Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – Events and Schedules for the week – January 30, 2011
Tuesday, February 1 - TUMC Girls meet @ 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 2 - Wednesday Evening Experience: Supper is from 5:15-6:15 p.m., JOY worship is at 6:00 p.m. and small groups begin at 6:30 p.m.
SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY IS NEXT WEEK – December 6. Please bring your cans of soup or other canned goods and also your dollars. Our Youth will be collecting and taking to the Assembly of God Food Pantry for this Nation-wide Food Campaign on Super Bowl Sunday. Thank you for your support! (Remember, we have a box at T & C Grocery for food items for the food pantry.)
Below is the Valentine List for our military/shut ins. If you would like to remember them with a valentine, please have the Valentines at the church by next Sunday, February 6, to allow ample time for the UMW ladies to get them sorted and delivered.
Please seal lightly.
Gorty Aslin Bob Blair Kurt Dumey Charles Glass
Imogene Montgomery Colleen Phillips Murlin Phillips Mary Stevens
Mildred Unger Marilea Vickroy Fred Wethington
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY MEETING on Thursday, February 3, at 6:00 pm., education building. Lina Gibbs would like ANYONE, with a heart for our children and a desire to affect this generation and future generations for years to come, to come to this meeting to discuss options. She is looking for all types and ages of folks to help out with this, people with various skills who can work together to get ideas and make plans. We all have gifts that God can use to teach our kids and nurture our volunteers. We will discuss the children’s curriculum and the way we “do Sunday School” and determine what could be done to improve it. She is NOT asking for teachers.
If anyone would like to volunteer for assisting with the nursery for the 9:30 service, please let Pastor Susan or Lina Gibbs know. Something to think about as you make your decision is the face that there is a television in the nursery and the wiring has mostly been completed to feed the service into that TV.
The young adult class (that Scott Gibbs used to teach) would like to begin meeting again. This class would meet at the same time the children attend Sunday school, 9:30 - 10:30. If anyone might be interested in leading that class, please let Pastor Susan know. This class prefers video lessons and then some discussion after, thus making it easy to lead. There is material with a leader’s guide that has questions ready to go.
As of this week the Building Loan balance is $59,197.55.
Food ministry this month is soup.
Focus for the week: Try to make at least three people smile each day.
Family of Mona Rendleman - Grant’s sister’s mother-in-law.
Family of Eva Wilson - The family are friends of Kristine Jackson.
Jack VanSandt – Prostate Cancer surgery last week; he is Mildred Unger’s son-in-law.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye. Lori’s surgery is scheduled February 17.
Anna Mae Adams – Vicky Breece’s neighbor who lost her daughter last week.
Family of Jay Parsley who died after surgery.
Bob Blair - He is being evaluated for dementia, father of Jeff Blair.
Patty Pannier – Step-daughter of Shannon Heilman who is having heart surgery on January 19.
Braxton Graves - Son of Brittany Graves, friend of Kristine Jackson. The 4 month old baby will have
surgery soon. He is in pain and cannot keep down his food.
Sharon Ulrich – scheduled for heart valve surgery later in February. She wants to thank everyone for their
prayers…God is good!
Mildred Unger - She is in Golden Living Care Center for rehab.
Celia Connor – suffering from a brain tumor. Friend of Kristine’s Mother.
Peggy McEnerney - Had cancer surgery and now will have chemo.
Linda Talley - Kristine Jackson’s mom who has cancer.
Harold Foster - Vicky Glass’ stepfather who is ill and is in and out of the hospital.
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom who has severe back pain.
Becky Dennington - cancer and receiving treatments.
Stefanie Gray has lymphoma - She is Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe and he has lung cancer.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Greg Hall Blake Harris Dan Duncan Sarah White
Charles Glass Mucuacua UMC
Small Groups Starting!
Trinity’s Wednesday Evening Experience
Supper 5:15-6:15 JOY Worship Service 6:00 Small Groups 6:30
“A Walk in the Park"
Join us as we explore Yosemite National Park through the eyes of nature's visionary, John Muir. You will be transformed there through powerful scenes from DVDs and amazing accounts by the foremost wanderer and historian of the Sierra Nevada. The prologue to his masterful book begins, "I Only Went Out for a Walk...." This is an awesome documentation of creation and freedom. Earl Metcalf will be sharing his enthusiasm for the mountains and nature with this small group.
