Trinity Talk – News, Events, and Schedules – March 6, 2011
The Church Council meeting will be this Tuesday, March 8, at 6:30 p.m. This is the meeting where the business of the church is conducted. Everyone is welcome and your input and ideas are encouraged.
ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES will be held this week on Wednesday evening, starting at 6 p.m. (This will take the place of the regular JOY service.) Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent – forty days (Sundays not included in the count) prior to Easter Sunday and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is always a very moving service. Please plan to attend. It will be preceded by supper at 5:15; small groups begin at 6:30. This week or next will conclude the small groups.
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME starts next Sunday, the 13th. Set your clocks forward one hour (you’ll lose that hour of sleep that you gained last fall). Don’t be late for church!!
THE AUCTION TO RAISE MONEY FOR WATER FILTERS FOR THE PEOPLE OF HAITI was deemed a great success, raising over $6,200. A special thanks to Melissa Blair’s Dad for serving as the auctioneer. Also, thanks to those who came to bid, who worked the concession stand, who prepared the items for sale, and who contributed items to be sold. One of the big ticket items was probably the mole trapping service donated by Ken Kingree and bought by the Mayos. It was a fun evening as well as one of service.
Don’t forget The Young Adult Sunday School class, Focus, which started meeting again last Sunday. Carrie Green is leading the 4- week series entitled "Good 'N' Angry" by Ed Young. Many of those who attended before may remember Ed and his off-the-wall teaching style. This class meets in conjunction with children's Sunday School, 9:30 - 10:30.
Our Building Loan balance as of 2/25/11 is $57,318.71
DIAPER MINISTRY needs help. We need diapers sizes 3,4,5 and baby wipes. There is a basket in the foyer of the sanctuary. Thank you for your generosity.
The monthly attendance figures and offering information is on file in the office. If you would like to receive this information, you may contact Pastor Susan or attend the bi-monthly church council meetings.
Mac and Cheese is the Food Ministry item for the month – the last week for this item.
Steve Stogsdill, Debbie Stogsdill's brother-in-law - Found out Monday that he has colon cancer; he’s only
50 years old; is from Paducah. Will be going to Nashville on Monday to see a specialist.
After what they have just been through with the lose of their father, this has really hit their
family hard.
Larry Jones – his cancer has metastasized to his brain; grave condition. His daughter Lora is a friend of
Stephanie Monroe. Remember his wife and children as well.
Lori Fowler – Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who had surgery for a mass behind her eye. She is at her
home for recovery.
The family of Geraldine Duncan , Billy Wethington’s aunt who passed away this week.
Tracy Boner’s – doctors searching for cause of his chest pains. He is Shirley’s Hanner’s son.
Beverly Mikel’s – Shirley Hanner’s sister - confused and hospitalized in Kennett
Debbie Potts – Sister of Brenda Wells who has a mass.
Kristine Jackson – will have an MRI on her ankle
Sharon Ulrich – now scheduled for heart valve surgery in April.
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s Mom who has cancer.
Charlotte Clark – Jill Gibb’s Mom who has severe back pain.
Becky Dennington – begins six week of radiation; will stay in St. Louis for duration of treatments.
Greg Hall Sarah White Charles Glass Mucuacua UMC
Ashes. A rough wooden cross draped in purple, then black. A crown of thorns. Water, basin, and towels. Bread and wine. A noticeable void where altar flowers usually shout praise to their Creator. Decidedly different musical selections. Waving palms in the hands of excited children. Candles, slowly and methodically extinguished until only darkness remains.
The symbols of the Lenten season invite us to pause, reflect, repent, give up, take on, recommit. ..and wait. We long to rush ahead, to celebrate what we know is just around the corner. But we must wait.
The symbols of our faith that surround us infuse our waiting with humility; recognition of our total dependence upon God. They provide visible expression to inner changes and outward actions that help shape and grow our spiritual foundation. They call us to remember. They help us learn our story and tell our story of salvation as God’s people.
Many of us know the story well. And unlike other stories, we know how this story will end; with all creation praising and worshiping the God who promised to make all new things, but to make “all things new.”
We know that the barren cross, come Easter morning, will be covered with colorful flowers that announce rebirth, hope and new life. But to rush past the cross of suffering cheapens that for which it and the other faith symbols stand. Penitent waiting is part of this very necessary journey with Jesus. We will celebrate. We will worship. We will also learn, perhaps again, maybe for the first time, our story.
You better slow down.
Do so
Time is short.
Do you run through each day
When you ask are you?
Do you
With the next hundred chores
Running through
your head?
You'd b
slow down
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