Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk - June 20, 2010
Father’s Day is celebrated all over America as well as other parts of the world
today. The idea for an official Father’s Day celebration came to Senora Smart
Dodd of Spokane, WA, in 1910 as she sat listened to a Mother’s Day sermon.
Having lost her mother when Dodd was only 16 years old, she saw her father
as an example of kindness and sacrifice as he worked to keep his six children
together. She started took her message to the ministers in Spokane and later
to the city, state and federal government officials. In 1972 when Sonora was
90 years old, President Nixon designated the 3rd Sunday in June as Father’s Day in America. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL DADS.
The JOY services have been going well. This is a great opportunity to find a little quiet time during the week to meditate, pray, sing, and have a short Bible study with Pastor Susan as our leader. If you haven’t attended one of these services to date, there are more to follow. You will be glad you took the time for this.
On Sunday, June 27, at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. special services will be led by our Healthy Church Initiative coach, Rev. Dr. Royal Speidel. This service of prayer and repentance is one of our HCI prescriptions. We are to come together as the Body of Christ and pray about where God is leading us as evangelists. When we gather as God's people in prayer, the Holy Spirit touches us in ways that we cannot imagine. Please join us in this soul journey to reach others for Jesus Christ.
Alex Gibbs is in Columbia participating in the state baseball tournament this weekend. The “Bulls” (a traveling team made up of boys from the area) have had a great season this year. They didn’t quite make it to the winner’s box, but they made an excellent record for themselves. Yea Bulls!!! Yea Alex!!!
UMW will meet Thursday, June 24, at the Cypress Point Nursing Center with member Colleen Phillips who is a resident there. They will have lunch and their meeting there with Colleen.
COMING UP: A baby shower for Stephanie and Josh Monroe on Sunday, July 17, at the Trinity fellowship hall from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. Drop in and stay as long as you wish. They are registered at Wal Mart, Target and Toys R Us. All women of the church are invited. Please mark your calendars and plan to come. (It’s a boy)
A lovely wedding shower was hosted yesterday by Cathy Chasteen, Heather White, Fran Hendley, Melissa Blair and Julie Dodd for Kurt Dumey and his fiancĂ©, Stephanie Ferguson, at the fellowship hall. The tables were beautifully decorated with “fruit bouquets” and trays of muffins. Kurt and Stephanie will be married August 21, 2010. Best Wishes from all of us.
You may not recognize Pastor Susan as she drives around town these days, no longer in her 300,000-mile (more or less) Intrepid, but in her new Pontiac Grand Prix. Another great joy on Saturday came when Melissa and Lina
both called to tell her that they thought her lost dog, Christian, was at the ball park. Sure enough, the lost was found. Susan and dog—both happy!
The Annual Patriotic Musical program will be presented by the Bloomfield General Baptist Church next Sunday afternoon with a freewill offering to be taken to benefit the Stars and Stripes Museum/Library.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk
June 13, 2010
Pastor Susan attended the Annual Missouri Methodist Conference last week in Springfield. This is the annual business meeting of the church and among other business, the pastors are appointed to their churches for the ensuing year. Trinity is happy to announce that Susan has been reappointed to serve here. Grant Thorn served as our official lay delegate. He will no doubt be reporting on business that is applicable to our church.
Two big events in the lives of members and friends of Trinity: A bride for Kurt Dumey
and a new baby for Stephanie and Josh Monroe. These events will be celebrated with a
shower for each of them:
KURT DUMEY SHOWER - Saturday, June 19, in the fellowship hall; drop in between
9:30 and 11:30 a.m. at the church fellowship hall and enjoy this event. Kurt is the son of
Sarah and Mike Dumey.
BABY BOY SHOWER FOR STEPHANIE AND JOSH on Sunday afternoon, July 11,
from 2-4; drop in any time and stay as long as you wish. They are registered at Wal
Mart, Target, and Toys R Us.
The JOY service held on Wednesday night was another of Susan’s unique services. Using mirrors as the theme of the evening, we were challenged to view ourselves from a Biblical standpoint. (I Corinthians 13:11). Everyone stayed for the fellowship time following the service. (Methodists can’t get together unless we have at least snacks!! But that is o.k. and Biblical as well. Jesus broke bread with many different individuals and groups of people as he went about preaching and teaching.) A JOY Service will be held each week on Wednesday evening, 6 p.m. Come out and enjoy. The stained glass windows are absolutely beautiful at that time of day, the message is outstanding, and the fellowship is great.
Tony, Lara, Maggie and Sophie have returned from an exciting week in Hollywood, CA. This was a part of Maggie’s winning package at the Mid-South Fair last year. (I asked Lara for a report on their trip, but I think she’s having a yard sale today and hasn’t had time to get back to me - understandable.) We’ll be hearing more from them soon.
BRANT HOBBS receives more awards: two 1st place gold medals in the Junior Golf Skills Challenge held at Dexter Hidden Trails Country Club this week. He got 1st place in Driving & 1st place in Putting. Brant was the only child from Bloomfield participating. All of Trinity is proud!
MOLLY and BAILEY BELOW continue to excel. Molly won the Pee Wee Barrels and got 1st in the youth division. Bailey and her new horse also had a really nice run in the open.
Thanks to Scott Gibbs for speaking last Sunday and Dale, Cissy, and Eric for their special music. So much talent at Trinity!!!
