
The Journey/Bible Scholars

The Journey

John 13:31-35

Scripture for February 21

We’ve been talking about love’s simple choices the last two weeks. We know that love is an amazing feeling that is hard to define and even talk about sometimes. And we know that love is more than a feeling; it’s a way of living our lives. We live a life of love when we love one another, as our Scripture for this week tells us. When we follow Jesus loving one another is not an option, it’s an opportunity. How will you live a life of love this week? How can you reach out to someone to show God’s love? Remember you might be the only Bible someone every reads.

Well God, I know You give me opportunities to share Your love but sometimes I am too distracted. Help me to be Your love this week. Amen.

Trinity Bible Scholars

February 21

Answers are from the Gospel of John.

1. What is the new commandment? _________________________

2. How does someone know we follow Jesus? ___________________

3. What did Jesus do earlier in chapter 13 that was so unusual? ________________________________________________

4. How does the answer in #3 show the disciples how to live out the answer in #1? ____________________________________________

5. OK, #4 was kind of tricky, so you get 20 points for #4!!!

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