“A Great Workout”
It's important for us to have a great workout...physically and spiritually, right? Well, Sue Mayo is combining both of these good things for us. She will lead a time of gentle exercise and a short Bible study to keep us physically and spiritually fit. The Bible study will strengthen our souls and the stretching and walking will strengthen our bodies.
So what does that word miscellaneous mean? Well, join Dale Williams as he leads this small group which will explore various topics. Come and join the lively conversation. You won’t want to miss how “misc.” might just be what you’re looking for.
“Let’s Blog About It!”
Have you ever wondered how to create your own personal blog? Blogs may be used for family news, vacations, personal opinions, sharing photos, etc. What a fun and informational way connect with folks. Join Annette Lumsden as she helps you create your own blog. Please bring your laptop to participate in this small group that is limited to 8 people.
“So, What’s Media Got to Do With It?”
Curious how a worship service is done with added media elements? Come join Tony Thorn in the Media Loft (AKA Church Sanctuary) every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 to get a behind the scenes training on just how to do it with this hands on small group!
“Parenting 101”
Parenthood is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences most of us will ever have. But in the middle of the hectic days, runny noses and job stresses, we sometimes forget to enjoy the journey. Join Lina Gibbs as you discover how Dr. James Dobson will help with answers, insights and solutions to one of our biggest challenges: Discipline. As we watch and discuss, we'll gain the practical understanding and encouragement we need to feel confident in our ability to handle discipline in a positive way.
Supper 5:15-6:15 JOY Worship Service 6:00 Small Groups 6:30
“A Walk in the Park"
Join us as we explore Yosemite National Park through the eyes of nature's visionary, John Muir. You will be transformed there through powerful scenes from DVDs and amazing accounts by the foremost wanderer and historian of the Sierra Nevada. The prologue to his masterful book begins, "I Only Went Out for a Walk...." This is an awesome documentation of creation and freedom. Earl Metcalf will be sharing his enthusiasm for the mountains and nature with this small group.
“A Great Workout”
It's important for us to have a great workout...physically and spiritually, right? Well, Sue Mayo is combining both of these good things for us. She will lead a time of gentle exercise and a short Bible study to keep us physically and spiritually fit. The Bible study will strengthen our souls and the stretching and walking will strengthen our bodies.
So what does that word miscellaneous mean? Well, join Dale Williams as he leads this small group which will explore various topics. Come and join the lively conversation. You won’t want to miss how “misc.” might just be what you’re looking for.
“Let’s Blog About It!”
Have you ever wondered how to create your own personal blog? Blogs may be used for family news, vacations, personal opinions, sharing photos, etc. What a fun and informational way connect with folks. Join Annette Lumsden as she helps you create your own blog. Please bring your laptop to participate in this small group that is limited to 8 people.
“So, What’s Media Got to Do With It?”
Curious how a worship service is done with added media elements? Come join Tony Thorn in the Media Loft (AKA Church Sanctuary) every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 to get a behind the scenes training on just how to do it with this hands on small group!
“Parenting 101”
Parenthood is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences most of us will ever have. But in the middle of the hectic days, runny noses and job stresses, we sometimes forget to enjoy the journey. Join Lina Gibbs as you discover how Dr. James Dobson will help with answers, insights and solutions to one of our biggest challenges: Discipline. As we watch and discuss, we'll gain the practical understanding and encouragement we need to feel confident in our ability to handle discipline in a positive way.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk – News, Events, and Schedules for activities - January 16, 2011
(3 pages)
SKATING EVENT – The TUMC Girls are hosting an afternoon of roller skating at the Puxico Skating Rink from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. next Sunday, January 23. All skating will be paid for by the host group; you are responsible for your own refreshments. Skaters and spectators are needed. (Note: This was a great event last year with lots of fun for both skaters and spectators.)
JOY - Trinity’s mid-week worship service, at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19.
