
Trinity Talk


ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES:  This Wednesday Rev. Buck will be offering “Come and Go” Communion between 4 and 6 p.m.  At 6:30 there will be a short service with communion offered also.  All are welcome to attend either of these services. 
TO ALL CHOIR PARTICIPANTS:  We will NOT have choir practice Monday evening.  Instead we will practice Wednesday night immediately following the Ash Wednesday service (around 7pm). Rev. Charles will be joining us.

OFFERING FOR PARSONAGE RENOVATION:  WOW!! Final count is $8,548.00! If you did not get to make your offering to this fund, just give it to Jan Aslin.  Many thanks to those who made this happen.   Prayers, offering and physical labor have all gone into this project.

PALM SUNDAY PLANS:  Our kids wave palms and sing on Palm Sunday.  All who wish to sing need to go to Sunday Club during worship time to practice the songs.  Cissy will again be coordinating the music.  If your child likes to sing, please send them over to practice.  We had a great group at Christmas and hope to have even more on Palm Sunday.

STUDENT NEWS:   Carson Blair won the People's Choice Award at the Missouri Arts Council Children's Art Festival for his painting "Cardinal In Winter" submitted by his art teacher, Mrs. Bollinger.  A picture of the painting is on display in the foyer.  Congratulations, Carson; Trinity is so proud.  Carson is the son of Melissa and Jeff Blair.
     Will Thorn was named Student of the Month.  His special character trait was perseverance. He was very excited!  And so are all of us at Trinity.  Go, Will.

NEXT FOOD BANK - Saturday, February 25.  Lots of help is needed; assist if possible.

Food Items for February: PEANUT BUTTER is the food item for February for the Assembly of God food ministry. Thanks to Carrie Greene for overseeing this ministry.  Food is distributed on the 2nd Saturday each month

DINNER FOR EIGHT:   Some small groups are continuing to enjoy these dinners. The gatherings are wonderful opportunities to get to know new folks at Trinity.  If you would like to be a part of a Dinner for Eight dinner group, please indicate on the “connect card”; possibly a new group can be formed.

TUMC GIRLS DELIVERED VALENTINE PACKETS to all of the children living at the Children’s Home in Bloomfield this week. The packets contained red cherry suckers, chocolate Valentines, small stuffed animals, Hershey Kisses, decorated miniature cupcakes and white chocolate cookies.  Coloring book and card games were added to help entertain the children.  At this time there are 8 children living in the home, ranging from 18 months to school age children.  The caregivers expressed their appreciation for sponsoring a Valentine Party for the children

NOTES FROM LAST SUNDAY’S SERMON:  Learn to love the unlovable”
     “Look not to your own interests but to the interests of others.”

REPORTS ON VALENTINES – Many good reports of the valentines sent this year.  Thanks
     again to all who helped with this ministry.                           

