The Journey
March 7
Our Healthy Church Initiative (HCI) consultation weekend is less than a week away. The HCI is a process to guide us in being more effective as the Body of Christ in our corner of the world. The consultants have received our self-study materials that give them a basic understanding of our values, our history and how we reach out as the hands and feet of Jesus. Now they want to meet us and hear our stories. Each one of us has our own story of how we came to Trinity UMC and what that has meant to us. Each one of us has our own understanding of what it means to be the “church” in our world today.
We also know what it means to be the “church” together as we serve God through risk-taking mission and service. We’ve taken a risk when we provided treated nets for our sister church in Mozambique so the Mucuacua congregation will be protected from malaria. We’ve taken a risk by providing a offering of $2125 to our brothers and sisters in Haiti. We’ve taken a risk when we had two Mission Blitz experiences in 2009 so others know that people really do care. We’ve taken a risk by giving our shoes to Soul to Soul. We’ve taken a risk to offer needed items to foster children we will never meet. We’ve taken a risk so many times when we say “yes” to God without knowing exactly what God will require of us. And each time we are so humbled at how God works through us to bring God’s kingdom to earth.
And here we are again and it’s time to take another risk for God. Perhaps you’re not sure what the Healthy Church Initiative is all about. Maybe you have other plans for the weekend of March 5-7. Possibly you’ve been parts of other “programs” that are to revitalize the church and nothing much happens. All of that may be true…yet, I invite you to be a part of this important weekend to discover how God’s Spirit is moving among us in new and exciting ways. Will there be risk involved? Most likely. Will there be some sacrifice? Probably. Will God guide us in discovering new ways to be the “church” in our corner of the world? Definitely. Will it be worth it? No doubt in my mind.
We have the most amazing opportunity to be more together than we could have ever imagined as we live into God’s vision for the people of Trinity. I pray you will join us on Friday evening, March 5 at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 6 from 10:00-3:00 p.m. to learn more about how God is moving among us.
Trinity Bible Scholars
1. What does God’s vision mean to you? _____________________________
2. How do you live out God’s vision in your every day life? _______________
3. How do you see Trinity living out God’s vision? _______________________
4. What is one way that Trinity can live out God’s vision in a new way? _________________________________________________________(20 points)