Trinity Talk - News, Events, Schedules for next week – January 9, 2011
(3 pages)
The following message was received from Colleen Phillips, a Trinity member who now resides at Cypress Point. “To My Church Family, Thank you so much for all the cards at Christmas time. They were such a blessing for me. They mean so much. So good to hear from you all. Colleen.”
Tuesday, January 11 - Church Council meeting @ 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 12 - Trinity’s mid-week worship service, JOY, at 6:00 p.m.
Our Building Loan Balance to start the year is $63,987.04. Thanks to all who have made contributions to reduce the balance. The sooner it is paid, the sooner we will have dollars for other needs.
TRINITY SINGERS will practice on Wednesday, January 26, at 7 p.m. and will sing at the morning worship services on Sunday, January 30. If you enjoy singing, come out and be a part of this group. Cissy Williams directs.
FYI – The Susanna Wesley Family Learning Center in East Prairie is the lead organization for the Elder Abuse Program in our area. The Center was selected as one of twelve agencies in the United States for a study to implement the Elder Abuse program. The Center will have a major role in the upcoming documentary, “I Believe in You: Faith Reponses to Intimate Partner Violence” which will air on ABC in January. Susanna Wesley Learning Center is one of the ministries of the United Methodist Church and one to which Trinity contributes.
The Rock and Worship Roadshow
There's a great Christian concert in Cape on January 28. Please check out the link below for
more info. If you cannot access it by the link, perhaps you can cut and paste it into a search engine.
Food ministry are items to make soup and paper products.
With all the problems the World is facing, it can be unsettling to the mind. Here are ten predictions that are true!
Top 10 Predictions for 2011
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on Earth.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still honor the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
Isn't It Great To Remember Who Is Really In Control,
Mildred Unger is scheduled to return home on Tuesday of this week. She will be at the Golden Living Skilled Nursing Center in Bloomfield for therapy. Kaye Anderson, her niece, will fly down with Dale Gillespie to bring her home. Kaye asks for your prayers.
Nancy White Shock - who had lung surgery in St. Louis this week. Nancy is Laura Ross’ cousin.
Sharon Ulrich - was hospitalized before Christmas with severe pneumonia. She will have a heart cath on
Tuesday and then she will be scheduled for heart valve surgery later in the month.
Family of Bertha Dumey, Mike Dumey’s Mother, who passed away this past week.
Charlie Glass – daughter of Vicky and Charles Glass will have surgery on a broken finger on Wednesday.
Mike Shea – Doris Leggett’s son-in-law is not doing well and is now a patient of Hospice.
Shirley Hanner - Broke her toe and is in a lot of pain.
Peggy McEnerney - Had cancer surgery and now will have chemo.
Mildred Unger – in the hospital in Florida (where her daughter lives)
Dale Hudgens - Charlotte Phillips’ dad who is a resident of Golden Living Care Center is hospitalized due to
severe breathing problems.
Shirley Peck - Kristine Jackson’s aunt who has had surgery and had developed blood clots and may face
Linda Talley - Kristine Jackson’s mom who has cancer.
Maxine Eggert - Friend of Kristine Jackson’s whose brother died.
Jeremy Snider - Brenda Wells’ co-workers son with a possible lung rejection and her daughter died of this
several years ago.
Harold Foster - Vicky Glass’ stepfather who has been ill with pneumonia.
David Keating - Pat Snider’s sister’s brother in law who has stage 4 cancer and has been hospitalized.
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom who has been hospitalized for several days with severe back pain.
Becky Dennington - cancer and receiving treatments.
Stefanie Gray – lymphoma; Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe and he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White Charlie Glass Muacuacua
(Perhaps you would like to keep this list so that you will know whom to call when you have a question or wish to volunteer to help in a particular area.)
Lay Member to Annual Conference – Grant Thorn
Lay Leader – Tony Thorn
Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013
Mark Wethington Scott Gibbs Brenda Smith
Billy Lee Annette Lumsden Carrie Greene
Pat Snider Sarah Dumey Bill Aslin
BOARD OF TRUSTEES – (Chair to be determined)
Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013
Larry Smith Juston Jarrell Jim Goforth
Stan Lumsden William Chasteen Larry Massey
Earl Metcalf Tony Thorn Josh Monroe
Pastor Chairperson – Susan Hoyle
Vice Chair Lara Thorn
Lay Leader Tony Thorn
Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013
Nora Statler Lara Thorn Kristine Jackson
Lina Gibbs Barb Rice Carrie Greene
Sonja Hobbs Jim Goforth Dale Williams
Committee on Finance – Chair - Jan Aslin
Pastor Susan Hoyle
Lay Mbr to Annual Conferenc Grant Thorn
Council Chairperson Larry Smith
PPR Chair Scott Gibbs
Trustee Rep To be determined
Stewardship Chair None
Lay Leader Tony Thorn
Financial Secretary Sue Mayo
Church Treasurer Jan Aslin
Church Bus. Adm. None
Alt. Lay Mbr to Annual Conf. – Barb Rice
Dist. Conf. Delegate Grant Thorn
Invite (Evang./Hospitality Barb Rice
Form (Education/Nurture Lina Gibbs
Send (Missions/Outreach Lara Thorn
Worship Susan Hoyle
Stewrdship (Generosity) Jan Aslin
Volunteer in Mission Lara Thorn
Ministries with Children Lina Gibbs
Ministries with Youth Jill Gibbs
Ministries with Adults Sue Mayo
UM Men President Scott Gibbs
UM Women President Frances Moore
Disaster Relief Lara Thorn
Historian Grant Thorn
Safe Sanctuary Lina Gibbs
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