                           PRAYER CONCERNS AND PRAISE REPORTS

Jr. O’Daniell – hospitalized for a ruptured aneurysm
The family of Sharon Hill Stokes – The daughter of Dail and Launa Hill, a graduate  
     of Bloomfield, 1961, and had suffered with diabetes and kidney failure.
Luke Lewis – 16 years; diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma stage 3; chemo began on   
     Wednesday; the nephew of Susan Walker who works at the local 1st Commercial Bank.
Kim Clark
10 month old foster son of Loyd & Heather Rice -  is in SE hospital in Cape.   
The Gillespie triplets – premature grandchildren of Bob & Barb Gillespie, having difficulties.
Sophie Thorn – prayers for healing of a torn upper thigh muscle.                                   
Jeff Clark
The family of Kevin McNeal - who was killed in an automobile accident last week.
Amy Johnson
Dave Swindell – had tests this week to determine the cause of internal bleeding; he fell Monday
     and broke 3 ribs and tore upper abdomen muscle.
Randy Zook – had stints put in this week; Randy assists Carrie Green with our Assembly of
     God food ministry.  .
Ed Dembowski – Julie Matheney’s  son who is facing three back surgeries in the near     
Laura Eubanks Stroder-. Undergoing treatment for brain and lung cancer  
Elaine Hutchison – fighting cancer; continues treatment
Sarah Dumey's adopted niece and her new baby, a 2.5 lb. premature infant is gaining weight
Theresa Anderson - asks for prayers for her mother-in-law, Cheryl Anderson,
     who had a stroke
Mildred Unger – Now at the Golden Living Center in Bloomfield
Debbie Triplett - Julie Dodd’s aunt who had breast cancer surgery this week
Andy Anderson – Kay Anderson’s husband who continues to have health problems.   .
Sharonda and Margaret Woodfin – are in a homeless shelter in Santa Ana, CA.  Pray for suitable
     housing soon.  Sharonda’s mother’s dementia is growing worse; friends of Annette Lumsden
Kristine Jackson - She is having severe back pain.
Anson Knoderer – Cissy William’s Dad, who continues to have health problems.
Charlotte Clark - Mom of Jill Gibbs who having daily radiation treatments.
Jill Gibb’s grandfather – has prostate cancer
Julie Dodd - has a complicated, painful neck condition and is having therapy;
     improving slowly.
John Gandt - serving in the military in Egypt; son of Don and Ginny.
Charlie Glass             Greg Hall              Mucuacua UMC      Our Military Men and Women


Trinity Talk


CHURCH-WIDE VALENTINE’S SUPPER TONIGHT AT 5:30 – Soup and the most fabulous dessert you can make.   Everyone is invited.  It will be a great evening of fun and fellowship—also a good time to bring a guest or someone new to Trinity.

CONFIRMATION CLASS BEGINS TODAY:  Rev. Buck held the orientation class with the youth and their parents today during the Sunday School hour (9:30).  These classes will continue at this time.  If you missed today, you are welcome to attend next week.

OFFERING FOR PARSONAGE RENOVATION:  A special offering, above and beyond regular giving, will be taken today for the renovation of the parsonage.  Many hours of volunteer work have already gone into the project; now it is time for the “green stuff.”

ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE:  Reserve the date, February 22, in the evening.  Time to be announced.

NEW DATES FOR CHOIR PRACTICE:        Thanks to all who came to practice this past Monday (increase in numbers) for the East Sunday choir musical, “Oh, What a Savior” under the direction of Cissy Williams.  Keep the good work going and be sure to invite others.  This
Monday’s practice – 6:30 for the men and 7 for the entire choir

CHILDREN TO PARTICIPATE IN PALM SUNDAY SERVICE.  Children will do the traditional palm processional and sing.  They are practicing each Sunday during Sunday Club, under the direction of Cissy Williams.

Watch for a date for a youth activity the last weekend of this month or the first weekend in March.  They will be showing the movie COURAGEOUS in the fellowship hall.  Complete details will be upcoming.

“SOUPER” BOWL SUNDAY RESULTS:  Trinity collected $234.00 and 341 cans of food for Assembly of Good Food Bank.  A huge thank you from all of us and especially from Carrie Green, chair person of this mission.  She was extremely thankful for your generosity.

Food Items for February: PEANUT BUTTERis the food item for February for the Assembly of God food ministry. You may bring your items to church or put them in the box at Town and Country Grocery.  Thanks to Carrie Greene for overseeing this ministry.  Food is distributed on the 2nd Saturday each month

VALENTINE CARDS:  Thanks to those who brought valentines for the shut ins and military.  There were 278 cards sent by 22 people.   We’ve had reports that they were much appreciated.

THOUGHTS FROM LAST SUNDAY’S SERMON:  Be gentle, not judgmental.
Sometimes we may need an attitude adjustment to live as Christ would have us live. 
STUDENT REPORT: In the recently held Zalma elementary basketball tournament, the 3rd grade won 2nd place and the 4th grade won first in consolation bracket.  Congratulations, guys!  Great job.
     Congratulations to Maggie Thorn on her successful trip to Belmont University last week.  She received notice while there that she had been accepted into their music program.  While there she participated in the entertainment at the Listening Room Café and the Curb Cafe.