A Light in the Window
A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
The Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew chapters 5-7 gives us a clear understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Sometimes we can be a bit confused about the word disciple. We may think that disciples of Jesus were the twelve that we also call the apostles. Then other times we think that anyone who follows Jesus is His disciple. And both statements are correct. The twelve who Jesus called to learn from Him during His earthly ministry were disciples just like we are and all of our faith ancestors through the last 2000 years. The word disciple is defined as someone who followers a particular teacher. So we are disciples of Jesus Christ.
As Jesus’ disciples, the Sermon on the Mount teaches us what it means to live a life that honors God. In these three chapters, Jesus teaches us The Lord’s Prayer, to be the “light” of the world, to ask ourselves what we really treasure, to love our enemies and The Beatitudes, which means blessed.
Why not take some time to read these three chapters in Matthew? You will discover how we are to live our lives following in the footsteps of Jesus. It isn’t easy to follow Him because He asks us to see the world through His eyes. He asks us to do things that don’t make any sense to us like loving our enemies and letting His light shine through us, even as flawed as we are. Why does Jesus work through us? Whether we understand it or not, Jesus counts on us, you and me, to be God’s love on earth. And that should take our breath away. Jesus, the Son of God, has such deep, abiding faith in us, His disciples, to be His hands, His feet and His heart so that others will know that His love really is alive. And the love of Christ is what changes us and changes the world.
So as you read the Sermon on the Mount and that we are to be His light and to love our enemies, don’t try to make sense of it. Just say “yes, Jesus” and He will show you the way-the way to the Kingdom of God on earth. Amen.
Trinity Talk...A Weekly Newsletter
Trinity Talk
June 6, 2010
WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A LITLE MORE JOY IN YOUR LIFE? Trinity has just the thing for you and it begins on Wednesday, June 9, at 6 p.m. Pastor Susan will be leading a worship service
unlike any of the other services we currently have at Trinity. As many of you
know who have attended her special Advent, Holy Week, and other special-
day services, she expresses her creativity and special talent in putting
together heart-warming experiences. She will do this with the JOY services –
(Jesus-Others-You). Mark your calendars and plan to add JOY to your lives.
* * * * * *
NEXT SUNDAY IS WEST PLEASANT VALLEY DAY. Rev. Geoff Posegate, former Trinity/WPV pastor, will be the guest speaker. Dinner on the grounds at 12 noon.
* * * * * *
Healthy Church Initiative Update: Our coach, Rev. Dr. Royal Speidel, met with Trinity leadership in April and May. Royal brings a wealth of experience to Trinity. He has served in small, rural churches as well as a large downtown church in Chicago. He has written a book on evangelism in the small membership church and has done extensive work with small groups.
His time together has been filled with lively discussion about the prescriptions and the time frames. We’ve also discussed the ministry audit which looks at each ministry and its effectiveness in leading people to Jesus Christ. Team leaders will receive a ministry audit form in the next two weeks to be discussed at team meetings. Each area of ministry will have its own audit form. For example, the mission team will look at Operation Christmas Child, Trunk or Treat, Community Easter Egg hunt and other outreach ministries. We will discuss the purpose of each ministry, along with how it reaches out to create new disciples. This audit will help us to think as evangelists. We look forward to our next meeting with Royal in June.
May Offerings
May 02 - $3,756.00 This is vacation time and it is everyone’s desire to get
May 09 - 2,088.00 away from the routine and experience some mental
May 16 - 3,851.30 and physical rest and renewal; but don’t forget your
May 23 - 2,449.88 your church. Its needs continue in the summer
May 30 - 1,948.50 whether or not you are able to attend—the bills keep
coming (just as they do at home).
Average weekly May offering: $2,818.74
Budgeted Amount needed per Sunday: $3,183.04
Loan Balance - $85,142.15
At the June 1st TUMC Girls meeting they decided to use some of the yard sale proceeds to purchase colorful chairs for the Children's Room as well as additional white tables and much needed pans for the kitchen.
They also worked on their Healthy Church Initiative forms regarding the various activities that TUMC girls sponsor. “Reaching out to others in the name of Christ” is their focus as they work on their HCI forms regarding the activities they sponsor.
The Assembly Church is sponsoring a 5K run on June 19th at 8:00 a.m. Trinity will have some participants running and will also have a table of refreshments/information set up for the runners. It is a great outreach for those in the community to learn more about our church. Other local churches will be helping out, also. Come out to the school to encourage the runners and visit awhile!
FYI Trinity
We have three worship opportunities at Trinity. There is an 8:30 a.m. chapel service. It is a smaller, more intimate worship experience and our music is from the United Methodist hymnal. We have an 11:00 a.m. service called The Blend. The Blend is a larger service with Children's Time and Children's Worship. The worship music is provided by Trinity muscians on some Sundays and other Christian musicians from our area on other Sundays. There may be a praise band one week, a gospel quartet another week and Trinity Singers, too. We are touched by God in different ways and Trinity offers unique worship experiences just for you.
We're beginning a new worship experience called JOY (Jesus, Others, You) on Wednesday, June 9 at 6:00 p.m. It will be a "come as you are" time of worship as we offer God our praise and prayers. We hope to see you for worship on Sunday, June 6 and our new mid-week worship on June 9. Come and find out what "more" there can be as we worship God together...
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