
Can We Get a Witness???

Witnessing to others is a powerful thing! In 100 words or less would you share with us some memories of your baptism??


Anonymous said...

I was baptized in Ford's Crossing (Castor River) below Avert after a summer revival the year I turned 15. I am & always have been terrified of water over ankle deep so Mom had to do some major reassuring that the preacher wouldn't drop me, etc. & that he would be sure & put a handkerchief over my mouth. Baptisms were always an event after revivals & we would hold hands, wade out into the water, sing hymns, the preacher would say a few words, then immerse the candidates. Baptism is such a beautiful "rite of passage" signifying stepping into a new life of service & love for all eternity with Jesus our Lord. Praise His Name! Barb

Marcia said...

There had never been an opportunity to be baptized, until I was in my early twenties. A church member had a swimming pool, and one Sunday afternoon, a few of us met and the pastor baptized us. For me, it was giving action to my faith in Christ. It was something I needed to do.

Anonymous said...

I don’t remember my baptism.( pre-Alzheimer’s?) I was christened as a baby because I have the little dress to prove it and I’m sure I was baptized when I joined the church as a pre-teen but for some reason, there’s no memory.
However, I was baptized by the Holy Spirit a few years ago, when I read The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancy. I discovered the “me” I never knew. Some days I have to search a little harder for me, but Jesus is always revealed.

Marcia said...

Something else about the day I was baptized; Jill Gibbs' grandfather, Hollie Clark was also baptized.He was a good friend to all, and fondly remembered.