Trinity Talk – September 26, 2010
Church Family: Let's go fishing this Sunday afternoon! If you'd like to join us, we'll be at our place at Puxico. Mike Dumey is bringing 4 canoes. You may fish, paddle around the lake, or come to visit. There will be a fire going for hot dogs this evening, & we'll also have the hot dogs, buns and paper plates. So pack your fishing pole, lawn chair, drinks for the afternoon, and anything else like chips, etc. The gate will be open so drive on through and park down by the "lake." We'll have maps with us at church today if you need one. For those of you going to the winery at Puxico this afternoon to hear Josh Monroe sing at 2 p.m., just drop by afterward. Come on out after lunch and let's celebrate the arrival of autumn! Marcia & Earl 624-8160 or 820-0141
DOOR HANGERS ANYONE? Join us for a potluck lunch next Sunday and then we will "cover" Bloomfield with our 10-10-10 door hangers. We're counting down the days until our new worship schedule and we want EVERYONE to know that they are invited to join us. We need door hangers and drivers.
A BIG TRINITY CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME to LYLA MAE SCHOOLFIELD, new baby daughter for Julie and Tyson Schoolfield, born September 21, weighing 6 lbs, 8 oz and 19 inches long. We know that proud grandparents, Larry and Sandra Massey, are feeling more than “blessed.”
Adoption baby showers are so much fun; let’s get together to welcome the new little one
It is with great joy that we invite you to a baby shower honoring
Lyla Mae Schoolfield
Saturday, October 2, 10:00—11:30 a.m. (drop-in) at Trinity United Methodist Church
New parents are Tyson & Julie Schoolfield
They are registered at Target, Wal Mart, & Toys R Us
TO TRINITY SINGERS: Due to the memorial service in Ohio for my uncle on Saturday, Sept. 25, the Trinity singers will be postponed until Sunday, October 3. We will practice again on Wednesday, September 29, at 7 p.m. immediately following the JOY service. So sorry for any inconvenience.
So how's the Acts 29 prayerful reading going? We're on day 36 and we're reading Acts 29 for the fourth time. It may seem rather odd that we're praying this book five times. But I know I have deeper insights each time I read through it. How about you? What difference is Acts 29 making in your life, especially your prayer life?
COMING UP: UMW entertains Trinity Women on Thursday, October 21, at 6 p.m. – dining room.