The Church Council passed a motion in November for a Stewardship Education Plan. Stewardship means that we care for all that God gives us from the earth to each other to our offering to God of our money, our gifts, our talents, skills and service. Stewardship is an important aspect of our spiritual lives. We will be talking about the various aspects of stewardship during the next two weeks, then on Sunday, January 23, we will have a delicious BBQ loin lunch, which will be provided. We will take reservations for the lunch this Sunday, January 16,
Trinity's new Wednesday evening experience--supper and small groups, along with the JOY worship service--begins on January 26 at 5:00 p.m. Supper is from 5:00 to 6:15 p.m. The JOY service is at 6:00 p.m. and small groups begin about 6:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided, too. The small groups will be informative and fun. One group will be "A Walk in the Park" about Yosemite National Park. Another will offer a time for exercise. One may be about music and another about computers. We hope you will mark your calendars for this exciting new experience at Trinity.
TRINITY SINGERS will practice on Wednesday, January 26, at 7:30 p.m. and will sing at the morning worship services on Sunday, January 30. If you enjoy singing, come out and be a part of this group. Cissy Williams directs.
Our first Fifth Sunday Supper and Sing-A-Long will be on Sunday evening, January 30. We'll have supper at 5:00 and the singing begins at 6:00. Please bring finger foods to share (and of course that includes desserts). We're also looking for folks to share their musical talents, like we did after the Children's Christmas program. Let Tony know if you will sing or play a special at tony@newwavecomm.net. This is an excellent opportunity for fellowship and inviting others to share in Trinity’s hospitality.
Copies of the financial and attendance reports for the month of December and the end of the year are on the table in the foyer. If you have questions, you may talk to Larry Smith, church council chair, Jan Aslin as treasurer, or Sue Mayo as financial secretary.
Trinity received a thank you card from Murlin Phillips expressing his appreciation to the ones who sent him Christmas cards. He did so appreciate it. Charlie Glass did not get permission to receive his cards, but he, too, was thankful that he was remembered. We never know when and how someone may be touched by being remembered.
Following is a message that Lina Gibbs. Please read carefully and see where you might be able to help. There are some great ideas and opportunities here:
Subject: Sunday club, 9:30 service nursery and children's ministry
1) The 11:00 am service Nursery/Sunday Club workers schedule is complete and will send that out soon. It will be for the entire year and I will mail hard copies if I cannot attach it.
2) I've been asked about nursery for the 9:30 service, when other children are in Sunday school. So if anyone would like to volunteer for that I would appreciate it. Something to think about as you make your decision--we do have a television in the nursery and I've been told that the wiring has mostly been completed to feed the service into that TV. So I will try to get that completed for those volunteers.
3) The young adult class, that Scott used to teach, would like to begin meeting again. This class would meet at the same time the children attend Sunday school, 9:30 - 10:30. I'm wondering if anyone might be interested in leading that class. Now, as you consider this position, let me tell you that this class prefers video lessons and then some discussion after. This makes the leading easy; we always try to find material with a leader’s guide that has questions ready to go, and I'd be happy to help in locating material.
4) I think last for now, I'd like to look at how we do children's Sunday school now. Susan and I met with Shelly Nall. Some of you will know her as Chris's wife. She's an amazing woman with an incredible heart for children and their being led to a relationship with Christ. I was moved to consider what we currently do for curriculum, and what we might do to improve it. For that, I'd like ANYONE, with a heart for our children and a desire to affect this generation and future generations for years to come, to come to a children's ministry meeting to discuss options. I'm looking for all types and ages of folks to help out with this, people with all types of skills who can work together in whatever we decide. PLEASE NOTE I AM NOT LOOKING FOR TEACHERS right now, this meeting is simply to get ideas and make plans. We all have gifts that God can use to teach our kids and nurture our volunteers. So please come on Thursday, February 3, at 6:00 pm., education building. I hope that date will work for everyone and I hope to see many of you!!!
Have a great week!!
Food ministry are items for January is soup.
Look back and thank God.
Look forward and trust God. Look around and serve God.
Look within and find God
God closes doors no man can open and God opens doors no man can close.
Family of Mike Shea - Husband of Susan Shea and son-in-law of Doris Leggett.
Bob Blair - is being evaluated again for the dementia
Mildred Unger - is in Golden Living Care Center for rehab.
Nancy White Shock - who had lung surgery in St. Louis this week. Nancy is Laura Ross’ cousin.
Sharon Ulrich - was hospitalized before Christmas with severe pneumonia. She had a heart cath on Tuesday
and then she will be scheduled for heart valve surgery later in the month.
Patty Pannier - Sharon Heilman's step-daughter who will have heart surgery on January 19.
Harold Foster - Vicky Glass’ stepfather who has been ill with pneumonia.
