Prayer is the way we connect with God. We can talk to God and we can listen to God. How can we listen to God, you might ask? God often comes to us in the silence. We can get so busy talking, that we may not take the time to just rest in the silence and let God’s still, small voice rise up from within us. Will you take some time today to be still with God?
Perhaps as you begin your prayer time with silence, then you can ask God to guide you in deepening your prayer life. As I talked about on Sunday, there are many ways for us to become a praying congregation. Will you open your mind, heart and soul for God to whisper to you? God may whisper a name to become your prayer partner or a nudge to begin a prayer ministry. Maybe you feel a tug on your heart to ask some women to drive around the schools, the jail and the alternative school and pray? Perhaps you feel a nudge to gather a group of men once a month for a prayer breakfast? Maybe you will attend a prayer service once a month that begins later in June? Perhaps you will ask a few people to pray for a family member going through a difficult time or who needs to know Jesus? Maybe you will step out in faith and come to the altar to pray or ask some folks to join you in our prayer room once a week?
Prayer is the foundation of our relationship with God as individuals and as the community of believers. As we open ourselves to God’s leading us to pray in new ways, that foundation grows stronger and stronger. And lives are changed.
Will you commit to deepening your prayer life? Will you respond to that nudge from God to begin a prayer ministry? You might just be the person who someone else is waiting for to step out in faith when you ask, “will you join me?”
God, may we be faithful to your call to prayer. May we get out of our comfortable chairs and change our corner of the world. Amen.
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