TUMC GIRLS HAVE BUSY AGENDA:  At their February meeting, the TUMC girls reviewed their old business—buying new toys for the playroom and new rockers for the nursery. 
New business approved: 
   Members will continue to make muffins for food bank rather than buy.
   Set Salad Supper date for April 3.
   Yard sale will be first weekend in May.
   Will provide treats for the Children's Home kids for holidays, starting with individual Valentine treats.
   Will have a cleaning day at the parsonage when it is finished to get it ready for our new preacher and family.
                                      PRAYER CONCERNS AND PRAISE REPORTS
Amy Johnson
Dave Swindell – had tests this week to determine the cause of internal bleeding; he fell Monday and broke 3 ribs and tore upper abdomen muscle.
Randy Zook – had stints put in this week; Randy assists Carrie Green with our Assembly of God food ministry.  .
Little Jiles Monroe – has been having ear infections and recently had an ear irrigation
     procedure which is very traumatic for a little one.
Ed Dembowski – Julie Matheney’s  son who is facing three back surgeries in the near     
Laura Eubanks Stroder-. She has been diagnosed with brain and lung cancer & will begin
     treatment immediately
Elaine Hutchison – fighting cancer; has had a difficult week
Sarah Dumey's adopted niece and her new baby, a 2.5 lb. premature infant is gaining weight
Theresa Anderson - asks for prayers for her mother-in-law, Cheryl Anderson, who had a stroke
Mildred Unger – in St. Francis Hospital with congestive heart failure
Debbie Triplett - Julie Dodd’s aunt who had surgery this week pertaining to breast cancer. 
Andy AndersonKay Anderson’s husband who continues to have health problems.   
Gordon Robinett –Son of Maxine Vaughn, who had extremely complicated brain surgery.
Sharonda and Margaret Woodfin – are in a homeless shelter in Santa Ana, CA.  Pray for suitable
     housing soon.  Sharonda’s mother’s dementia is growing worse; friends of Annette Lumsden
Kristine Jackson - She is having severe back pain.
Anson Knoderer – Cissy William’s Dad, who continues to have health problems.
Charlotte Clark - Mom of Jill Gibbs who started her three-week daily radiation treatments.
Jill Gibb’s grandfather – has prostate cancer
Julie Dodd - has a complicated, painful neck condition and is having therapy; improving slowly.
John Gandt - serving in the military in Egypt; son of Don and Ginny.
Charlie Glass             Greg Hall              Mucuacua UMC      Our Military Men and Women

If you have an item that you would like to have included in the newsletter, just send me an e-mail or give me a


Trinity Talk


TODAY IS “Souper Bowl Sunday" – Thanks to all who brought canned goods or food items for the National Day to help feed the hungry. This morning the youth will have soup pots to collect any funds for those who may wish to donate cash.  All food and money will go to Assembly of God's Food Pantry.  THANKS for all YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT of this MISSION!!

CHURCH-WIDE VALENTINE’S SUPPER ON FEBRUARY 12, 5:30 – Soup and the most fabulous dessert you can make.   Reserve the date and make plans to attend.  It will be a great evening of fun and fellowship—also a good time to bring a guest or someone new to Trinity.

NEW DATES FOR CHOIR PRACTICE:   – Cissy Williams is again planning a choir musical for Easter Sunday, “Oh, What a Savior.”  She cannot do this alone!!  Please place these date on your calendar and plan to attend practices when possible.
     Monday – 6:30 for the men and 7 for the entire choir
     Next Monday – 6:30 for the women and 7 for the entire choir
     Possibility of meeting a couple of times following church to accommodate Rev. Buck and others who cannot make the Monday evening practices.  Remember, you do not have to have special training to sing in the choir.  Cissy “works magic” when she gets a group together.  We are having good responses to all the needs to keep Trinity moving forward with Rev. Buck as our interim.  The need continues. 

PLANS FOR THE CHILDREN FOR PALM SUNDAYChildren will do the traditional palm processional and sing.  They started their practices today under the direction of Cissy.

