change happens and we’re not so comfortable any longer. Why can’t things just be the same as they always have been, whether in our families, our jobs, our communities or our churches?
Changes happen because we’re not supposed to get too comfortable and take things for granted. We may get so comfortable that we don’t see the new things that are all around us, things that God wants us to see. You know, take a risk, step out in faith, get out of that comfortable place and follow. Isn’t that what Jesus offered 2000 years ago and continues to offer us today? “Follow me.” It wasn’t follow me and this is exactly what will happen. There were just two words, follow me.
Well, we want to follow Jesus but that takes courage. And we want comfortable, don’t we? We say we want to follow but Jesus can ask so much of us. We’ve got so many things to do that following that risky Jesus takes too much of our energy and time. And besides that, He doesn’t always give us His plan and we are supposed to follow Him in faith without knowing what lies ahead. C’mon, nobody really expects that of us, do they?
During this season of Lent we wait for the hallelujahs of Palm Sunday. Yet, the day after Palm Sunday begins Holy Week and then Good Friday. Lent is a time of self-reflection, looking inside of ourselves to see who we are and Who we belong to. And that takes courage and we may need to make some changes as we walk closer to the One who says, “Follow me.” There’s that change word again. The word that holds so much meaning and sometimes so many feelings like fear, anxiety and mistrust.
As we walk closer to Holy Week and Good Friday, perhaps we can take some time to think about our relationship with Jesus; how we can be open to the changes that He invites us to experience. Jesus asked His disciples 2000 years ago to follow without knowing the exact way they would go. And He asks us the same question today. Will we say “yes, Jesus we will follow You?” My prayer is that each one of us will step out and take risks to follow the One who took all the risk for us. Amen.
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