David Keating - Pat Snider’s sister’s brother in law who has stage 4 cancer and has been hospitalized.
.Braxton Graves – young baby, friend of Kristine’s who will have surgery for a partial stomach blockage. Shirley Hanner - Broke her toe and is in a lot of pain.
Peggy McEnerney - Had cancer surgery and now will have chemo.
Linda Talley - Kristine Jackson’s mom who has cancer.
Maxine Eggert - Friend of Kristine Jackson’s whose brother died.
Jeremy Snider - Brenda Wells’ co-workers son with a possible lung rejection and her daughter died of this
several years ago. (This is not Norman Snider’s son.)
Harold Foster - Vicky Glass’ stepfather who has been ill with pneumonia.
David Keating - Pat Snider’s sister’s brother in law who has stage 4 cancer and has been hospitalized.
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom who has severe back pain.
Becky Dennington - cancer and receiving treatments.
Stefanie Gray – lymphoma; Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe and he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White Charlie Glass Mucuacua UMC
A Light in the Window
A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
Here we are in 2011 and we wonder how it can be the New Year all ready. With the New Year comes an opportunity to do some new things. Beginning a new year just seems like the right time to make some changes in our lives. That’s why so many people make New Year’s resolutions during January. The top resolutions are losing weight and exercising more. I imagine spending time with family and watching less TV and less time on the Internet are popular resolutions, too. We may have a long list of what changes we need to make. Yet the difficulty comes in our follow through, doesn’t it? It’s just easier to go back to our “default” I call it. You know going back to our old, comfortable ways.
But God calls us to change. Think about Nicodemus in the Gospel of John who goes to Jesus in the middle of the night. We’re not sure why he goes at that time. It may be he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s talking to this traveling preacher. Maybe Nicodemus thought he was faithful enough and was just fine the way he was…until he heard Jesus preaching and teaching. Maybe he realized that Jesus was inviting him to “more,” a deeper relationship with God.
Jesus told him that he needed to be born again. Now there’s a real change! How can I be born again in my mother, he asks. That was your physical birth, Jesus said. Now it’s time for your spiritual birth. When we’re born again, we offer ourselves to God. God is the focus of our lives, not our own wants and needs. God is number 1 and we are number 2. Now that is the most difficult change we ever try to make. And we can’t make it on our own. We offer ourselves to God and ask God to change us. Just like Nicodemus, we’re unsure how to be born again. But it all begins with one word, “yes.” Yes, God, I want You to be the focus of my life. Yes, God, I want to serve you even when it doesn’t make any sense to me or to others around me. Yes, God, I need Your strength and courage to be born again.
In 2011, it’s time to get serious with God. Oh, you may say, I’m serious enough all ready. I’m doing this work for God or that work for God. But remember we are to work for God and spend time with God. And working for and being with God are two different things. If we work for God and don’t spend time with God we will burn out and your work for God will become a chore. When we’re born again, we begin to understand the difference between the two. We realize that growing in our faith with God first puts everything else in our lives in the right order.
As we begin 2011, how will you get serious with God? How will you offer God more of yourself, perhaps all of yourself? Will you find a loving, faith community? Will you become part of a small group to get to know other faithful followers of Christ? Will you begin to look at your giving of your service, money, gift and talents? Will you pray daily? Will you _____________? (you fill in the blank) When each one of us “gets serious with God” our corner of the world will change because we will change. And isn’t that what Jesus asks of us? Remember, He tells us, when you reach out to others, you reach out to Me. And reaching out to others is the most God given change of all…Amen.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk - News, Events, Schedules for next week – January 9, 2011
(3 pages)
The following message was received from Colleen Phillips, a Trinity member who now resides at Cypress Point. “To My Church Family, Thank you so much for all the cards at Christmas time. They were such a blessing for me. They mean so much. So good to hear from you all. Colleen.”
Tuesday, January 11 - Church Council meeting @ 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 12 - Trinity’s mid-week worship service, JOY, at 6:00 p.m.
Our Building Loan Balance to start the year is $63,987.04. Thanks to all who have made contributions to reduce the balance. The sooner it is paid, the sooner we will have dollars for other needs.
TRINITY SINGERS will practice on Wednesday, January 26, at 7 p.m. and will sing at the morning worship services on Sunday, January 30. If you enjoy singing, come out and be a part of this group. Cissy Williams directs.
