TODAY IS “Souper Bowl Sunday" – Thanks to all who brought canned goods or food items for the National Day to help feed the hungry. This morning the youth will have soup pots to collect any funds for those who may wish to donate cash. All food and money will go to Assembly of God's Food Pantry. THANKS for all YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT of this MISSION!!
CHURCH-WIDE VALENTINE’S SUPPER ON FEBRUARY 12, 5:30 – Soup and the most fabulous dessert you can make. Reserve the date and make plans to attend. It will be a great evening of fun and fellowship—also a good time to bring a guest or someone new to Trinity.
NEW DATES FOR CHOIR PRACTICE: – Cissy Williams is again planning a choir musical for Easter Sunday, “Oh, What a Savior.” She cannot do this alone!! Please place these date on your calendar and plan to attend practices when possible.
Monday – 6:30 for the men and 7 for the entire choir
Next Monday – 6:30 for the women and 7 for the entire choir
Possibility of meeting a couple of times following church to accommodate Rev. Buck and others who cannot make the Monday evening practices. Remember, you do not have to have special training to sing in the choir. Cissy “works magic” when she gets a group together. We are having good responses to all the needs to keep Trinity moving forward with Rev. Buck as our interim. The need continues.
PLANS FOR THE CHILDREN FOR PALM SUNDAY. Children will do the traditional palm processional and sing. They started their practices today under the direction of Cissy.
AD COUNCIL NEWS: Many items were discussed and some acted upon at last Sunday’s meeting. Items of immediate concern are:
1. Parsonage renovation was explained in detail; much work needed as result of water
leakage. Among other things, floors in both bathrooms need to be replaced, new bath
fixtures, kitchen cabinets and appliances, and paint are needed.
2. Barb Rice is the person to contact if you wish to reserve the Fellowship Hall. (This
position was formerly held by Jill Gibbs.) There are guidelines for the use of the building
and Barb can acquaint you with those. Call her at 568-3855 or send her an e-mail.
3. New chairs selected to coordinate with existing chairs to complete sanctuary seating.
4. There will be no early morning Holy Week services this year.
5. Next meeting will be a working/lunch after church in March – date to be announced.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU: The parsonage renovation is underway. Our thanks to some of our men, namely, Melvin Staggs, William Chasteen, Larry Massey and Earl Metcalf, who have donated multiple hours of labor to get this started. (Behind every great man there is a woman planning and scheming, and so it is in this case.) It’s always dangerous to give names because of the likelihood of omitting someone; let me know of others and they will be named next week. The committee has worked hard pricing, selecting, and making plans to get the parsonage ready and inviting for a pastor and it is going to be nice when completed.
EVANGELISM COMMITTEE MEETS - If anyone is aware of those who need a visit in this area, please contact Barb or Don Gandt (568-9088). Rev. Buck will take care of visits in the Cape area and Barb or Don will try to visit in local area.
Food Items for January - The food ministry item for January for the Assembly of God food ministry is cereal or any kind of non-perishable food. You may bring your items to church or put them in the box at Town and Country Grocery. Thanks to Carrie Greene for overseeing this ministry. Food is distributed on the 2nd Saturday each month.
STUDENT NOTES: Congrats to Donnie Gibbs for being chosen as escort to the sophomore queen candidate at the recent BHS Basketball Homecoming game.
Rebekah Northern has recently released of her first six-song CD. She has written the music and lyrics of these songs which she performs on the CD. Congratulations to Bekah, a junior at BHS. We wish her much success in the music world.
THANKS TO ALL who brought valentines for our shut ins and military.
Little Jiles Monroe – has been having ear infections and recently had an ear irrigation
procedure which is very traumatic for a little one.
Ed Dembouski – Julie Matheney’s brother who is facing three back surgeries in the near
Laura Eubanks Stroder-. She has been diagnosed with brain and lung cancer & will begin
treatment immediately.
Elaine Hutchison – fighting cancer; has had a difficult week
Sarah Dumey's adopted niece and her new baby, a 2.5 lb. premature infant is gaining weight
Theresa Anderson - asks for prayers for her mother-in-law, Cheryl Anderson, who had a stroke
Mildred Unger – in St. Francis Hospital with congestive heart failure
Debbie Triplett - Julie Dodd’s aunt who had surgery this week pertaining to breast cancer.
Andy Anderson – Kay Anderson’s husband who continues to have health problems.
Gordon Robinett –Son of Maxine Vaughn, who had extremely complicated brain surgery.
Sharonda and Margaret Woodfin – are in a homeless shelter in Santa Ana, CA. Pray for suitable
housing soon. Sharonda’s mother’s dementia is growing worse; friends of Annette Lumsden
Kristine Jackson - She is having severe back pain.
Anson Knoderer – Cissy William’s Dad, who continues to have health problems.
Charlotte Clark - Mom of Jill Gibbs who started her three-week daily radiation treatments.
Jill Gibb’s grandfather – has prostate cancer
Julie Dodd - has a complicated, painful neck condition and is having therapy; improving slowly.
John Gandt - serving in the military in Egypt; son of Don and Ginny.
Charlie Glass Greg Hall Mucuacua UMC Our Military Men and Women
If you have an item that you would like to have included in the newsletter, just send me an e-mail.
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