Trinity Talk – News, Events, and Schedules – April 17, 2011
THE EASTER EGG HUNT IS THIS AFTERNOON in the City Park, 3-5 p.m. Lots of things to do after the egg hunt: face painting, jumpers, games, food, etc. Everyone welcome.
We welcome the children as they participate in the Palm Processional today. This is the beginning of the Palm/Passion week, the week that leads to the Crucifixion on Friday and the Resurrection on Sunday. Next Sunday is Easter Sunday.
TRINITY SINGERS will present a short cantata on Easter Sunday morning entitled “The Rose.” Final practices will be tonight at 6 p.m. and Wednesday night at 6:30.
THIS WEEK – TUMC TO HOST HOLY WEEK SERVICES again this year. They will start at 7 a.m. each morning Monday through Thursday, April 18 through 21st. All churches in the community participate in these services, with Bro. Greg Stevens speaking on Monday; Pastor Susan Hoyle on Tuesday; Bro. Kevin Eskew on Wednesday and Bro. Bob Holland on Thursday. The services usually last about 30 minutes, giving time for people to attend before going to work. For those who do not have a work deadline to meet, there will be coffee and doughnuts, etc., for a half hour or so of visiting. These services help prepare us for the Good Friday and Easter Morning Services.
THE COMMUNITY GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE will be held at the 1st General Baptist Church on Christian Drive with Bro. Dwight Hensley preaching at 7 p.m.
MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICES will be held at Trinity on Thursday, April 21, at 7 p.m. Pastor Susan always has an outstanding service for this occasion—we will be a part of the Last Supper which Jesus shared with His disciples. If you haven’t been there, perhaps you can try it this year; if you have attended, you will want to come again.
There will be a WEDDING SHOWER FOR JULIE CHRISTIAN, daughter of Jean Christian, on Saturday, April 30, from 10–11:30 a.m. Julie is registered at Target and a few things at J. C. Penny’s. All women of the church are invited. Drop in or stay the full time and enjoy the fellowship. Julie will be married in Jamaica in mid-May.
ATTENDANCE AND OFFERING STATS for March are available on the table in the foyer.
PASTOR SUSAN’S OFFICE HOURS: Susan is in her office each Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is best to call her to make sure she is there since she also visits and has meetings, etc. She is available to meet on other days, also. What about the other days, you might ask? She works on the message and other more in-depth studies at home. You may call her at 568-3188 (church), 568-3581 (home) or 421-3706 (cell). If you wish to make an appointment, please leave your message on her home phone or on her cell phone, since there is no one scheduled to be in the office on any other specific day of the week.
Vicky Breece has the Relay for Life Luminary bags available for purchase. They are $5.00 each and can be bought In Memory of or In Honor of. All proceeds go to Relay for Life. Anyone wanting them may see Vicky at church or contact her at 820-0465.
DIAPER MINISTRY needs help. We need diapers sizes 3,4,5 and baby wipes. There is a basket in the foyer of the sanctuary. Thank you for your generosity.
Thanks again to the Landscaping Crew – check it out; looks good.
UMW meeting on April 27 at Cypress Point at 11:30 a.m.; having lunch with Colleen Phillips, a resident there.
HOPEFEST - SIKESTON FIRST UMC – Saturday, April 30, starting at 4 p.m.
TRINITY ANNUAL YARD SALE – MAY 6 & 7. You may start bringing your things starting May 1. This event provides cash for us, makes items available that people might otherwise be able to purchase, and usually everything left at the end of the sale is given away. There will be papers available to fill out for tax exempt contributions.
BLOOD DRIVE IN TRINITY FELLOWSHIP BUILDING on Monday, May 16, 2011 – 3 to 7 p.m. We need donations of fruit (raisins, bananas, grapes), juices (grape, apple, orange), and sandwiches cut into quarter size pieces.
Reese Palmer – fell yesterday and possibly cracked a rib; is in a lot of pain.
Kathy Jones – cancer has reoccurred after 13 years; her husband Larry died just two weeks ago.
Rita Dwiggins - aunt of Carrie Greene – critical condition in St. Louis hospital; had surgery on Wednesday.
Ellie Thorn
Homer Levart, Dexter – suffering from kidney cancer; in Texas seeking treatment. His daughter Karen
Griffin who works at SEMO Electric, is a friend of Tressa Lane.
Lawhorn and Bateman Families – have medical and financial problems; they are friends of Nora Statler.
Bob Blair – in Crowley Ridge Care Center; is not doing well.
Colleen Phillips – recuperating at Cypress Point.
JoAnne Ruby - Mother-in-law of Julie Dodd's aunt who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer
Dan Duncan – battling cancer; friend of Vicky Breece.
Steve Stogsdill – colon cancer; will start two weeks of chemo, then four weeks of both chemo and radiation,
then surgery. He continues to need our prayers.
Lori Fowler – improving and Mom Judy Vincent is back home after several weeks with Lori.
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s Mom who has cancer.
Becky Dennington – in St. Louis for radiation treatments.
Greg Hall Sarah White Charles Glass Mucuacua UMC
Seven last Words of Jesus from the Cross”
“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:24
“Verily, I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43
“Woman, behold thy son... Behold thy mother!” John 19:26-27
“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Mark 15:34
“I thirst.” John 19:30
“It is finished.” John 19:30
“Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” Luke 23:46
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