FYI – The Susanna Wesley Family Learning Center in East Prairie is the lead organization for the Elder Abuse Program in our area. The Center was selected as one of twelve agencies in the United States for a study to implement the Elder Abuse program. The Center will have a major role in the upcoming documentary, “I Believe in You: Faith Reponses to Intimate Partner Violence” which will air on ABC in January. Susanna Wesley Learning Center is one of the ministries of the United Methodist Church and one to which Trinity contributes.
The Rock and Worship Roadshow
There's a great Christian concert in Cape on January 28. Please check out the link below for
more info. If you cannot access it by the link, perhaps you can cut and paste it into a search engine.
Food ministry are items to make soup and paper products.
With all the problems the World is facing, it can be unsettling to the mind. Here are ten predictions that are true!
Top 10 Predictions for 2011
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on Earth.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still honor the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
Isn't It Great To Remember Who Is Really In Control,
Mildred Unger is scheduled to return home on Tuesday of this week. She will be at the Golden Living Skilled Nursing Center in Bloomfield for therapy. Kaye Anderson, her niece, will fly down with Dale Gillespie to bring her home. Kaye asks for your prayers.
Nancy White Shock - who had lung surgery in St. Louis this week. Nancy is Laura Ross’ cousin.
Sharon Ulrich - was hospitalized before Christmas with severe pneumonia. She will have a heart cath on
Tuesday and then she will be scheduled for heart valve surgery later in the month.
Family of Bertha Dumey, Mike Dumey’s Mother, who passed away this past week.
Charlie Glass – daughter of Vicky and Charles Glass will have surgery on a broken finger on Wednesday.
Mike Shea – Doris Leggett’s son-in-law is not doing well and is now a patient of Hospice.
Shirley Hanner - Broke her toe and is in a lot of pain.
Peggy McEnerney - Had cancer surgery and now will have chemo.
Mildred Unger – in the hospital in Florida (where her daughter lives)
Dale Hudgens - Charlotte Phillips’ dad who is a resident of Golden Living Care Center is hospitalized due to
severe breathing problems.
Shirley Peck - Kristine Jackson’s aunt who has had surgery and had developed blood clots and may face
Linda Talley - Kristine Jackson’s mom who has cancer.
Maxine Eggert - Friend of Kristine Jackson’s whose brother died.
Jeremy Snider - Brenda Wells’ co-workers son with a possible lung rejection and her daughter died of this
several years ago.
Harold Foster - Vicky Glass’ stepfather who has been ill with pneumonia.
David Keating - Pat Snider’s sister’s brother in law who has stage 4 cancer and has been hospitalized.
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom who has been hospitalized for several days with severe back pain.
Becky Dennington - cancer and receiving treatments.
Stefanie Gray – lymphoma; Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe and he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White Charlie Glass Muacuacua
(Perhaps you would like to keep this list so that you will know whom to call when you have a question or wish to volunteer to help in a particular area.)
Lay Member to Annual Conference – Grant Thorn
Lay Leader – Tony Thorn
Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013
Mark Wethington Scott Gibbs Brenda Smith
Billy Lee Annette Lumsden Carrie Greene
Pat Snider Sarah Dumey Bill Aslin
BOARD OF TRUSTEES – (Chair to be determined)
Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013
Larry Smith Juston Jarrell Jim Goforth
Stan Lumsden William Chasteen Larry Massey
Earl Metcalf Tony Thorn Josh Monroe
Pastor Chairperson – Susan Hoyle
Vice Chair Lara Thorn
Lay Leader Tony Thorn
Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013
Nora Statler Lara Thorn Kristine Jackson
Lina Gibbs Barb Rice Carrie Greene
Sonja Hobbs Jim Goforth Dale Williams
Committee on Finance – Chair - Jan Aslin
Pastor Susan Hoyle
Lay Mbr to Annual Conferenc Grant Thorn
Council Chairperson Larry Smith
PPR Chair Scott Gibbs
Trustee Rep To be determined
Stewardship Chair None
Lay Leader Tony Thorn
Financial Secretary Sue Mayo
Church Treasurer Jan Aslin
Church Bus. Adm. None
Alt. Lay Mbr to Annual Conf. – Barb Rice
Dist. Conf. Delegate Grant Thorn
Invite (Evang./Hospitality Barb Rice
Form (Education/Nurture Lina Gibbs
Send (Missions/Outreach Lara Thorn
Worship Susan Hoyle
Stewrdship (Generosity) Jan Aslin
Volunteer in Mission Lara Thorn
Ministries with Children Lina Gibbs
Ministries with Youth Jill Gibbs
Ministries with Adults Sue Mayo
UM Men President Scott Gibbs
UM Women President Frances Moore
Disaster Relief Lara Thorn
Historian Grant Thorn
Safe Sanctuary Lina Gibbs
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
TRINITY TALK – News, Events and Schedules for this week - January 2, 2011
Luke 2:20 –“The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” As you return to your normal activities after all the joy and happiness that you have experienced during the Advent/ Christmas Season, will you forget the story of love that the birth of Christ brought into your life or will you continue to glorify and praise god for all the blessings you have received? There are those who still need our prayers; those who are alone and shut in; those who are hungry and cold; those who have not yet learned about the redeeming love of our Lord. There is much work to be done—will you be ready?
