Trinity Talk - June 20, 2010
Father’s Day is celebrated all over America as well as other parts of the world
today. The idea for an official Father’s Day celebration came to Senora Smart
Dodd of Spokane, WA, in 1910 as she sat listened to a Mother’s Day sermon.
Having lost her mother when Dodd was only 16 years old, she saw her father
as an example of kindness and sacrifice as he worked to keep his six children
together. She started took her message to the ministers in Spokane and later
to the city, state and federal government officials. In 1972 when Sonora was
90 years old, President Nixon designated the 3rd Sunday in June as Father’s Day in America. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL DADS.
The JOY services have been going well. This is a great opportunity to find a little quiet time during the week to meditate, pray, sing, and have a short Bible study with Pastor Susan as our leader. If you haven’t attended one of these services to date, there are more to follow. You will be glad you took the time for this.
On Sunday, June 27, at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. special services will be led by our Healthy Church Initiative coach, Rev. Dr. Royal Speidel. This service of prayer and repentance is one of our HCI prescriptions. We are to come together as the Body of Christ and pray about where God is leading us as evangelists. When we gather as God's people in prayer, the Holy Spirit touches us in ways that we cannot imagine. Please join us in this soul journey to reach others for Jesus Christ.
Alex Gibbs is in Columbia participating in the state baseball tournament this weekend. The “Bulls” (a traveling team made up of boys from the area) have had a great season this year. They didn’t quite make it to the winner’s box, but they made an excellent record for themselves. Yea Bulls!!! Yea Alex!!!
UMW will meet Thursday, June 24, at the Cypress Point Nursing Center with member Colleen Phillips who is a resident there. They will have lunch and their meeting there with Colleen.
COMING UP: A baby shower for Stephanie and Josh Monroe on Sunday, July 17, at the Trinity fellowship hall from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. Drop in and stay as long as you wish. They are registered at Wal Mart, Target and Toys R Us. All women of the church are invited. Please mark your calendars and plan to come. (It’s a boy)
A lovely wedding shower was hosted yesterday by Cathy Chasteen, Heather White, Fran Hendley, Melissa Blair and Julie Dodd for Kurt Dumey and his fiancĂ©, Stephanie Ferguson, at the fellowship hall. The tables were beautifully decorated with “fruit bouquets” and trays of muffins. Kurt and Stephanie will be married August 21, 2010. Best Wishes from all of us.
You may not recognize Pastor Susan as she drives around town these days, no longer in her 300,000-mile (more or less) Intrepid, but in her new Pontiac Grand Prix. Another great joy on Saturday came when Melissa and Lina
both called to tell her that they thought her lost dog, Christian, was at the ball park. Sure enough, the lost was found. Susan and dog—both happy!
The Annual Patriotic Musical program will be presented by the Bloomfield General Baptist Church next Sunday afternoon with a freewill offering to be taken to benefit the Stars and Stripes Museum/Library.
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