TRINITY TALK – January 22 , 2012
A FULL HOUSE last Sunday. Thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting Rev. Buck as he continues as interim for Trinity.
TODAY--TUMC GIRLS TO HOST ROLLER SKATING PARTY from 2:00 to 4:00 at the Puxico Skating Rink. Please come and bring your friends. Your skate rental is free, compliments of the TUMC Girls. Spectators are welcome and everyone is encouraged to come out for a fun afternoon. The concession stand will be available if you want to purchase snacks. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than with family, church family and friends.
IT IS TIME FOR VALENTINES AGAIN for our military and our shut in members and friends. Please pick up a list of names from the table on the foyer. Have the Valentines back at the church on Sunday, February 5, so that UMW members have them sorted and delivered in plenty of time for the recipients to enjoy them. Thanks.
UMW MEETS WEDNESDAY at 1:00 p.m. in the dining room. Women of the church are invited.
ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MEETING will be next Sunday, January 29, following worship services. It will be a working lunch with soup/salad/sandwiches. Annette Lumsden is Ad Council Chair.
PARSONAGE UPDATE: The trustees have formed a committee to develop suggestions and plans for remodeling the parsonage. The committee has met, inspected the parsonage and is preparing a list of needed repairs and a list of things that need to be replaced. This report will be discussed by the trustees and presented to the Ad Council with an estimate of the cost to carry out these suggestions. The trustees feel that now is the time to make these improvements while the house is empty. Since Trinity is not paying for a full time pastor at this time, perhaps that savings could be applied toward this project.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Thursday, February 2 – Cissy Williams is again planning a choir musical for Easter Sunday, “Oh, What a Savior.” She cannot do this alone!! Please place this date on your agenda and plan to attend the first meeting at which time the group will decide what night practices will be held. Remember, you do not have to have special training to sing in the choir. Cissy “works magic” when she gets a group together. We are having good responses to all the needs to keep Trinity moving forward with Rev. Buck as our interim. The need continues.
Food Items for January - The food ministry item for January for the Assembly of God food ministry is cereal or any kind of non-perishable food. You may bring your items to church or put them in the box at Town and Country Grocery. Thanks to Carrie Greene for overseeing this ministry. Food is distributed on the 2nd Saturday each month.
PLANS ARE BEING MADE FOR PALM SUNDAY. Children will do the traditional palm processional and sing. More information will be posted later.
BUILDING LOAN UPDATE: It looks as if 13 1/2 payments will take care of our Building Loan. Can it be done by the end of 2012?
Denise Green - Student of the Month in January from the 3rd to 5th grade group.
Jaelyn Jarrell – student of the month from the K-2nd grade.
Kiley and Melanie Phillips – 3rd to 5th grade group. Respect was the trait this month.
NOTE FROM REV. RON DUNAVIN: Hope all is well there. We are both doing pretty well. (Stella recently had surgery for heart problems.) Glad to hear about Rev. Charles Buck as interim minister. Give our best to all. Ron
JANUARY 28 IS DATE FOR SEMO Food Pantry. Lots of help needed for this project. If you can help, be at the fellowship building around 7 or 8 a.m. Thanks to Cathy Chasteen for chairing this mission project.
A Thank You from Kristine Jackson: which reads: "I wanted to say thank you to the ladies that provided the lunch for my family and friends at the passing of my mother. It was all very wonderful. There was many compliments; thank you to everyone who attended the memorial service. It meant a lot to us. And a very special thanks you to Tony for volunteering his time to do the sound. It was very much appreciated and meant a lot to me and the family. Wonderful job, Tony. Thank you, all of you. You are all the greatest church family someone can have! May god bless you all! Signed: family of Linda Talley, Kristine & Charles, Skye and Cheyenne, Shane, Nicole, & Jerry."
Special prayers for SarahWhite – who has had a very difficult two weeks.
Sarah Dumey's adopted niece and her new baby, a premature infant weighing about 2.5 lbs.
Theresa Anderson - asks for prayers for her mother-in-law, Cheryl Anderson, who had a stroke
Mildred Unger – improving from recent fall
Bobbie Dantzler - has health concerns.
Debbie Triplett - Julie Dodd’s aunt who was just diagnosed with breast cancer.
Andy Anderson – Kay Anderson’s husband who continues to have health problems.
Gordon Robinett –Son of Maxine Vaughn, who had extremely complicated brain surgery.
Sharonda and Margaret Woodfin – are in a homeless shelter in Santa Ana, CA. Pray for suitable housing soon. Sharonda’s mother’s dementia is growing worse; friends of Annette Lumsden
Kristine Jackson - She is having severe back pain.
Anson Knoderer – Cissy William’s Dad who continues to have health problems.
Charlotte Clark - Mom of Jill Gibbs who had another surgery.
Julie Dodd - has a painful neck condition and is having therapy; improving slowly.
John Gandt - serving in the military in Egypt; son of Don and Ginny.
Charlie Glass Greg Hall Mucuacua UMC Our Military Men and Women
If you have an item that you would like to have included in the newsletter, just send me an e-mail or give me a phone call (568-3425) and I will be happy to use it. R. Walker)
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