The Journey
Ruth 4:13-15
Scripture for January 24
We have so many relationships in our lives. We have relationships with family members, friends, co-workers and acquaintances. We are closer to some folks than others, that’s just the nature of relationships. If we ever took the time to count all the relationships we have, we would probably be surprised. Once in a while, we have a very special relationship with a family member or friend. And we just know we will walk side by side with that person, no matter what, even when it may not make much sense to the world. We’re in it for the “long haul.” What relationship(s) do you have that you know you’re in it for the long haul? Perhaps it’s a spouse or friend, co-worker or neighbor? How do you know you’ll be there for the person, no matter what? And even if there are difficulties, you know there will be always be a second chance for you and for the other person.
Thank you, God, for creating us to be in relationships. And thank you for showing us over and over again that second chances have always been part of Your plan. Amen.
Trinity Bible Scholars
January 24
Answers are in the Book of Ruth
1. Who was Naomi’s husband? ____________
2. How many sons did Naomi have? _______________
What happened to them? ______________________
3. Who was Ruth? _________________
4. Who did Ruth meet that Naomi thought could change their circumstances? _____________
5. What was the joy in Naomi’s life in chapter 4? _______________