July 24, 2011
New Worship Schedule
Chapel 8:30 a.m.
Sunday school 9:30 a.m.
The Blend 10:30 a.m.
Mission Spotlight
Our diaper ministry helps so many young families in the area. The diaper team receives several calls each week from moms and dads who need diapers for their babies and toddlers. They have told Lara, Kristine, Carrie, Annette, Barb, Marcia and Susan how grateful they are for this ministry…there are times when payday is just a day away but the diapers have run out. Sadly, though, there are times when we have to say “we’re out, check back.” Will you pick up a package when you’re shopping this week? We need diapers sizes 3, 4 and 5 and baby wipes. There is a basket in the foyer of the sanctuary building. This is an important ministry at Trinity and your generosity makes all the difference to a baby in Bloomfield. Thank you for being a part of this important mission as we reach out to our community…
John Gandt, son of Don and Ginny Gandt, has been promoted to Major. Don and Ginny attended the ceremony and Don pinned the oak leaf on his son. John will be stationed in Egypt beginning the end of August. He will be part of an international force on the Gaza Strip. We congratulate John for his promotion and for his service to his country and for our freedom…and we pray for him…
Janet Palmer is now a published author! She is one of 39 women who have shared their stories in Get Your Woman On. It was an Amazon bestseller on Wednesday, July 20. The book, which will be released in August, sold 100,000 copies that day. Most of the authors are experts in their fields and Janet is part of this book through Divine intervention. A few months ago, Janet ordered a book on public speaking and had not received it. She called the phone number on the author's website on a Saturday morning and the person who answered was the author of the book. They chatted for awhile and she asked Janet why she had ordered the book. Janet shared some of her story about Reese's accident and how Janet felt she was to speak about all that she had learned through this difficult time. Through that one conversation, Janet was told that she believed she was to be the 39th contributor to the book. And now, it has become a reality. Check out the book on amazon.com. We praise God that Janet listened and followed...
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone that shared in Trinity’s new ministry with the SEMO Mobile Food Bank. It was a hot day and we served our guests with drinks and radical hospitality. We served over 168 families totaling 532 people. How blessed we were to share our morning with our guests…
Trinity Directory
There are updated copies of the Trinity Directory on the table in the hallway and for those with email addresses a copy was sent earlier this week via email.
Trinity Events
United Methodist Women meet on Wednesday, July 27 at 1:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. All women at Trinity are invited at attend.
Join us for supper and a sing-a-long next Sunday, July 31 at 5:00 p.m. There will be a fish fry and please bring a dish or dessert to share. This is a GREAT time to invite folks to a Trinity event, neighbors, co-workers and friends.
TUMC Girls Birthday party will be on August 3 at 6:30 p.m. at Hickory Log and it for all women at Trinity and it’s also This is a great time to invite family, neighbors and friends to a fun time at Trinity.
Church Council Meeting Minutes and Financials
Meeting minutes and financials are available on the table in the foyer next to the doors.
Youth and Children’s Ministry Coordinator Position
The Healthy Church Initiative Leadership and Discipleship teams recommended a new position at Trinity, Youth and Children’s Ministry Coordinator at the meeting on Tuesday evening. We had a great discussion about our youth and children’s ministry and the Church Council approved this position. We are seeking a person who loves Jesus and has a passion for sharing this love with our children and youth and those in ministry with them, along with the other qualifications below. We are asking you to pray every day for God to show us the person to fill this position. Will you make the commitment to daily prayer for our youth and children and for the person to serve in this ministry?
This is the ad we will put in local papers and online as well:
Trinity United Methodist Church, in Bloomfield Missouri, is seeking a creative Christian, with a passion for sharing their strong belief in Jesus Christ with children and youth, to be our Youth and Children’s Ministry Coordinator. The Coordinator will develop and coordinate education, activities and ministries that are meaningful and appealing to children and youth and will recruit and equip adult leaders. This is presently being considered as a part time position with the possibility of expansion to full time. For a job description, including salary, go to trinitybloomfield.org or call Lina Gibbs at 573-614-1202. Please send your resume to: TUMC PPR Chair, PO Box 302, Bloomfield MO 63825
Family of Mary Stevens-Mary died on Friday and we pray for her family.
Effie Dodd-Mom of James Dodd who began bone marrow treatments at Barnes on July 15.
AL Blair-Jeff’s uncle is critically ill.
Rosemary Walker-She is in rehab at Cypress Point
Sharon Ulrich – She is at home recuperating from her heart surgery in May.
Sarah White Charlie Glass Greg Hall Mucuacua UMC
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