This Week
Tuesday, January 4, TUMC Girls meet at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 5, Trinity’s mid-week worship service, JOY, at 6:00 p.m.
Food ministry: items to make soup and paper products.
Mildred Unger – in the hospital in Florida (where her daughter lives); condition not good.
The family of William Hanner, Shirley Hanner’s brother, who passed away on Christmas Day.
Dale Hudgens - Charlotte Phillips’ dad who is a resident of Golden Living Care Center is hospitalized due to severe breathing problems.
Shirley Peck - Kristine Jackson’s aunt who has had surgery and had developed blood clots and may
face amputation.
Linda Talley - Kristine Jackson’s mom who has cancer.
Maxine Eggert - Friend of Kristine Jackson’s whose brother died.
Jeremy Snider - Brenda Wells’ co-workers son with a possible lung rejection and her daughter died of this several years ago.
Harold Foster - Vicky Glass’ stepfather who has been ill with pneumonia.
David Keating - Pat Snider’s sister’s brother in law who has stage 4 cancer and has been hospitalized.
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom who has been hospitalized for several days with severe back pain.
Becky Dennington - cancer and receiving treatments.
Stefanie Gray – lymphoma; Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe and he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White Charlie Glass Muacuacua
Luke 2:20 –“The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” As you return to your normal activities after all the joy and happiness that you have experienced during the Advent/ Christmas Season, will you forget the story of love that the birth of Christ brought into your life or will you continue to glorify and praise god for all the blessings you have received? There are those who still need our prayers; those who are alone and shut in; those who are hungry and cold; those who have not yet learned about the redeeming love of our Lord. There is much work to be done—will you be ready?
This Week
Tuesday, January 4, TUMC Girls meet at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 5, Trinity’s mid-week worship service, JOY, at 6:00 p.m.
Food ministry: items to make soup and paper products.
Mildred Unger – in the hospital in Florida (where her daughter lives); condition not good.
The family of William Hanner, Shirley Hanner’s brother, who passed away on Christmas Day.
Dale Hudgens - Charlotte Phillips’ dad who is a resident of Golden Living Care Center is hospitalized due to severe breathing problems.
Shirley Peck - Kristine Jackson’s aunt who has had surgery and had developed blood clots and may
face amputation.
Linda Talley - Kristine Jackson’s mom who has cancer.
Maxine Eggert - Friend of Kristine Jackson’s whose brother died.
Jeremy Snider - Brenda Wells’ co-workers son with a possible lung rejection and her daughter died of this several years ago.
Harold Foster - Vicky Glass’ stepfather who has been ill with pneumonia.
David Keating - Pat Snider’s sister’s brother in law who has stage 4 cancer and has been hospitalized.
Charlotte Clark - Jill Gibb’s mom who has been hospitalized for several days with severe back pain.
Becky Dennington - cancer and receiving treatments.
Stefanie Gray – lymphoma; Mary Thorn’s cousin’s daughter.
Larry Jones - Larry’s daughter is good friends with Stephanie Monroe and he has lung cancer.
Lori Fowler - Cecil and Judy Vincent’s daughter who has a mass behind her eye.
Don Scott - cancer, not doing well
Larry Pinney - Marcia’s uncle with cancer
Gorty Aslin Hazel Patrick Greg Hall Blake Harris
Dan Duncan Sarah White Charlie Glass Muacuacua
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