AD COUNCIL NEWS:  Many items were discussed and some acted upon at last Sunday’s meeting.  Items of immediate concern are:
1.  Parsonage renovation was explained in detail; much work needed as result of water   
     leakage.  Among other things, floors in both bathrooms need to be replaced, new bath
     fixtures, kitchen cabinets and appliances, and paint are needed. 
2. Barb Rice is the person to contact if you wish to reserve the Fellowship Hall.  (This
    position was formerly held by Jill Gibbs.)  There are guidelines for the use of the building  
    and Barb can acquaint you with those.  Call her at 568-3855 or send her an e-mail.
3. New chairs selected to coordinate with existing chairs to complete sanctuary seating.
4. There will be no early morning Holy Week services this year. 
5. Next  meeting will be a working/lunch after church in March – date to be announced. 
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU:  The parsonage renovation is underway.  Our thanks to some of our men, namely, Melvin Staggs, William Chasteen, Larry Massey and Earl Metcalf, who have donated multiple hours of labor to get this started.  (Behind every great man there is a woman planning and scheming, and so it is in this case.)   It’s always dangerous to give names  because of the likelihood of omitting someone; let me know of others and they will be named next week.  The committee has worked hard pricing, selecting, and making plans to get the parsonage ready and inviting for a pastor and it is going to be nice when completed. 

EVANGELISM COMMITTEE MEETS - If anyone is aware of those who need a visit in this area, please contact Barb or Don Gandt (568-9088).  Rev. Buck will take care of visits in the Cape area and Barb or Don will try to visit in local area.

Food Items for January - The food ministry item for January for the Assembly of God food ministry is cereal or any kind of non-perishable food.  You may bring your items to church or put them in the box at Town and Country Grocery.  Thanks to Carrie Greene for overseeing this ministry.  Food is distributed on the 2nd Saturday each month. 

STUDENT NOTES:  Congrats to Donnie Gibbs for being chosen as escort to the sophomore queen candidate at the recent BHS Basketball Homecoming game. 
   Rebekah Northern has recently released of her first six-song CD.  She has written the music and lyrics of these songs which she performs on the CD.  Congratulations to Bekah, a junior at BHS.  We wish her much success in the music world. 

THANKS TO ALL who brought valentines for our shut ins and military.


Little Jiles Monroe – has been having ear infections and recently had an ear irrigation
     procedure which is very traumatic for a little one.
Ed Dembouski – Julie Matheney’s  brother who is facing three back surgeries in the near      
Laura Eubanks Stroder-. She has been diagnosed with brain and lung cancer & will begin
     treatment immediately
Elaine Hutchison – fighting cancer; has had a difficult week
Sarah Dumey's adopted niece and her new baby, a 2.5 lb. premature infant is gaining weight
Theresa Anderson - asks for prayers for her mother-in-law, Cheryl Anderson, who had a stroke
Mildred Unger – in St. Francis Hospital with congestive heart failure
Debbie Triplett - Julie Dodd’s aunt who had surgery this week pertaining to breast cancer. 
Andy AndersonKay Anderson’s husband who continues to have health problems.   
Gordon Robinett –Son of Maxine Vaughn, who had extremely complicated brain surgery.
Sharonda and Margaret Woodfin – are in a homeless shelter in Santa Ana, CA.  Pray for suitable
     housing soon.  Sharonda’s mother’s dementia is growing worse; friends of Annette Lumsden
Kristine Jackson - She is having severe back pain.
Anson Knoderer – Cissy William’s Dad, who continues to have health problems.
Charlotte Clark - Mom of Jill Gibbs who started her three-week daily radiation treatments.
Jill Gibb’s grandfather – has prostate cancer
Julie Dodd - has a complicated, painful neck condition and is having therapy; improving slowly.
John Gandt - serving in the military in Egypt; son of Don and Ginny.
Charlie Glass             Greg Hall              Mucuacua UMC      Our Military Men and Women

If you have an item that you would like to have included in the newsletter, just send me an e-mail.