A Light in the Window
Susan Hoyle, pastor Trinity United Methodist Church
We all know a lot about work. We work in our homes, at paid jobs, in our churches and in our communities. If we wrote down each job we do during the day, we would get tired of writing! Each one of us has skills, abilities and gifts that we use every day to make this world go around. And when we combine our skills, abilities and gifts together, our work becomes more than we can imagine.
Just think about the Mission Blitz on Sept. 26. There are over 300 churches and 6,000 people in 9 states who will put their skills, abilities and gifts together to reach out with the hands, feet and heart of Jesus. Yes, it’s “work” but it’s the kind of work that puts smiles on the faces of people, both the giver and the receiver. Each one of us brings our skills, abilities and gifts to share with others. One person’s skill may be to paint a room at the Bloomfield Public Library and another person’s may be to bake treats to give to folks to show our appreciation for the work they do for us every day. Your skill may be to clean out gutters or to use the chainsaw to clean up brush from a yard. You might help wash a car or pump gas. Maybe you will help clean up trash along our streets and highways. You might help serve at our community lunch at Town and Country Grocery Store in Bloomfield. You see, we need the skills, abilities and gifts of everyone for God’s work in the world.
As we think about our work, a powerful Scripture from Proverbs 16:3 can guide us. “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” What would happen if we began every day with this passage, saying out loud, “I commit my work to You today, Lord? What would happen if we began every day asking God to direct our path to the work God has for us to do? I believe it would change our focus from what work we have to do today, to what work God has for us to do today. And that changes everything. It changes our world, one person at a time.
May your work be committed to God every day of your life. Amen.
Want to join us on September 26 for Mission Blitz ’09, God is in this City? Just email me at susan@trinitybloomfield.org or call 568-3188 for more information.
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