Trinity Talk – News, Events, and Schedules - February 27, 2011
TUMC GIRLS meet this Tuesday, March 1, at 7 p.m.
WEDNESDAY EVENING EXPERIENCE: Supper is from 5:15 to 6:15; the JOY Worship starts at 6 p.m. Small groups follow at 6:30 p.m.
JOIN US ON March 4 (that’s Friday of this week) for Trinity’s first auction that will benefit the HydrAid System to provide filters for clean drinking water for our brothers and sisters in Haiti. We need new or gently used items or your services. There’s an interesting list of items and services that have already been offered for this auction. Perhaps you still have items or services to offer to help the people of Haiti who are trying to rebuild their lives. There will be a concession stand with snacks, sandwiches, and desserts which you may purchase. Melissa Blair’s Dad will be the auctioneer. This should be a fun evening as well as one of service.
The Young Adult Sunday School class, Focus, will begin meeting again the first Sunday in March (6th). Carrie Green will begin a 4- week series called "Good 'N' Angry" by Ed Young. Many of those who attended before may remember Ed and his off-the-wall teaching style. This class will meet in conjunction with children's Sunday School, 9:30 - 10:30. We are uncertain as to the exact location as of this date, but will be set up and ready for your return. Hope to see you there!!
Lina Gibbs has completed the Sunday Club schedule for the year and has copied it to be mailed to all. Please note that all 4 individuals on the schedule are needed with the last 2 being in charge of the nursery. Thanks to all those who serve in this vital position. AND, Jan Aslin and Fran Hendley are taking the time to make out new lessons for Sunday Club and those will begin in March. So a BIG THANKS to them as well.
Carson Blair and Sam Gibbs were on the fourth grade basketball team which won first place in Puxico Tournament last week. Congrats!!!!!!!
SAM GIBBS is a member of the 4th grade Spelling Team which placed third in the Stoddard County Scholastic Meet. We are proud of you!
WORK DAY –There were about twenty people doing spring cleaning last week at Trinity. The kitchen cabinets are clean, pantry straightened, shelving put up, diaper closet rearranged for more room, closets organized and on and on. Thanks to the crew for all the hard work. There was a special bright spot in the day – lunch!! These are always extra delicious.
DIAPER MINISTRY needs help. We need diapers sizes 3,4,5 and baby wipes. There is a basket in the foyer of the sanctuary. Thank you for your generosity.
The monthly attendance figures and offering information is on file in the office. If you would like to receive this information, you may contact Pastor Susan or attend the bi-monthly church council meetings.
Mac and Cheese is the Food Ministry item for the month.
Larry Jones – his cancer has metastasized to his brain; grave condition. His daughter Lora is a friend of
Stephanie Monroe. Remember his wife and children as well.
Lori Fowler – Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who had surgery for a mass behind her eye. She is at her
home for recovery.
The family of Geraldine Duncan , Billy Wethington’s aunt who passed away this week.
Tracy Boner’s – doctors searching for cause of his chest pains. He is Shirley’s Hanner’s son.
Beverly Mikel’s – Shirley Hanner’s sister - confused and hospitalized in Kennett
Debbie Potts – Sister of Brenda Wells who has a mass.
Kristine Jackson – will have an MRI on her ankle
Sharon Ulrich – now scheduled for heart valve surgery in April.
Linda Talley – Kristine Jackson’s Mom who has cancer.
Charlotte Clark – Jill Gibb’s Mom who has severe back pain.
Becky Dennington – begins six week of radiation; will stay in St. Louis for duration of treatments.
Greg Hall Sarah White Charles Glass Mucuacua UMC
Have you ever watched kids on the merry-go-round or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight? Or watched the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down; don’t dance so fast.
The time is short; the music won’t last.
Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask, “How are you?” Do you hear the reply?
Do you lie in your bed with the next 100 chores running through your head?
You better slow down; don’t dance so fast.
The time is short; the music won’t last.
Ever told your child, “We’ll do it tomorrow,” and in your haste not to see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch; let a good friendship die, because you never had time to call and say, “Hi.”
You better slow down; don’t dance so fast.
The time is short; the music won’t last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through the day, it is like an unopened gift thrown away.
Life is not a race,
Do take it slower,
Hear the music before the song is over.
(Written by a terminally ill young girl in New York
and sent out by a medical doctor.)
You better slow down.
Do so
Time is short.
Do you run through each day
When you ask are you?
Do you
With the next hundred chores
Running through
your head?
You'd b
slow down
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